Entreq Tellus grounding

I am on the route to buy a Silver Tellus or the new Olympus. The Minimus Silver and Atlantic Minimus work very well with one gear.
I need it for my Totaldac combo (D1 dual and Reclocker), so I need 2 connections.
I read on your post about the Olympus Minimus. There are 2 Olympus? one Minimus and another Olympus for more than one connections?

Thanx guys. So…confirmed S. Tellus is a LITTLE more than 10lb. Let's get back to SQ considerations. I have noticed a user comment on a Korean audio website re Olympos Minimus, stating thru the dodgy automated translation, of a darker, yet clearer sound, the user preferring the preamp thru this new box than his pre-existing S. Tellus. Hope to have comments on my own re Olympos in Jan to pass on. Please, Lord, in my system, let it fail LOL!!!
I am on the route to buy a Silver Tellus or the new Olympus. The Minimus Silver and Atlantic Minimus work very well with one gear.
I need it for my Totaldac combo (D1 dual and Reclocker), so I need 2 connections.
I read on your post about the Olympus Minimus. There are 2 Olympus? one Minimus and another Olympus for more than one connections?

There is the equivalent to the Minimus , so you could call it the Olympus Minimus, single binding post.Also ready for release is their mid sized box called the Olympus TellUS , 4 binding posts. The big Olympus box is still under development.
There is the equivalent to the Minimus , so you could call it the Olympus Minimus, single binding post.Also ready for release is their mid sized box called the Olympus TellUS , 4 binding posts. The big Olympus box is still under development.

I'm still in the trial period and ask myself for the best choice to do between ST and the new Olympus and Tellus Olympus. Do you have an idea of the prices for these new boxes ? Will the Olympus can connect and benefit from the Atlantis box ?
I'm still in the trial period and ask myself for the best choice to do between ST and the new Olympus and Tellus Olympus. Do you have an idea of the prices for these new boxes ? Will the Olympus can connect and benefit from the Atlantis box ?

Hi cuntigh,
The Olympos grounding box is a dedicated preamp grounding box with only one binding post and has only appeared very recently. I have not tried it in my system but have heard very good reports of it. The Silver Tellus grounding box has four binding posts. Its capacity and or performance can be boosted with the addition of an Atlantis grounding box. So you could ground most or all of your system with one Silver Tellus and an Atlantis grounding box.
There is also an Olympos Minimus which is like the Atlantis but designed to boost a silver Minimus.
In my experience grounding as much of your system as possible is the best way to start so would suggest a Silver Tellus and or at a later stage an Atlantis box. The Olympos box for the preamp only is another possibility but that costs more than the Silver Tellus.
More information and UK prices are available at the Lotus Hifi website which also has a very helpful blog so have a look there.
I think it's time for some detail on how Olympos differs from Tellus/Atlantis. Is it the same internals just more "concentrated" (i.e. difference of Minimus to Tellus to S. Tellus is a whole lot more Silver and Copper and Zinc material provided - is Olympus a natural progression), or different materials/tech? It seems there are going to be 3 Olympos boxes i.e. ?Olympos Minimus 1 terminal?, ?Olympos Tellus 4 terminals?, ?Olympos Atlantis maybe 6/8 terminals?, at an elevated price above S. Tellus/Atlantis. Shadowing Troy/TroySE pricing differential?
My only interest/budget is Olympos Minimus, want to see how supercharged grounding to dual mono linestage solely makes a difference, and whether it outperforms running a second S. Tellus.
I think it's time for some detail on how Olympos differs from Tellus/Atlantis. Is it the same internals just more "concentrated" (i.e. difference of Minimus to Tellus to S. Tellus is a whole lot more Silver and Copper and Zinc material provided - is Olympus a natural progression), or different materials/tech? It seems there are going to be 3 Olympos boxes i.e. ?Olympos Minimus 1 terminal?, ?Olympos Tellus 4 terminals?, ?Olympos Atlantis maybe 6/8 terminals?, at an elevated price above S. Tellus/Atlantis. Shadowing Troy/TroySE pricing differential?
My only interest/budget is Olympos Minimus, want to see how supercharged grounding to dual mono linestage solely makes a difference, and whether it outperforms running a second S. Tellus.

Thank you Spiritofmusic,
I have just bought a Silver Tellus.
I am already very happy with the combo Silver Minimus / Atlantis with two RCA cables Eartha Silver on DAC.
I have to use output connectors, because it seems which Totaldac it disconnects the ground, to the board, of all unused input connectors.

He did not start with kitty litter. I wish he would post pics, but he is paranoid and I get that.

Why don't you ask Mr. Entreq whether his boxes are a true ground or not. That would save a lot on extraneous words.

Norm asked Stillpoints for a box, but they are chicken by the sounds of it....

This is my first day reading the forum again; I am catching up after the holidays. To which "Norm" are you referring for whom we "chickened" out?

John, big fan of Entreq gear, and originator of this thread. It's been a long point getting here where US customers are showing interest, helped by you. Don't be riled by doubts on the product. It's totally first class, and grounds admirably.
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Tategoi, I think it's interesting there are a few less-than-thrilled comments (like yours) amongst the general positives for Entreq grounding. ...
... BUT…I have had negative experiences - grounding my original Tom Evans Groove Plus SRX phono stage, and adding Atlantis Tellus box/replacing Atlantis cables in place of Apollos. Theses options all seemed to introduce a euphonic bloom/cloudiness/lack of focus that was most unwelcome.
YMMV indeed...

Tategoi's experience partially mirrors my personal experience in my system. This observation was made when either a Silver Tellus or Olympos was connected to my Berning preamp. Specifically his description, "I find the music now had lost its dynamics and sounded soft and weak." The positive experience I had was with the Olympos connected via a balanced Atlantis cable connected to my Vitus disc spinner. At that time no Entreq products were connected anywhere else in the system.

Being really confused by this I called David Berning. He told me that his components do not use insulated RCAs. He also said that he can do this without concern because the main reason for using insulated RCAs is to obviate the effects of eddy currents produced by transformers. As his designs are OTL, it's not necessary to use insulated versions. Hence in Berning equipment, the signal and chassis ground are one. Add to this the fact that I use a Shunyata Hydra A/V, Typhon, and current PCs, I believe the Entreq is overkill in my system when connected to the preamp. It was a definite improvement connected solely to the Vitus SCD-010 player.

The other revelation was connecting a Silver Minimus/Apollo RCA to my Panasonic plasma. I'm keeping that combo.

I have been unable to find a weight figure on any of the Entreqs, but the one that I initially heard two years ago did not weigh anywhere near 60 pounds. It is my belief that you have no idea what the facts are either so weigh what you have and report it.

Shipping a Silver Tellus with packaging is usually 66 or 67 pounds. I can assure you the ST alone, without packaging, is very close to 60 pounds.

Just tried the Apollo eartha to USB between Silver Tellus and my Computer Adio Design transport. Wow. Oh la la. Darker than dark if it is possible...more nuances on voices. Every little inflexion and intention of the artist is much more evident. Hall informations more present. Spatial precision and presence still better.
I connected the cable this morning at 11 AM and listened at 8 PM so I think it is not completely settled in yet. How can it be ? I will continue to listen for 1 or 2 days before connecting the Atlantis box next week-end.
Msr. C. Good news, you're "getting" the grounding message. Darker doesn't mean obscured, more that there is a contrast as details like ambience emerge from a lower/darker noise floor. Do post your opinions once Atlantis is in. Good luck.
Just tried the Apollo eartha to USB between Silver Tellus and my Computer Adio Design transport. Wow. Oh la la. Darker than dark if it is possible...more nuances on voices. Every little inflexion and intention of the artist is much more evident. Hall informations more present. Spatial precision and presence still better.
I connected the cable this morning at 11 AM and listened at 8 PM so I think it is not completely settled in yet. How can it be ? I will continue to listen for 1 or 2 days before connecting the Atlantis box next week-end.

Great news.
Enjoy and keep us posted.
So I removed the ST from my amps secondary rca input. Allvinyl's issue about dynamics with his preamp concerned me. I am thinking signal and chassis grounds may be in common on the pass XS mono's. When I removed the ST, things seemed to open up more...feel more lively. So the ST is out for my amps. I am now using two ST's on my main preamp. As before, one box has the phono stage input and main preamp input #1 RCA. The corresponding XLR#1 carries the Phono stage music output. I am using Atlantis cables(2) for phono and (2) for main pre input #1. The ST that was used for the amps is now hooked into preamp input#2 which corresponds to my XLR input #2 from the UHA RTR machine. So I now have 4 atlantis cables going into my main preamp each physically close to the music input I'm interested in. Things sounded promising last night, but obviously the ST I moved still needs to time to settle. We shall see if this config is best yet for my system.
Thank you Barry, I'd hate to feel I was adrift alone in the audio sea. First with balanced power, then the move to SETs, and now full Entreq grounding, the improvements in my system have been beyond subtle. I'm now running a Silver Tellus with 5 Apollo ground leads and my ongoing conclusion is that it introduces a total calm and stillness to the soundstage that enables transparency to layer back and detail to emerge unobscured, a nice complement to the lowered noise floor of balanced and the saturated tonality of SETs.
So glad you're getting the audio message loud and clear. And fraser of Kog audio, the UK Entreq dealer is the very epitome of the perfect gentleman in the cynical world of high end audio. Now, can we convince any others to take the plunge?...

I certainly have no further interest in balanced power given my prior experiences, but now, having just returned from CES, where I heard a demonstration of the Entreq Silver Tellus and heard clear benefits, I will probably go further and try one. I, of course, did not have the opportunity to compare it with the impact of the Tripoint Troy Signature with Thor SE grounding wire with that of the Silver Tellus with Atlantis grounding cables. Of course, my experience with the Troy Signature is with all components grounded.
So I removed the ST from my amps secondary rca input. Allvinyl's issue about dynamics with his preamp concerned me. I am thinking signal and chassis grounds may be in common on the pass XS mono's. When I removed the ST, things seemed to open up more...feel more lively. So the ST is out for my amps. I am now using two ST's on my main preamp. As before, one box has the phono stage input and main preamp input #1 RCA. The corresponding XLR#1 carries the Phono stage music output. I am using Atlantis cables(2) for phono and (2) for main pre input #1. The ST that was used for the amps is now hooked into preamp input#2 which corresponds to my XLR input #2 from the UHA RTR machine. So I now have 4 atlantis cables going into my main preamp each physically close to the music input I'm interested in. Things sounded promising last night, but obviously the ST I moved still needs to time to settle. We shall see if this config is best yet for my system.

Following up on this configuration of Two ST's for the main pre and phono...the sound is the best yet. Better than 1 ST for phono and pre and 1 ST for amps. I have gone further today by re-configuring the spade wire connections to the ST. Since I have Atlantis cables which have two spade leads for each RCA, I connected one spade to one box and the other spade to the second box for each rca. This effectively (In my mind) spreads the grounding capacity for each rca cable over two ST boxes rather than one. I am looking forward to hearing the results once things settle.
I connected the Atlantis box yesterday but was not in the mood for an undisturbed listening. Firstly the Atlantis cable given to connect to the S.T is rather short and so not easy to work behind my furniture. Put my head in the cable forest on the knees with a back ache was a difficult work.
Because of the terrible events here in France I hadn't listened for The last 2 days.
Tonight I made my first real listen to the Atlantis box. The. S.Tellus is connected to the pre with Atlantis eartha to rca and to the digital drive with Apollo eartha to usb cable.
This setting is thrilling. The listening has to be further extended for the next few days but for now what is seems to me, is the change is not in the same magnitude as to add the S.T to the bare system and after that, add the Apollo eartha. The Atlantis box is not a different approach thanthe S.T but a booster made for it, so same philisophy, like a Tellus on steroids. The upgrade seems more subtle but it is Real.
Remember I have only 2 connections from the S.T ( pre and dac). For now it seems everything is the same but better. Better refinement, a bit better density of sound. Quietness, and how could I express that ? As an analogy : when you drive at 150 km/ h in an Audi A1 or A3 all is ok : no real noisy engine, not much vibratons in the car. All is fine. Now do the same with an A6 Audi with 6 cylinders and the sensations are very different. Hope you understand what I mean...everything is unforced, more natural, more "secure", more confortable. You can relax a bit more.
The next few days will tell more and in the end, the final test : put the Atlantis box off'the system. This will be the final trial.
One more word to say : my amps are 20 years old fellows and they began to make some hum... It has,just disapeared. I have to stick my ear on the cover for hraring them...couldn't think that could happen by acting only on the ground. I think all the audiophile friends that don't believe in the virtue of working on that aspect of reproduction and i say it is a pity for them wehter is is Entreq or another one of the few that are busy with ground aspect of electricity
Congrats Mssr. C, you're getting excellent results after a shaky start. My experience w/Atlantis Tellus was a little underwhelming, but my whole system is performing at a better level than when I first trialled Atlantis, and I may give it another chance. Along w/second S. Tellus, Olympos Minimus, and Cleanus.
Just to say, I'm sure all of us on this board and beyond would like to express full solidarity w/you and your fellow countrymen in your time of sadness and loss. I hear that the staff at Charlie are to publish new cartoons/headlines relevant to the tragedy. This is unbelievably brave, and I really salute their courage under fire.
Thanks for your update cuntigh.
It is good to read how another system has benefitted.
I liked your analogy with an Audi A1/ A6 journey. Sums it up very well.
The recent events in France have been truly terrible and I am sure we all send you our sympathies and best wishes for the future.

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