Entreq Tellus grounding

Entreq and Shunyata

Since I own the Shunyata and it works famously in my system, any evals were done with it in the system in an effort to have the 2 solutions integrate. I did not have success with the preamp. If you read further back in the thread, you'll note where I write about the Berning preamp and amp I am using not being constructed with insulated RCA jacks. This effectually ties the chassis ground and signal plane ground together. Therefore, my Shunyata components and cords already address the signal plane. Adding the Entreq did not produce a positive effect. Prior to purchasing the Shunyata, I tested the Entreq solution a year or more ago. Though it had a positive effect, it wasn't even close to what the Shunyata components provide in my system. I don't have a clue as to why this is the case. Sure, I'd like to understand more about why I am experiencing those results, but in the end I always let my ears guide me and don't lose sleep over those things no one seems able to explain.


I forgot to address a couple of your questions. After connecting the Olympus/XLR to the CD player, I again tried the Silver Tellus on the preamp with the same non-positive results. I would't categorize my Shunyata components as old. The Hydra A/V is a smaller Triton with upward facing outlets that work better logistically in my system than the outlets on the back of a Triton. The Typhon remains the same, even with the advent of the MPC-12 and Triton V2 introduced through CES 2015. I will likely upgrade to the Triton V2 once I am able to move my ESS racks from in between the speakers and have more real estate in which to set those up off to the side. I have other higher priorities which include cartridge and speaker upgrades. I will be moving the racks at the same time I upgrade the speakers. Hopefully some time this year.


Now THIS, i admire and respect!! The distributor of a product giving a straight, honest appraisal of products he sells, where he says they work in many occasions...but NOT all. RESPECT.

Thank you. I'm not wired to sell used cars...:p

anyone here using Silver Cleanus ?

How is it compared to the Shunyatas ?

Also, is it best to connect silver cleanus to the silver minimus or silver tellus ?
From that silver tellus, can we still connect the other 3 remaining post to say the pre-amp, digital gear and dac ?

how many outlets does silver cleanus have ? how is this different from the Powerus units ?

Thanks in advance.

As the Entreq US distributor, I/we don't yet have any experience with the Cleanus, Powerus, Receivus, Vibb Eaters, or cable wraps. I assume this experience will come in time. I know we have the Cleanus, Powerus, and Receivus on our next P.O. to be submitted to Entreq.

Hi Soundslike music.
I understand that Per Oloff is no great fan of power conditioners period and it may well be that Entreq/Shunyata are incompatible technologies which means a choice between one or the other.
I am not really familiar with Shunyata so I'm not sure how much active filtering they use. I have been using an Audience Aspect AR8 passive power conditioner for some years now and when I first started on Entreq a couple of years ago it was not a problem and has not been as I have progressed down the Entreq track.My cabling is all Entreq - interconnects, speaker cables and power cables together with two Silver Tellus, one Atlantis ground box and a Silver Minimus ground box solely for the speaker cables so everything has both ground cables to spare inputs, grounded interconnects and Entreq power cables. So very comprehensively grounded.
I also have one Receivus on the Vitus SIA 025 amp which is currently using an Apollo earth cable but due to receive an Atlantis earth anytime now. With the Apollo the difference has not been as marked as I expected so final decision awaits the Atlantis.
The Audience Aspect earns its place both as a power conditioner and a distribution block and is very well worth consideration as an alternative to Shunyata. I can't help you on Cleanus and Powerus as I have never felt the need to try them.A more expensive alternative are the Westwick balanced mains transformers which Spirit has been very positive about and Mike uses the Equitech which he speaks highly of. Your location may be a factor in exploring those choices but both work well with Entreq.
My earth cables are mainly Apollo and Atlantis though there is a silver earth cable on the AV amp. They are RCA/ single spade. The Apollo is very good and very good value but the Atlantis is an improvement in most systems but it can be system dependent so try before you buy. The interconnects are all Apollo and the power cables are Challenger and a Konstantin.
The two Silver Tellus are both connected to an Atlantis box with two Atlantis cables,
The current set up embodies two years of Entreq upgrades and additions and at every step the improvements were not subtle and a great success, apart from the Receivus where the jury is still out pending the arrival of the Atlantis earth.
In terms of grounding my first priority would be a Silver Tellus and as many Apollo earths as you can manage subject to what you decide about Shunyata. Apart from Allvinyl's recent post I don't recall much experience of Entreq/ Shunyata on this thread. That maybe because Shunyata users have not felt the need to try Entreq or have been discouraged from trying it by their dealers.
The main benefits I have heard from Entreq have been the elimination of the noise floor, substantially improved transparency and resolution while retaining and improving the naturalness and musicality of the system with really good PRAT.
I should also add that Stillpoints are a great investment too, Virtually all my system is Stillpointed and the most recent addition, three Ultra 5s under the very heavy amp to replace 4 Ultra SSs, was very beneficial and I intend to get some more of those over time.
Hope that helps!
Guys, I may be the first person in the UK at least to trial the Olympos Mini, and along w/Guillame one of the few to try S. Cleanus. Are there any particular qs you want to ask of me as I listen to my rig w/these boxes, or things for me to comment on beyond just sq differences? Let me know over the next couple of days when I start to trial these things.
hi barry,

thanks for chiming in. appreciate all the help.

which entreq cables are you using ? how do you characterize the signature sound of entreq cables ?

I'm also looking @ their Konstantin powercord 3v and the one for the digital.

thanks again for all the help.

Atlantis Leads are a definite step up over the Apollo . Regarding the loss of grounding capacity , due to it's two pronged config ..... The Silver Tellus can accept 3 spades max per binding post .Any more and they cannot be clamped down . ...

In my own system, i did prefer Atlantis cables over Apollos...there are 2 differences in my system. First, i found the Atlantis to clean the grunge even more. Second, i found the Atlantis to be 'lighter on its feet' while still maintaining a very strong sense of midrange tonal density. I could believe others who found that this did not work for them. For me (and it appears for Jazzhead), it was a no-contest decision for me. I use Atlantis for grounding signal thru unused RCA inlets on both CJ and Zanden now. I also use 1 Altantis with Receivus on Zanden. my two cents...
hi barry,

thanks for chiming in. appreciate all the help.

which entreq cables are you using ? how do you characterize the signature sound of entreq cables ?

I'm also looking @ their Konstantin powercord 3v and the one for the digital.

thanks again for all the help.


Thanks Slim.
I had Konstantin speaker cables with Konstantin jumpers until shortly before Xmas when I upgraded to the biwire Challengers. The character of the sound is the same but there is just more information and music with the Challngers but they are of course more expensive, Their defining character is natural and musical. Revealing and transparent but not in the least clinical.
The power cables are Challenger 3v, Challenger and Konstantin with the Vitus supplied Andromeda on the amp, All very good and because they are flexible very user friendly. They get better as you would expect as you move up the range and the same attributes as the speaker cables.
Much better than the Nordost Valhallas I had previously.No excessive emphasis on any aspect of the sound but not laid back. So close to live sound.
If I had to pick the best it would probably be the balanced Apollo i/cs which replaced the Konstantin i/cs and fully justified their much higher cost. The Konstantin i/cs are tremendous value for money and I doubt that you would be disappointed with them and they served me very well for about two years.
Bear in mind that the speaker and i/cs need to be grounded -not the p/cs though - so you might need a second Silver Tellus.
I have also read very good reports of the Entreq usb cables. That's not a priority for me as I don't do a lot of pc audio.
Lloyd, it seems that grounding, like audio, and life experiences generally, is as much YMMV as anything.
My experience w/Atlantis was a total dead loss for me.
I "got" Entreq 5 mins into the v. first demo, w/S. Tellus and single Apollo to my previous Hovland HP200 preamp, and despite a little wobble w/my Tom Evans phono stage, each subsequent component grounded w/Apollos has benefitted. And now w/my dual mono line stage Audion Quattro, greater changes are wrought by keeping the twin Apollos from the Audion to separate unshared terminals on the S. Tellus.
But when soon after the initial grounding experience was sinking in we tried the Atlantis Tellus add-on box, things were just not right. The sound thickened, slowed, and all the previous benefits of grounding were negated. Interestingly, the UK rep who was w/me liked the change, but we couldn't have been more different in our reactions.
Perplexingly, placing some Stillpoints under the S. Tellus and Atlantis boxes narrowed the gap, but I really don't believe in a subsequent tweak being used to repair a previous tweak, so I still decided to pass.
I do seem to be the only one here who really hasn't got on w/Atlantis as a concept. Don't know why. I wonder what this means ahead of my trial to ground the preamp separately on the Olympos Mini. Maybe for me S. Tellus is the tipping point for the benefits of grounding, and I got there at the first attempt.
Lloyd, it seems that grounding, like audio, and life experiences generally, is as much YMMV as anything.
My experience w/Atlantis was a total dead loss for me.
I "got" Entreq 5 mins into the v. first demo, w/S. Tellus and single Apollo to my previous Hovland HP200 preamp, and despite a little wobble w/my Tom Evans phono stage, each subsequent component grounded w/Apollos has benefitted. And now w/my dual mono line stage Audion Quattro, greater changes are wrought by keeping the twin Apollos from the Audion to separate unshared terminals on the S. Tellus.But when soon after the initial grounding experience was sinking in we tried the Atlantis Tellus add-on box, things were just not right. The sound thickened, slowed, and all the previous benefits of grounding were negated. Interestingly, the UK rep who was w/me liked the change, but we couldn't have been more different in our reactions.
Perplexingly, placing some Stillpoints under the S. Tellus and Atlantis boxes narrowed the gap, but I really don't believe in a subsequent tweak being used to repair a previous tweak, so I still decided to pass.
I do seem to be the only one here who really hasn't got on w/Atlantis as a concept. Don't know why. I wonder what this means ahead of my trial to ground the preamp separately on the Olympos Mini. Maybe for me S. Tellus is the tipping point for the benefits of grounding, and I got there at the first attempt.

FYI- All of the terminals on the S.Tellus are internally connected to one another.
Jap, I get that everything is interconnected internally. Do you not believe there is ANY performance benefit in keeping the two Apollos from my dual mono linestage to separate terminals, not shared by any other Apollos? Or is it all much of a muchness to connect everything up in any way, no differences in performance to be had?
Do you agree w/Jazzhead that it's ok to ground up to three components per terminal on the S. Tellus, w/no drop off in performance? Even 'though three Apollos CAN physically be fitted per terminal, it doesn't necc mean that this SHOULD be done.
I do hope so, because if Olympos Mini doesn't cut the mustard, I'll be sticking w/S. Tellus, and 6-9 Apollos (my current configuration, plus Apollos to Zu sub amps and poss from S. Cleanus).
Btw, what do you suspect Olympos brings to the party differently from S. Tellus? Or is it just a function of isolated grounding to my preamp thru this separate box that will be the deciding factor over S. Tellus? Or do you believe some brand new loveliness is provided by Olympos not available from S. Tellus?
Thanks Slim.
I had Konstantin speaker cables with Konstantin jumpers until shortly before Xmas when I upgraded to the biwire Challengers. The character of the sound is the same but there is just more information and music with the Challngers but they are of course more expensive, Their defining character is natural and musical. Revealing and transparent but not in the least clinical.
The power cables are Challenger 3v, Challenger and Konstantin with the Vitus supplied Andromeda on the amp, All very good and because they are flexible very user friendly. They get better as you would expect as you move up the range and the same attributes as the speaker cables.
Much better than the Nordost Valhallas I had previously.No excessive emphasis on any aspect of the sound but not laid back. So close to live sound.
If I had to pick the best it would probably be the balanced Apollo i/cs which replaced the Konstantin i/cs and fully justified their much higher cost. The Konstantin i/cs are tremendous value for money and I doubt that you would be disappointed with them and they served me very well for about two years.
Bear in mind that the speaker and i/cs need to be grounded -not the p/cs though - so you might need a second Silver Tellus.
I have also read very good reports of the Entreq usb cables. That's not a priority for me as I don't do a lot of pc audio.

thanks Barry, definitely something to consider in the future. Currently using MIT cables. Would prefer an organic, fuller sounding cable though and the Knstantin seems to be right on the spot.
Jap, I get that everything is interconnected internally. Do you not believe there is ANY performance benefit in keeping the two Apollos from my dual mono linestage to separate terminals, not shared by any other Apollos? Or is it all much of a muchness to connect everything up in any way, no differences in performance to be had?
Do you agree w/Jazzhead that it's ok to ground up to three components per terminal on the S. Tellus, w/no drop off in performance? Even 'though three Apollos CAN physically be fitted per terminal, it doesn't necc mean that this SHOULD be done.
I do hope so, because if Olympos Mini doesn't cut the mustard, I'll be sticking w/S. Tellus, and 6-9 Apollos (my current configuration, plus Apollos to Zu sub amps and poss from S. Cleanus).
Btw, what do you suspect Olympos brings to the party differently from S. Tellus? Or is it just a function of isolated grounding to my preamp thru this separate box that will be the deciding factor over S. Tellus? Or do you believe some brand new loveliness is provided by Olympos not available from S. Tellus?

First, my usename is jap with a small j. :)

I don't see any difference in performance keeping the two Apollos from your dual mono linestage on separate terminals other than maybe you're getting a better mechanical connection using separate terminals, since the Entreq bare wire spades are not flat.

I haven't tried three components on one terminal, so I can't comment on the performance.

I have no idea what the Olympos will bring to the party.
guys, on these Powerus units, do they all come with 6 outlets ?

Can you plug in your whole system in this powerstrip: power amp, pre-amp, cd player & Dac w/ no current limiting ?

I believe Powerus is 6 o/l's as standard w/no current limiting. No other info I'm afraid. It's more than a power strip from what I can glean, Entreq noise reduction tech seems to run thru all their products so may perform better than a standard distribution block. And it can be grounded back to S. Tellus.
The UK rep is over here tmrw w/Olympos Mini and S. Cleanus, I'll ask.
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Do you agree w/Jazzhead that it's ok to ground up to three components per terminal on the S. Tellus, w/no drop off in performance? Even 'though three Apollos CAN physically be fitted per terminal, it doesn't necc mean that this SHOULD be done.
I do hope so, because if Olympos Mini doesn't cut the mustard, I'll be sticking w/S. Tellus, and 6-9 Apollos (my current configuration, plus Apollos to Zu sub amps and poss from S. Cleanus).
Btw, what do you suspect Olympos brings to the party differently from S. Tellus? Or is it just a function of isolated grounding to my preamp thru this separate box that will be the deciding factor over S. Tellus? Or do you believe some brand new loveliness is provided by Olympos not available from S. Tellus?

My suggestion of 3 spades to a post and an available banana plug option , is to highlight the fact that using Eartha Atlantis does not limit grounding capacity . 4 Eartha Atlantis would add up to 2 spades per post , with another 4 Eartha Apollo connected the tally of spades per post would be 3 . You are however grounding 2 components per post as is recommended . My observations are with the Atlantis TellUS as add on , comfortably taking on board the 4 added banana plugs with no drop in performance .

The Olympus will over the TellUS , give you a vividly enhanced effect , strengthening mid range tonal density , allowing for a smoother flowing presentation with an even lower noise floor . To tie up the chain the Vibbeaters and the AC wraps are the icing on the cake , or maybe a slice of the cake itself .
Entreq Grounding Box Capacity

First, my usename is jap with a small j. :)

I don't see any difference in performance keeping the two Apollos from your dual mono linestage on separate terminals other than maybe you're getting a better mechanical connection using separate terminals, since the Entreq bare wire spades are not flat.

I haven't tried three components on one terminal, so I can't comment on the performance.

I have no idea what the Olympos will bring to the party.

My understanding is that it is not as much about the number of connections to one ground box as it is the number of components to each ground box. If saturated, the box can throw RFI/EMI back into the room. Hence the Atlantis Tellus which provides more capacity to the box to which it is connected.

Guys, just a little initial feedback on the S. Cleanus and Olympos Mini, which have been installed in my system for several hours now.
Not ideal, but I've decided to run both together, just for logistical reasons, but this does make a-b comparisons a little tricky because as all of us grounding afficionados know, grounding effects diminish quickly on disengaging, and are only gradual to fully return on reconnection.
So me and the UK Entreq rep prob weren't as organised at our initial observation phase.
S. Cleanus is a box the same size as S. Tellus but a fair degree lighter, Olympos Mini is about half the size and weight. The S. Cleanus appears to be a passive filter, w/a captured power cord which plugs into the mains as close to the rig as poss, and has the option of grounding via an Apollo or Atlantis lead back to S. Tellus.
It appears to be a "frequency separator/elevator" in that it helps filter/clean hash produced by the mains, in my case a Westwick 8kVA balanced power transformer, and allows frequencies to separate ie emerge in the soundfield less impeded by noise, and in effect elevates. This boils down to a liberating of energy in the music which w/out the effects of the unit is much more earthbound, weighed down by noise/hash.
PLEASE tech heads and detail hounds, do NOT take this description literally, it's just an illustrative statement that tries to describe the gist of what's happening but more important the effects wrought on the sound.
The reason I'm using the term "frequency separator/elevator" is that the S. Cleanus really seems to drop the noise floor via the mains feed and allow frequencies to unwind/lift from the shackles of noise-borne mains w/out it.
It's effects are as dramatic as the initial foray into grounding via S. Tellus, but is reflected differently in presentation, more as extra verve and energy, esp thru the higher frequencies, whereas S. Tellus seems to major more on separation of detail in the soundfield.
For this reason, I haven't found the initial effects of Olympos Mini to be as dramatic as S. Cleanus, but that may be because it's just enhancing what S. Tellus is doing (and also it's totally brand new w/no burn in on the clock), whereas the effects of S. Cleanus is audible on a different aspect of sq completely.
I'm going to run things until the middle of next wk to really bed everything in, and then I'll proceed to remove Olympos Mini, returning my dual mono linestage Apollos from the Olympos back to the S. Tellus, and see if there is really any major downturn.
But from my limited in/out of S. Cleanus today, this unit is already seeming pretty indispensable.
Can you please clarify the new grounding box is "Olympos Mini" or just "Olympus"? What is printed on the front face of the unit?
Guys, just a little initial feedback on the S. Cleanus and Olympos Mini, which have been installed in my system for several hours now.
Not ideal, but I've decided to run both together, just for logistical reasons, but this does make a-b comparisons a little tricky because as all of us grounding afficionados know, grounding effects diminish quickly on disengaging, and are only gradual to fully return on reconnection.
So me and the UK Entreq rep prob weren't as organised at our initial observation phase.
S. Cleanus is a box the same size as S. Tellus but a fair degree lighter, Olympos Mini is about half the size and weight. The S. Cleanus appears to be a passive filter, w/a captured power cord which plugs into the mains as close to the rig as poss, and has the option of grounding via an Apollo or Atlantis lead back to S. Tellus.
It appears to be a "frequency separator/elevator" in that it helps filter/clean hash produced by the mains, in my case a Westwick 8kVA balanced power transformer, and allows frequencies to separate ie emerge in the soundfield less impeded by noise, and in effect elevates. This boils down to a liberating of energy in the music which w/out the effects of the unit is much more earthbound, weighed down by noise/hash.
PLEASE tech heads and detail hounds, do NOT take this description literally, it's just an illustrative statement that tries to describe the gist of what's happening but more important the effects wrought on the sound.
The reason I'm using the term "frequency separator/elevator" is that the S. Cleanus really seems to drop the noise floor via the mains feed and allow frequencies to unwind/lift from the shackles of noise-borne mains w/out it.
It's effects are as dramatic as the initial foray into grounding via S. Tellus, but is reflected differently in presentation, more as extra verve and energy, esp thru the higher frequencies, whereas S. Tellus seems to major more on separation of detail in the soundfield.
For this reason, I haven't found the initial effects of Olympos Mini to be as dramatic as S. Cleanus, but that may be because it's just enhancing what S. Tellus is doing (and also it's totally brand new w/no burn in on the clock), whereas the effects of S. Cleanus is audible on a different aspect of sq completely.
I'm going to run things until the middle of next wk to really bed everything in, and then I'll proceed to remove Olympos Mini, returning my dual mono linestage Apollos from the Olympos back to the S. Tellus, and see if there is really any major downturn.
But from my limited in/out of S. Cleanus today, this unit is already seeming pretty indispensable.

***** Thanks for sharing this experience spirtofmusic... i too was looking @ the silver cleanus but find am out of budget for it.
Do you have to have a dedicated silver tellus to connect the silver cleanus to ? or you can share the existing silver tellus you have now serving the other components ?
And again as I have a shunyata power conditioner, i dont know whether that silver cleanus will have a positive or negative effect if to use both together.

I was thinking of considering the silver cleanus after i get the Powerus power strip that way they would surely be more compatible with each other.
And you also mentioned using an atlantis eartha or apollo eartha to ground back to the silver tellus... adding $ more to the budget. Something to consider.
Do let us know though your observations... Thanks again !

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