Entreq Tellus grounding

any info on the Cleanus ? Ii read somewhere that it can be used connected on mains or NOT, in this case if it is grounded to another Entreq grounding box it acts as a kind of a super charger.
Can you confirme that ?
Entreq Cleanus

I'm especially expecting what the Cleanus can bring to an already so well trated mains. Don't know if some on the forum have had an experience sith the Cleanus and how it works. Very curious abiut it. Maybe the Entreq reps can help here ?

As US Distributor of Entreq, we have yet to receive a Cleanus but will have one on our next order. So no experience here so far.


I have commented before, and referred to my other posts before.
I will let you find them.
The Cleanus comes hardwired with a mains cable, and one grounding post; it needs one of the grounding boxes, of your choice.
It's use is for plugging into the mains.

any info on the Cleanus ? Ii read somewhere that it can be used connected on mains or NOT, in this case if it is grounded to another Entreq grounding box it acts as a kind of a super charger.
Can you confirme that ?
Guys, trialling the Olympos Minimus and Silver Cleanus, hopefully next Fri. I'm aiming to have the units for a few days at least, so I can get a handle. If poss, I'm trying at the same time to also loan an Atlantis Tellus add-on box w/two Atlantis ground leads.
My aim is to see if: <Audion Quattro dual mono line stage w/2 Apollo leads to Olympos Minimus/4 Apollo leads from my phono/cdp/SET monos to existing Silver Tellus>, beats my current configuration of: <all 6 Apollos to my Silver Tellus (dual mono line stage Apollos grounded to separate unshared terminals/remaining 4 Apollos sharing 2 terminals)>. If I can then compare these to: <my Silver Tellus w/Atlantis box, Atlantis leads to my mono line stage, Apollos to the rest>.
And alongside all this, install the Silver Cleanus filter plugged into my 8kVA balanced mains transformer, w/ and w/out Apollo lead to ground back to my Silver Cleanus.
I have asked the UK rep what is going on w/the Olympos, and how it differs from Silver Tellus. It appears that it's a "refinement" of the Tellus/Atlantis concept, based on similar principles but maxxed to a greater degree to make it more powerful in effect than Silver Tellus. More than this I do not know. It may come in 1-, 4-, and poss 10-terminal models, at prices in excess of the Tellus line, e.g. ONE terminal Olympos will be in the same ball park pricewise as the FOUR terminal Silver Tellus.
Will report my findings, and any qs from the Entreq converts out there, and people looking on curiously, feel free to post, and I'll do my best to answer.
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interesting...good luck! So the Olympus is really a super-Tellus? And rather than (as originally thought) it might be 1 terminal mainly for preamp...it might actually be 'expandable' to have up to 10 terminals. very interesting. look forward to your comments.
Can't really enlighten you, Lloyd. Even Fraser is somewhat in the dark. It appears to be a new approach and also a refinement of current tech/materials. Not just more of the same. I've asked Fraser to ask Per Olof if we can have any more tidbits of info, even if just a vague overview/superficial description of the difference. But don't hold your breath.
For the record, I do believe some more tangible info would be good for Entreq, esp to sway those skeptical of the "black box" approach to investigate it, and to differentiate it a little more from Troy, whose secrets are also actively guarded by Miguel.
And while the focus is is on the Ground boxes , let's not loose sight of two other accessories in the Entreq lineup .
Spurred on by LL21 , I investigated the Vibbeaters and their AC/ Signal wraps . I find the results to be very very encouraging . Definitely worth trying and great bang for buck .
Can't really enlighten you, Lloyd. Even Fraser is somewhat in the dark. It appears to be a new approach and also a refinement of current tech/materials. Not just more of the same. I've asked Fraser to ask Per Olof if we can have any more tidbits of info, even if just a vague overview/superficial description of the difference. But don't hold your breath.
For the record, I do believe some more tangible info would be good for Entreq, esp to sway those skeptical of the "black box" approach to investigate it, and to differentiate it a little more from Troy, whose secrets are also actively guarded by Miguel.

This is what Per Olof answered whenI asked him about the new Olympus. As I'm still in trial period with S.tellus and Atlantis bow connected with Atlantis Eartha to rca pre and Apollo eartha to usb dac I wanted to be secure the route to go. As he said there is nosecret I copy/paste what he said :

"Regarding Olympus.
I fulls agree with you. It´s so frustaing buy something and then next day it´s old because a new model is comming.
For us it is a very difficult situation. We always try keep our models, but we also need to improve.
So we always try find solutions where we can upgrade the existing products to, at least nearly, same level as the new.
Because I think like you. Buy good stuff and use it for long time is the best way.

There will be official release for the Olympus groundboxes the nearest weeks.
Olympus Mini will cost 18 000 Sek and is made for handle 1 max 2 units. Weight 9 kg
The Olympus Tellus will cost arround 70- 80 000 Sek. It will have 6 binding post and a special connection for Atlantis Tellus. Weight arround 45-50 kg
In my opinion they are very good and a significant upgrade. But you can reach “nearly” same level with a Silver Tellus if you put 2 Receivus on top of Silver Tellus and connect them and only use 3 outlets for grounding. It will not be exactly same, but very close.

Receivus was released some month ago, but since we have been so very busy it have been nearly forgett.
We will asap put up more info on site.
When on top of equipment.Receivus work like a Antenna and pick up radiation from the electronics.
There are a dramatic improvment.
On top of Silver Tellus it also happend a lot.

In my opinion you can stay without have any doubt for Silver Tellus/Atlantis.
You will still have so many way open for improvment and upgrade.

This I have write are no secrets, but it´s important that customers get the info right, so please take care.
Hmm, that's not overly useful, tbh. I'm going to apply a pretty critical ear to the Olympos, and for me to invest in it, it will need to really open the window further to the music by reducing the noise floor significantly beyond what my S. Tellus is achieving at present. And since it will retail for close to the cost of S. Tellus, it'll be interesting to hear how running a single S. Tellus w/Olympos compares to two S. Tellus' w/out Olympos. I do agree w/Per Olof in his maxim that "buying good stuff and using it for a long time is the best way".
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hi guys, first post here at the forum.

on grounding a pre-amp and phono pre-amp using Silver Eartha to a Silver tellus, do you have to ground both left and right channel of the pre-amp and phono pre-amp ? therefore using a total of 4 pieces silver ertha spade to rca cables ?

do you prefer ground the output or the input of the pre-amp ?

thanks in advance
Soundslikemusic, in effect you connect an Apollo to a spare rca/xlr/earth post on any piece of equipment, then back to the Tellus. So in my case I have Apollos connected to all my components: a pair of Apollo rca-spade's to the R and L rca's of my dual mono linestage, a single Apollo xlr-spade to my cdp, Apollo spade-spade's to the ground posts on my phono and SETs, and soon to be two Apollo spade-spade's to the ground posts on my sub amps.
I get the impression it's best to connect to input jacks, fitting the Apollo to the jack closest to the ones already occupied, but if they're all used up go for an output jack. If you're equipment is dual mono, i.e. has pairs of input and output jacks, R/L, best to go for two Apollos to cover both channels.
hi spiritofmusic,

thanks so much for your time in sharing your experience.

have further clarifications__ if pre-amp is not a dual mono, do you still recommend connecting two pieces of apollo earth cables to the silver tellus ?

also, can you mix and match earth cables ? for example, pre-amp to silver tellus use the apollo, cd player to silver tellus use the silver ertha cable and dac use konstantin ertha cable ?

i also read that for analog components best to use a separate tellus from the digital components ?

I'm thinking; instead of buying one silver tellus, how about two silver minimus ? 1st silver minimus connect the cd player and dac, 2nd silver minimus connect the pre-amp and phono stage ?

or do you recommend 1 silver tellus connecting the cd, dac, pre-amp and phono stage ?

** have anyone here also used the Entreq grounding with the Shunyata Typhoon and Triton ? wouldnt it become redundant ? or overkill ?

Thanks again for the replies..
hi spiritofmusic,

thanks so much for your time in sharing your experience.

have further clarifications__ if pre-amp is not a dual mono, do you still recommend connecting two pieces of apollo earth cables to the silver tellus ?

also, can you mix and match earth cables ? for example, pre-amp to silver tellus use the apollo, cd player to silver tellus use the silver ertha cable and dac use konstantin ertha cable ?

i also read that for analog components best to use a separate tellus from the digital components ?

I'm thinking; instead of buying one silver tellus, how about two silver minimus ? 1st silver minimus connect the cd player and dac, 2nd silver minimus connect the pre-amp and phono stage ?

or do you recommend 1 silver tellus connecting the cd, dac, pre-amp and phono stage ?

** have anyone here also used the Entreq grounding with the Shunyata Typhoon and Triton ? wouldnt it become redundant ? or overkill ?

Thanks again for the replies..

Welcome to the club.
One earth cable should be fine for non dual mono components and mixing the earth cables isn't a a problem but normally better over time to standardise with Apollo or Atlantis. I say normally because some makes of amps in particular may prefer the silver or even copper earth cables and the only way to find out which suits best is to experiment. One silver Tellus can be used for different components which was how I started but there does seem to be benefits in separating digital and analogue components. The capacity of the Silver Tellus is however much greater than the Silver Minimus so I would go for the Silver Tellus in preference to multiple Minimus. You could always try a Silver Minimus for the phono at a later stage.
The Entreq earthing works on the signal plane so complements Shunyata et al and they work happily together. Earlier posts from other Shunyata users bear this out, but I can't speak from personal experience as I use an Audience Aspect passive power conditioner.
The Entreq grounding really is a first class investment but getting the best from it for any system can require some experimentation to find the best combination for any particular system. Very helpfully you can do it incrementally to spread the cost.
Keep us posted and do feel free to ask for any advice.
Thanks Barry2013--- thanks for your time in explaining in detail. am now getting a better picture.

any other tips you guys can recommend in starting out ?

My system consist of a LP player, phono stage, pre-amp, amplifier, Dac + macbook

Do you guys recommend i start with a single silver tellus and plug all of these gears w/ a mixture of silver ertha and apollo eartha ? Or what do you guys recommend for the configuration ?

Is XLR or RCA a better recommendation or doesnt matter ?

Thanks again!
Concur w. Barry. It seems to be accurate that the cheaper Minimus box for one component is nowhere near as good as using the bigger, pricier S. Tellus. I think for serious grounding, S. Tellus should be considered the base model, w/performance upgrades via Atlantis Tellus, and the Olympos Mini as a supercharged alternative for one component. In effect the one terminal cheaper Minimus is just a taster of what Entreq grounding can offer, at a price point if you really can't stretch to pricier S. Tellus.
Also S. Tellus makes more sense than Minimus, allowing grounding of multiple components over time as funds allow, the Minimus being restricted to one component only.
Slim, I would start w/a single Silver Tellus and a single Apollo ground lead, and proceed to solely ground the preamp via a spare input jack as close as possible to the jacks already occupied. Only if no input jacks available should you go for output jacks. No idea whether grounding rca or xlr makes any difference, I guess keep consistency w/the other terminations you are using.
Then sit back, and DO NOT ANALYSE. Just let music wash over you, and see what your natural reaction is over the course of 5mins, 20 mins, a whole album, a whole listening session, after 48hrs and 1-2 wks. Then disconnect and check your reactions.
I would start w/the preamp since it in effect is the hub of the system, other components route thru it, and the "wash" of rf/emi must clog this component more than others.
My suggestion if you really like this change is actually not to ground any more components automatically, just enjoy the effects for a while, maybe a few wks, before you consider grounding subsequent components. In order to just "get" the effects of grounding l/t so you can make clear headed decisions re further component grounding. Or you can impersonate a kid in a candy store and ground your whole rig in one go!
My phono experience was interesting. My prev Tom Evans phono stage did not at all take well to grounding, and I was close to drawing the line at preamp-only grounding, but trying things again w/my Soundsmith Straingauge SG200 cart. energiser box was v.positive so I kept grounding my analog in the system. Cdp was next, and this proved positive. I run a one-box cdp, but it seems DACs do benefit substantially, they must produce a lot of noise. Laptop, I don't know. Then onto SET monos, grounded via ground posts have benefitted, and my last components to ground will be my Zu Def 4 sub amps.
Re keeping analog and digital to separate grounding boxes, don't worry too much about this, maybe just keep the ground leads from the DAC and phono if you go this far to separate posts on the S. Tellus. My only other suggestion is to keep the preamp ground lead to a dedicated post w/no other component sharing it.
There was a few mnths gap going from component to component, I'm not sure how I would have felt had I grounded the whole rig in one go.
Hope this helps.
...3 days and counting to Olympos Mini and Silver Cleanus trial...
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hi spiritofmusic, how about the tellus only ?

and as i read, can the silver minimus take 2 components or so ?

silver tellus can be quite dear if you have a few systems...
Thanks Slim.
Glad it was helpful.
Personal experience can vary and individual choices obviously have to take budget into account. The effects of the grounding are cumulative so my preference is to ground as many components as you can even if that means compromising on the choice of earth cables, though some like Music preferred to start with a more expensive earth lead to the preamp as that worked better in their system. I don't think there is any particular advantage in using balanced earth leads over RCAs. Mine are mainly RCAs but I did have a balanced Apollo in my previous tuner but on my recently acquired MD 109 I have reverted to RCA as I am running a balanced Apollo intereconnect on it and there are only one set of balanced ouputs and one set of RCAs.
Computers and other digital gear are noisy so all those should benefit from the grounding.
Apart from that very much agree with Spirit's advice but you may well find as I did that the benefits are apparent very quickly and they get better over about 2 days or so.
interesting...good luck! So the Olympus is really a super-Tellus? And rather than (as originally thought) it might be 1 terminal mainly for preamp...it might actually be 'expandable' to have up to 10 terminals. very interesting. look forward to your comments.

I don't believe the Olympus is expandable. Its construction is just like that of a Silver Tellus or any of their other grounding boxes. I am not aware that any of them are setup to be expandable to more posts.


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