Do Dealers Who Deeply Discount Gear Hurt the Industry?

There just don't seem to be that many buyers around. I was offered a PS Audio BHK250 and BHK pre-amp combo for £8,000, a little over half price. The BHK pre is a current model and these are fine units, but I don't have the space. The dealer said he'd had them in stock since January.

On the other hand, I saw a Holo May L2 DAC on eBay after speaking to the European distributor. I had a trip planned to Amsterdam to have a listen and perhaps buy one. I called the seller, who was nearby. He told me that in three hours he already had four people contact him and were going to visit him over the next couple of days. I asked him what he was doing that afternoon, arranged to pick him up at 4 pm, had a home demo and bought it. It was just over two years old, out of warranty and only about 30% discount from new price. The seller was a friend of Cameron Oatley (Goldensound) and they jointly bought two of these DACs from Wildism in Hong Kong in 2021. There was no way to get a home demo of a new unit as there is only one European distributor, near Amsterdam.

Holo May have only got three dealers globally and due to their extreme popularity I doubt they have ever discounted anything from Holo Audio. Same withEverSolo.

I suspect whatever discounting goes on is primarily a matter of supply and demand and often dealers making a living and keeping their customers happy.
Those Holo products are a lot cheaper than Gryphon, that is maybe a reason, no 50% dealer markups on prices. More potential customers at a lower price range.

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