Entreq Tellus grounding

Just "Olympus" printed on front. I believe the 6 terminal version will be "Olympus Tellus"
Re connecting Cleanus, it plugs into the mains, and there is the option to ground, or not to ground, back to the S. Tellus. There is no need for a second S. Tellus. Can use any ground leads in the range.
No idea re compatability w/Shunyata, maybe just a-b it when funds allow.
There is prob greater synergy w/Powerus, but S. Cleanus will work plugged into whatever mains configuration you have.
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Just "Olympus" printed on front. I believe the 6 terminal version will be "Olympus Tellus"
Re connecting Cleanus, it plugs into the mains, and there is the option to ground, or not to ground, back to the S. Tellus. There is no need for a second S. Tellus. Can use any ground leads in the range.
No idea re compatability w/Shunyata, maybe just a-b it when funds allow.
There is prob greater synergy w/Powerus, but S. Cleanus will work plugged into whatever mains configuration you have.

I would love to know if you can connect your speaker to it and what happens if you do. I am reading about certain speaker companies that actually provide a ground which can be connected to an Olympus. Thanks if you are able to experiment.
I would love to know if you can connect your speaker to it and what happens if you do. I am reading about certain speaker companies that actually provide a ground which can be connected to an Olympus. Thanks if you are able to experiment.

Hi Lloyd.
Wtrh the caveats that my technical knowledge is limited and I am aware of your attachment to TA cables. would it not be more efficacious to use Entreq speaker cables grounded to a Tellus ground box? I would have thought that that option would operate more directly and efficiently on the signal quality between speaker and amp.
Hi Lloyd.
Wtrh the caveats that my technical knowledge is limited and I am aware of your attachment to TA cables. would it not be more efficacious to use Entreq speaker cables grounded to a Tellus ground box? I would have thought that that option would operate more directly and efficiently on the signal quality between speaker and amp.

Interesting...i did not know the speaker cables had a ground to them. In fact, i had spoken with the distributor and he recommended against going with Entreq for me...unless i was really prepared to go the whole hog and change over my entire loom. And to be fair, that was not hard selling...he actually said it was not a good idea for me given how carefully the system has been voiced.

I will be speaking with Fraser again, so will let you know.
Lloyd, I've just ordered Lundahl transformers for my Zu sub amps custom fitted w/ground posts, and plan to use Apollos to ground these back to my S. Tellus, which will in effect be 8 components and a Silver Cleanus ie 9 Apollos to go back to a combination of S. Tellus/Olympus Mini. This is just more amp grounding, and I really can't comment on grounding the spkr cabinet/spkr cones themselves. Talk to Fraser?
yes, plan on speaking with Fraser. Thanks.
Thanks Lloyd.
Glad it was helpful.
Dealing with Fraser is a joy because his advice is always objective and relevant.
The Apollo balanced i/cs added to my system last year produced a big improvement and the most recent move to Challenger biwire speaker cables continued that improvement.
It's not my system, saw the picture on the Devialet Chat forum.

Thanks Dan.
Not to worry.
There have been numerous reports that I have read about Entreq making a big improvement to the sound of Devialet systems and I imagine that has been the case for the system concerned.
Just an update. 36 hrs in, so a little early for a final conclusion, but i'm reasonably certain my feeling now won't change.
Olympus Mini - a little on the fence. It's kind of replicating my lukewarm experience w/Atlantis Tellus add-on box. Music is bolder and a tad more detailed, but a hazy warmth is superimposed which is just too negative for me. I seem to be the only one on this forum who doesn't get on w/Atlantis, and now Olympus, and I'm sure everyone else will get more from Olympus, but it doesn't hit the mark for me. Will make a final verdict after a wk.
Now Silver Cleanus - a whole other matter. It is just re energising things, a real verve to proceedings. Higher frequencies esp soar, but not to create edginess or a hyped presentation (like my experience w/Stillpoints). This opening higher up in the spectrum is esp helping ironically v.treble heavy cd's by reproducing all that energy but subtracting the tizz and other digital artifacts that really test your patience.
Also a real dimensionality is enhanced def helping front to back soundstaging.
Like my positive take w/S. Tellus it's just enhancing the whole listening experience, S. Tellus re air and texture, now S. Cleanus w/energy, stage depth and high frequency management.
My positive experience is total, and I'll be buying one when funds permit.
And this trial has settled in my mind that I'm not looking anymore at ground boxes, but will investigate Powerus Challenger V3 passive filtered distribution block to a-b v my Burmerster 948 conditioner, prob w/a second S. Cleanus.
Just an update. 36 hrs in, so a little early for a final conclusion, but i'm reasonably certain my feeling now won't change.
Olympus Mini - a little on the fence. It's kind of replicating my lukewarm experience w/Atlantis Tellus add-on box. Music is bolder and a tad more detailed, but a hazy warmth is superimposed which is just too negative for me. I seem to be the only one on this forum who doesn't get on w/Atlantis, and now Olympus, and I'm sure everyone else will get more from Olympus, but it doesn't hit the mark for me. Will make a final verdict after a wk.
Now Silver Cleanus - a whole other matter. It is just re energising things, a real verve to proceedings. Higher frequencies esp soar, but not to create edginess or a hyped presentation (like my experience w/Stillpoints). This opening higher up in the spectrum is esp helping ironically v.treble heavy cd's by reproducing all that energy but subtracting the tizz and other digital artifacts that really test your patience.
Also a real dimensionality is enhanced def helping front to back soundstaging.
Like my positive take w/S. Tellus it's just enhancing the whole listening experience, S. Tellus re air and texture, now S. Cleanus w/energy, stage depth and high frequency management.
My positive experience is total, and I'll be buying one when funds permit.
And this trial has settled in my mind that I'm not looking anymore at ground boxes, but will investigate Powerus Challenger V3 passive filtered distribution block to a-b v my Burmerster 948 conditioner, prob w/a second S. Cleanus.

** thanks for chiming in on this experience. Looks like silver cleanus is a line-up in the future. They also have a regular cleanus. Hope this is good enough.
Interestingly while trying to obtain a trial unit of Olympus my dealer claimed Entreq Asia said the Olympus is still under development, those out in the markets are beta units, and PO is still gathering feedback before the fine-tuning for the official launch. I'm not sure if this is true.

That's a very clean setup posted by Dan. Would love to have one such system one day.
Three days in and I'm forming some final conclusions. Olympus Mini is not for me. That's not to say it isn't impressive, it certainly is. Like my Atlantis trial, music is bolder, but imho at the expense of sounding warmer. W/my current voicing this is not particularly desirable. But I'm certain for those who would find Atlantis an impvt (everyone other than me, it seems), Olympus Mini may well fit the bill.
Silver Cleanus otoh is continuing to be a revelation. I'm really aware of an opening up in the higher frequencies, which other than infusing music w/a brilliantly energetic nature, is adding a vast amount to front-to-back depth, and amazingly is making harsh recordings, esp early digital, more than just palatable, in fact positively enjoyable for the first time. This is ironic in that you would think a presentation that is more open in the treble and more energetic would hype up bad digital eg, making things more shrill and unlistenable. On the contrary, it seems that the S. Cleanus, like S. Tellus, is doing it's thing to siphon off nasties and so distortion is minimised allowing the true higher frequencies of seemingly harsh recordings to shine, and hence remove the very artifacts that make early digital so disagreeable. If anyone out there has a high proportion of hard-to-listen-to recordings esp on cd, you really owe y'self an audition of the S. Cleanus to reaquaint y'self w/what are actually pretty good discs to begin with.
For this function alone, S. Cleanus is worth it's weight in gold (or more accurately, Silver/Copper/Silica etc).
hi spirit

nice observations...
Olympus mini = yield warmer, fuller sound ??
Silver cleanus looks like something worth looking into the future.
did you plug silver Cleanus next to the outlet of your power conditioner or in one of the outlets of the power conditioner itself ?
wonder how far behind is the regular "Cleanus".
Thank you again for sharing this insightful information.
Slim, I run an 8kVA Westwick balanced power conditioner w/ten fixed outlets that plugs into a wall socket fed by a dedicated radial main. Into four of these are plugged my power components ie SET monos and Zu sub amps. Into the fifth socket is plugged my Burmester 948 power conditioner. Into four outlets of the Burmester are plugged my non power components ie tt motor, phono, cdp, dual mono linestage and AV rig.
I've installed the S. Cleanus into a spare outlet of the Westwick, but I could swap this to the Burmester or even run two, If I ever trial the Powerus and find this replaces my Burmester I will certainly try a second S. Cleanus.
Decided to go straight to Silver Cleanus over the standard (Copper) one. My Tellus is the Silver one and thus Silver Cleanus is more the correct level of performance, and I can afford it at this time. The Atlantis Cleanus is almost 2x the price, and I can't stretch to it. The standard Copper Cleanus is half the price of Silver Cleanus.
hi spirit,

have you tried connecting silver cleanus to your silver tellus ? i heard this will improve somemore.

thanks for all the help!!

Slim, yes the S. Cleanus is connected to S. Tellus via an Apollo. In a few days I will disconnect this lead and see if there is any trade off.
Prior to S. Cleanus trial I have 6 components grounded to the S. Tellus (phono/cdp/dual mono linestage/SET monos), which may rise to 8 when I try grounding my Zu sub amps. This will pretty much max out my available grounding capacity to the single S. Tellus box. If I do indeed get considerable improvements as I suspect I might, since the S. Cleanus trial has been so positive, going for a Powerus Challenger 3V and two S. Cleanus' will mean 3 extra Apollos, and I'll need a second dedicated grounding box, either a Tellus or an additional S. Tellus, and I will reserve this just for the Apollos from Powerus/S. Cleanus', keeping my audio component grounding as is solely to S. Tellus. I gather that the grounding capacity required for Cleanus and Powerus is different than audio components, and the hash dealt with need really to be kept away from the main system, hence the likelihood of reserving a ground box solely for mains grounding, either a Tellus or S. Tellus. More than this I do not know.
All in good time.
hi spirit,

thanks again...

wow, that is one helluva set-up.

regarding the eartha cable say silver eartha and apollo, what audible differences can you hear from one to the other?

also, can a stand-alone silver minimus work w/ the silver cleanus ?

my plan as follows:

cd-player- silver minimus via apollo ertha

pre-amp-silver tellus via silver eartha

bind the silver minimus + silver tellus with a spade to spade silver ertha

silver cleanus into shunyata then ground silver cleanus into the silver tellus via spade to spade silver eartha. or silver cleanus plug next to the duplex where the shunyata is located.

hope this plan works out.

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