Entreq Tellus grounding

Mssr. C, the S. Cln'us is phenomenal. More so grounded to the Olympus Mini, although if I go down the Pwr'us Challenger 3V and two S. Cln'us' route, I will resort to a second S. Tellus, just to ground the latter. I'm confident this will take my grounding to the ultimate level. The ability to enjoy previously intolerably harsh cd's is invaluable. Just can't praise the combination highly enough.
My amps are tubed and protected with a cage so I'm afraid they can not breathe enough and overheat... I'd be happy if they work as well under than on the top. I asked PO his advice and waiting the answer. As I had to dsconnect the S.T for connecting the new cables (have not enough room for doing it without disconnecting) I have to wait another settle time before judging.
Hello Spirit does the Cleanus continues to better with time ?

Thanks for that. It will be interesting to see what PO advises. It maybe that something other than the Receivus could be a better solution, but you might like to try placing both on top of your Silver Tellus
Thanks for that. It will be interesting to see what PO advises. It maybe that something other than the Receivus could be a better solution, but you might like to try placing both on top of your Silver Tellus

Yes, still a lot of pleasant work for getting the best of our system. PO said with S.Tellus /Atlantis box / Receivus combination (but how much Receivus ?) I can come very near, but not exactly the big Olympus sound quality for much less money. He said Receivus is a rather new product that deserve a better exposition and communication from them and on their website, but they are so busy... I know another forumer ( maybe you ?) has several and is very happy. I was surprised when I opened the box because they are much bigger than I thought looking at the photos. The bad thing for is going behind the furniture that has not enough room and is so heavy it can't move a millimeter for correctly routing the Entreq cables.
But this work deserve to be done when you hear the result.
Just for simplifying things a bit and add to the possible confusion of non Entreq followers, I ask myself what could be a simple S.Tellus boosted by 2 Atlantis boxes connected to it and also to themselves ? I don't even dare to ask that to POF because he could think I'm crazy suffering Enteqphilia nervosa addiction and refuse to sell me products as a barman that refuse to give one more drink to an already drunk man
I find coupling the Recevius with the HRS Nimbus couplers to be a benefit , rather than having it rest in contact with the surface of the component . A more open sound with better focus thru the mids/highs . Worth a try.
Thanks for that. It will be interesting to see what PO advises. It maybe that something other than the Receivus could be a better solution, but you might like to try placing both on top of your Silver Tellus

I'll paste here the PO's anwer and advice for placing Receivus on or under components :

"In my opinion you get best result over the items.
If you put something betwen the Amp and receivus so there be space for ventilation I think it will work. But it is of course up to you decide.
However, the field with radiation arround a equipment is formed like a egg. ( Standing elipse) Where you have the equipment nearly on bottom of the egg.
I hope you understand my crazy explanation, so you always have more on top of the items.
I'll paste here the PO's anwer and advice for placing Receivus on or under components :

"In my opinion you get best result over the items.
If you put something betwen the Amp and receivus so there be space for ventilation I think it will work. But it is of course up to you decide.
However, the field with radiation arround a equipment is formed like a egg. ( Standing elipse) Where you have the equipment nearly on bottom of the egg.
I hope you understand my crazy explanation, so you always have more on top of the items.

Thanks for that
As I thought but always good to have the confirmation.
Your earlier post about the siting of the Entreq equipment is familiar to me. I kept putting off rearranging my system but when the Atlantis Tellus arrived to add to the two Silver Tellus I just had to do it. Fortunately the Entreq supplier offered to help and we reorganised all the racks, components, cables etc in about 2 hours. I am sure it would have taken me a lot longer but a second pair of expert hands made all the difference. Apart from the racks I did not need to move any other furniture.
You seem to have a much bigger job but it does save time in the longer run to reorganise sooner rather than later.
Slipped a pair of Titanium Nordost pulsar points below another Receivus . They definitely benefit from isolation.
re: receivus--- best to put this in between something and the top of the amp ?

do you guys use silver eartha cables then to the silver tellus ?

how big by the way is receivus approx inches ?
Entreq is fake.
Is anybody else encountering difficulty in reading this message?
When I go to the thread the message is not there!

[EDIT:] Good evening, gentlemen. Tom from the moderation team here at the WBF. The thread is still here (I posted this to save folks who are interested some time). Scroll down to post #1181 on this thread (about 7 posts down).

Or, you can simply click this link >>> http://www.whatsbestforum.com/showt...llus-grounding&p=303868&viewfull=1#post303868
Last edited by a moderator:
Entreq is fake.
Is anybody else encountering difficulty in reading this message?
When I go to the thread the message is not there!

I saw the post shortly after it was written.

He was talking about a USB cable. He said when his friend opened up the cable and took off the fancy casing, that inside was an ordinary USB2 cable.
When I looked, the message was gone also. I presume one of the moderators removed it. After all, any thread that has 68,000 views and so many believers in the merits of the product would be very sensitive to this charge if the accusations were true.
It's very much there. I can read it

Perhaps the first time it was inaccessible was as a new member with under 5 posts and containing a link, this post went automatically for moderation. This is due to our spam rejection feature

I see it went through moderation and the post is there as well as one from Amir

Try clearing cache and history and then rebooting

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