Set Up Issues
I suspect that the set-up issues I encountered implementing the pre-release version of the Roon Ready firmware for the Dutch & Dutch 8c will go away with the publicly released Roon Ready version. I regard these as "teething problems" even though Dutch & Dutch has been working on this firmware for at least a couple of years now.
The issue seems to be the incompatibility of Lanspeaker, which has been the D&D control app up until now, with the new Roon Ready D&D firmware. Martijn describes the current status of the Lanspeaker control as "end of life." That issue should go away with the official release of the Roon Ready firmware for the D&D 8c's.
Here are the problems I noted when I first tried installing the new pre-release Roon Ready firmware, which is called version 1.5.210:
1. Despite several power cyclings, I could not get sound out of the right speaker. Also, I could not get the LED on that speaker to turn off. I did get sound from the left speaker and the LED on that speaker did turn off when set for disabled.
2. The Lanspeaker volume control which I've been using to control my system volume, did not work on either speaker.
3. In Roon, while Roon saw the two speakers, the message I got said they were Uncertified. Roon would not let me enable either speaker as a Roon Ready endpoint device because they were Uncertified as Roon Ready.
4. There was a problem with nomenclature in Lanspeaker. On some screens, the newly installed firmware was identified as 1.5.199, while on others it said 1.5.210.
5. I was not sure what the new D&D control website,, was supposed to do. It did see the speakers once I installed the 1.5.210 firmware. It did play a test tone through each speaker. But after just a few steps, the screen went blank and no controls for the speaker were available. Restarting/refreshing that site merely went through those few steps again with the same blank screen result at the end.
6. Also, it was unclear what type of speaker input I should use in the site. I chose AES, which is what I've been using when running Roon to the D&Ds via my Lumin X1 streamer. But I thought the speakers would be using a native connection to Roon, so I thought ethernet should have been an available choice, but that choice was not available. Since Roon would not enable either speaker, I would still need to use the AES connection via the Lumin X1 anyway. With the AES input, the volume of the test tone through the speakers was startlingly high so the Lanspeaker volume control which I had set to -65 dB was not operating.
After reverting to 1.4.65 for both speakers (Lanspeaker allowed this), everything was working normally again.
I told Martijn about the problems I had encountered. It was at this point that Martijn told me that Lanspeaker is end of life and that it doesn't work with 1.5.x firmware. Lanspeaker is being replaced by the Dutch & Dutch-produced Ascend Audio app, which I could access in beta form at The production version of this new Ascend Audio D&D control app will be accessible from the App Store.
Martijn also told me that my speakers will not yet be recognized automatically by Roon. My account needed to be added to the early access/beta list by Roon first. Martijn couldn't do that himself, but he immediately sent Roon my email address so that Roon could add me to the early access/beta list. Maritjn urged me to try again by updating both speakers to 1.5.210 and then firing up the Ascend Audio web-app.
There followed several more attempts at set up. The major problem continued to be 5. above, the blank screen I encountered when attempting to complete the speaker set up in the Ascend Audio web app. I tried different devices (iPhone, iPad, two different iMac computers, one an M-1 and another an earlier version, but still had no success. I also tried using different Web browsers to access the Ascend Audio site.
Finally, I was successful. As far as I can determine, success came when I accessed the Ascend Audio web app via the Safari web browser on my M-1 iMac computer after the following process:
- I updated the firmware on both speakers in Lanspekaer to 1.5.210
- I went to but it wouldn't load properly
- Then I rolled back to 1.4.65 by means of Lanspeaker
- I updated the firmware again using the app hosted on the speakers themselves (http://8c-xxxx where xxxx represents the serial number of one of my speakers) This is the other method for setting up the speakers mentioned on page 9 of the D&D 8c online manual.
- This time around the Ascend Audio website did work and allowed me to complete the set up of the speakers. It allowed me to import into the 1.5.210 firmware the prior ARM settings as well as all the parametric filters which resulted from measuring the speakers with REW and importing those filter calculations into the 1.4.65 firmware.
- After rebooting both speakers and Roon and refreshing the list of Roon Ready devices found in Roon's Audio Settings, everything worked as intended. Roon found the speakers as Uncertified Roon Ready devices, but I was then allowed to enable the 8c's and set them up for Roon.
Note that REW integration is not yet ready for 1.5.210. (This new firmware will be dubbed Firmware 2.0 in the official release, by the way.) This means that if I wished to redo ARM or the parametric settings (such as if I decided to move the speakers) with REW, I would have to downgrade back to 1.4.65, change the ARM settings, re-run the REW measurements and import the newly calculated filters back into firmware 1.4.65. Then I would upgrade the firmware to 1.5.210 again and import the new settings from 1.4.65.
If you're using REW-integration under 1.4.65, note that you don't actually need an audio interface in order to play REW sweeps on the 8c: all that is required is a computer running REW and a measurement mic, such as the miniDSP UMIK-1. For more infomation, please check the REW Room Matching guide: Thus, in my case, I would not need to reinsert the Lumin X1 and its associated cabling just to run the REW test tones.
In the new firmware version 1.5.210 you can still manually add, remove, or adjust the parametric filters. But REW doesn't interface with the new firmware yet.
Martijn says that REW integration in Firmware 2.0 is currently being worked on. "Won't be very long," he said. I will keep the speakers in their current locations. They have worked extremely well there anyway from very soon after I installed them in my room.
[Concluded in next post]