Entreq Tellus grounding

Great feedback on your tests!!! Did you ever compare Olympus Minimus to the other Minimus boxes? Just curious if you felt it to be significantly better.

In my system Olympus Minimus is significantly better than S.Minimus.
Every parameter is improved. Density, harmonics, deep bass.
Have played around a little w/putting Shun Mook Diamond Resonators under my Westwick balanced transformer and S. Tellus. A big impvt in terms of organic tone and texture. Had to remove them prior to the install of the S. Cleanus/Olympus Mini, but will reinstall them in due course. After Entreq, they are my new audio passion/obsession.
Btw, just made a decision to remove my Burmester 948 conditioner, and run all my components direct off the Westwick balanced transformer. Just shades using the Burmester, reintroducing a little more focus. I'm wondering if a side effect of the S. Cleanus/Olympus Mini is this contrast?
I'm v.much hoping this switch means that trying the Entreq Powerus Challenger 3V is also proved to be surplus to requirements. If this indeed proves to be the case, my power setup will conclude at Russ Andrews dedicated consumer unit > Oyaide radial main > Westwick 8kVA balanced power transformer > full Sablon Audio loom > S. Tellus w. 8 Apollos/S. Cleanus w. Apollo to Olympus Mini.

Spirit , are Shunmook the Giant Diamond Resonators ?
hi Barry,
This intrigued me!
I have 3 nordost AC sort-kone "spare".
Please, may you describe the improvement using your Stillpoints under your grounding boxes?

I was referring more generally to using Entreq in combination with Stillpoints and in particular using Stillpoints under amps, sources and speakers all of which in my system have Ultra 5s, Ultra SSs or their Minis.They significantly reduce the noise floor, improve resolution and transparency, instrumental separation and bass response. I have been advised that they similarly improve the sound under the ground boxes but I have not got that far having prioritised the other parts of the system. I have however some earlier RDC cones which I have under one Silver Tellus which seems to have a subtle but positive effect.I also have three Minis under the Audience Aspect AR8 passive power conditioner and that is definitely beneficial to the overall sound quality.
I am pretty sure that placing the sort cones under the Tellus, one at the front and two at the back, would improve the sound and help to reduce the noise floor.
I also use Entreq speaker cables and interconnects which all have their own earth leads to a Silver Tellus or Silver Minimus in the case of the speaker cables.So my system is very comprehensively Entreq grounded and the resultant improvements have been constantly cumulative and significant. The only item I am not sure about is the Receivus which I am still evaluating.
The best way I can sum it up is to use Lloyd's (Ll21) description of hearing more music ---better resolved, vocals clearer and intelligible and more natural and enjoyable sound. The Stillpoint Ultra 5s just added to the speakers have improved all those aspects of the sound quality. The SSs work very well but the Ultra 5s under my very heavy Vitus SIA 025 and speakers noticeably improved things even more and the improvement was immediately apparent.
Entreq and Stillpoints are so mutually supportive that using them together is effectively a no brainer.
Jazzhead, yes, Shun Mook Diamond Resonators. They come in 4 sizes, choice dependent on the weight of the component to be isolated. Mini, Super, Ultra and Giant. The ever-persistent Kedar/Bonzo75 strongly suggested to me that I should try them, in his case he's replaced Stillpoints in his rig w/them.
We had a set of Giants which I placed under my 70kg balanced transformer, and Ultras which I placed under my 25kg S. Tellus. The previous yr I had tried Stillpoints under my S. Tellus and Atlantis Tellus box when trialled, and have a reasonable aural memory to make a comparison.
The Stillpoints were interesting in that they emphasised dynamics, heightening the leading edge of notes. To my ears imho I felt they were a little artificial, and while the presentation was undoubtedly exciting, I feel they introduced a little too much "fizz".
The Shun Mooks are almost the opposite. They initially introduce a sense of composure, and after a few minutes w/them, I got accustomed to a real sense of organic tone, w/an amazing ability to unravel complex basslines. Mooking out the transformer and Entreq has allowed the whole system to benefit, and tbh the emphasis on tone suits my biases more than Stillpoints, reflected in my choice of Zu spkrs, Audion SETs and Sablon Audio cables, Shun Mooks really complements those three brands.
Unfortunately I had to take the Mooks out prior to the arrival of the S. Cleanus/Olympus Mini, but I can't wait to start Mooking out the system in a little while w/these extra Entreq boxes in tow.
Spirit , are Shunmook the Giant Diamond Resonators ?

Jazz head, whenever I visit a fellow audiophile to listen to his system, I take along the resonators with me. So far, everyone I took them to preferred it to their stillpoints and symposiums and cerabase. I know a guy who prefers vibraplane under his TT, but the mooks under his components. Another guy with SRA rack bought the mooks to go with them. This is another interesting thread. http://www.whatsbestforum.com/showt...tillpoints-to-Shun-Mook-Footers-Metal-vs-Wood
Ked, as you know I'm pretty smitten by the Mooks, and I may try a variant of the Vibraplane under my tt, the Spiers Robertson active air rolling diaphragm platform. I'm confident the synergy btwn Shun Mook and Entreq may be a superb one.
Spirit , are Shunmook the Giant Diamond Resonators ?

Oh and they are not necessarily Giants, that is the biggest size, the ultras is the next biggest, and then there is the super and the mini. For a box like Entreq, you need Super or the Ultra. Diamond Resonators
Oh and they are not necessarily Giants, that is the biggest size, the ultras is the next biggest, and then there is the super and the mini. For a box like Entreq, you need Super or the Ultra. Diamond Resonators

Bonzo, is there a discernable difference between the ultra and the Giant , models ? Sorry to be OT
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Bono, is there a discernable difference between the ultra and the Giant , models ? Sorry to be OT

3 resonators have to be put as a triangle under the component. If the size of your component is small, Giants won't necessarily fit under properly. They might hit screws on top, or the feet, or stay bunched up too close together. If they stay bunched up, the soundstage narrows. You want them reasonably apart. So if you have a component with a smaller footprint, you want a smaller resonator.

If the component is wide and deep enough, and can fit Giants, then there is a considerable jump in quality. The Giants, followed by Ultras, are superb. I have 3 sets of Giants and 1 set of Ultras. I haven't tried the smaller ones. The Entreq box is relatively small, so Ultras just about make it, but the Supers might widen the soundstage, that's my guess. Ultras work under CD players which are a bit wider. My Lampi 7, or the previous ARC Ref 3, I used the Giants.
Bono, is there a discernable difference between the ultra and the Giant , models ? Sorry to be OT

Hi Jazzhead, although I cannot answer your question directly because I only use (and have used for many, many years)the ultra models, I can assure you that the ultra's are very good. I use them on various components like my Dcs Scarlatti cd for box, Zanden 3000 linestage and Lyra Connoisser 4.2 phonostage. The giants are made for very heavy and large components. I would try a set of three ultra's first to find out if they work to your satisfaction in your set up. They surely do in mine. I am using four sets of three ultra's apart from many mpingo discs and the quartett as well as the sextet. Ebony wood enhances th musical experience imho in a significant way.
Btw, I forgot to mention that some prefer the Dalby audio footers. Check out the Dalby audio website. These footers are beautifully made but also pretty expensive.
Bonzo and Audiocrack many thanks , back to regular programming now . Cheers !
I just find it very fascinating that users of Olympus had been referring to it as "Olympus Minimus" when only "Olympus" is printed on the face plate :)
Tategoi, no mystery. The other Entreq boxes go "Minimus"/1 terminal to "Tellus"/> 1 terminal. There will be a bigger no holds barred Olympus released in due course w/multiple terminals, prob known as Olympus "Tellus", and the one terminal version is the "Minimus" or "Mini".
Whatever it's called, just plain Olympus or Olympus Mini/Minimus, in conjunction w/the S. Cleanus, it's a revelation wrt energy released.
Spirit , you reckon the Cleanus works better with the OM rather tan the ST ?
Jazzhead, we found that grounding the S. Cleanus to my S. Tellus box slightly compromised the sound. The only other box spare was the Olympus Mini that I was trialling, ostensibly to ground the preamp. Since this wasn't a total success, moving the Olympus to ground the S. Cleanus was no problem. And when this was done, the impvts were startling.
This I ascribe either to my S. Tellus/6 Apollos nearing max capacity that when adding S. Cleanus grounding overloaded things (and I'm due to add two more Apollos soon to max eight), or something about S. Cleanus function means it really works better to it's own ground box.
When it comes to final purchase, I'll get a second S. Tellus, and a'b grounding S. Cleanus to Olympus Mini, and then to the second S. Tellus solely, and make a decision.
A second S. Tellus would make sense in case I add a component or two in future that I would want to ground w/the first S. Tellus maxxed out, like a standalone DAC. But it may be that Olympus Mini really would beat a S. Tellus in grounding the S. Cleanus in my current configuration.
Thanks Spirit , am grounding my Atlantis Cleanus back to the ST and it works just fine . Have not tried it to the OM , but will when time permits. thanks
Entreq Olympus Minimus

I just find it very fascinating that users of Olympus had been referring to it as "Olympus Minimus" when only "Olympus" is printed on the face plate :)

Yes, it is a bit misleading as the other Minimus' in the line are labeled as such and the Olympus is so much larger than those siblings. I believe a larger Olympus is coming so, perhaps, the labeling will change. I can ask Per about that.

Eureka as Archimedes famously exclaimed!
The most recent upgrades have provided the catalyst to give me the genuine high end sound I have been seeking for quite a while. I appreciate there are bigger and more expensive systems out there that provide bigger scale etc but for my size room the system's sound quality is right up there --IMHO!
Entreq Challenger biwire speaker cables, Stillpoint Ultra 5s under the amp and speakers, Atlantis earth cable on the Receivus on the amp and the Magnum Dynalab 109 a bit earlier. The last was the Atlantis on the Receivus on Friday hot on the heels of the Ultra 5s on Tuesday.
I am hearing more unsullied music than ever before and the Entreq grounding boxes, earth cables, signal cables (Apollo balanced) have progressively improved the sound quality but it has now all come together in a wonderful synergy with the YG Carmels, Vitus SIA 025, DCS Puccini/U Clock to really deliver.
Can't praise Entreq enough or the Stillpoints.:D

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