Entreq Tellus grounding

Slim, I can't comment much on different ground cables. Only tried Apollo and Atlantis, much preferred Apollo IN MY SYSTEM.
I'm not sure why you feel the need to run a Silver Minimus AND Silver Tellus. I'm sure the Silver Tellus alone has sufficient grounding capacity to ground your current configuration. Might be a little fussy running both boxes. But if you have the chance to a-b both boxes v one, go ahead.
Re S. Cleanus, only getting to know it but I'm confident it SHOULDN'T share a terminal w/a ground lead from a component. So if you're planning to run a S. Cleanus, go for the S. Tellus only or if choose the two-box solution, do not ground the S. Cleanus back to the S. Minimus.
hi spirit,

thanks again...

wow, that is one helluva set-up.

regarding the eartha cable say silver eartha and apollo, what audible differences can you hear from one to the other?

also, can a stand-alone silver minimus work w/ the silver cleanus ?

my plan as follows:

cd-player- silver minimus via apollo ertha

pre-amp-silver tellus via silver eartha

bind the silver minimus + silver tellus with a spade to spade silver ertha

silver cleanus into shunyata then ground silver cleanus into the silver tellus via spade to spade silver eartha. or silver cleanus plug next to the duplex where the shunyata is located.

hope this plan works out.

I agree with Spirit's reply.
The Apollo leads generally give better sound quality across the board in the same way that better amps, cds etc do compared with usually cheaper sources. Having said that the Silver earth cables are no slouches and do give significant improvements compared to an ungrounded system. Start with the Silver Tellus and whichever earth leads your resources permit and upgrade over time.
Slim, I can't comment much on different ground cables. Only tried Apollo and Atlantis, much preferred Apollo IN MY SYSTEM.
I'm not sure why you feel the need to run a Silver Minimus AND Silver Tellus. I'm sure the Silver Tellus alone has sufficient grounding capacity to ground your current configuration. Might be a little fussy running both boxes. But if you have the chance to a-b both boxes v one, go ahead.
Re S. Cleanus, only getting to know it but I'm confident it SHOULDN'T share a terminal w/a ground lead from a component. So if you're planning to run a S. Cleanus, go for the S. Tellus only or if choose the two-box solution, do not ground the S. Cleanus back to the S. Minimus.

Ok, thanks for clarification.
i read in the audiobeat review of the entreq that it sounds good if silver min and silver tellus are bind together with a silver ertha.


" I plugged the CD output into the Silver Minimus, the XA Pre and XA Power into the Silver Tellus, using Silver Earthas throughout. But the key to really making this combination sing was tying the Minimus and Tellus together with a spade-to-spade Silver Eartha. This grounding configuration delivered a step change in performance by taking all the various qualities and benefits already described and binding them together into a single coherent and credible whole."

I'm not really sure what he means by binding together ? does this mean stacking together ?

kindly clarify:

So if you're planning to run a S. Cleanus, go for the S. Tellus

*does this mean S. tellus has to be dedicated w/ no other components ?

thanks again!
I agree with Spirit's reply.
The Apollo leads generally give better sound quality across the board in the same way that better amps, cds etc do compared with usually cheaper sources. Having said that the Silver earth cables are no slouches and do give significant improvements compared to an ungrounded system. Start with the Silver Tellus and whichever earth leads your resources permit and upgrade over time.

thanks barry!! will do.
Ok, thanks for clarification.
i read in the audiobeat review of the entreq that it sounds good if silver min and silver tellus are bind together with a silver ertha.


" I plugged the CD output into the Silver Minimus, the XA Pre and XA Power into the Silver Tellus, using Silver Earthas throughout. But the key to really making this combination sing was tying the Minimus and Tellus together with a spade-to-spade Silver Eartha. This grounding configuration delivered a step change in performance by taking all the various qualities and benefits already described and binding them together into a single coherent and credible whole."

I'm not really sure what he means by binding together ? does this mean stacking together ?

kindly clarify:

So if you're planning to run a S. Cleanus, go for the S. Tellus

*does this mean S. tellus has to be dedicated w/ no other components ?

thanks again!

I am sure what he means is connecting the Silver Minimus to the Silver Tellus with a spade to spade lead to improve the earthing capacity of the Silver Minimus rather as the Tellus Atlantis box is used to turbocharge one or two Silver Tellus. That configuration would not be my priority and I would give priority to Silver Tellus and Apollos. If you are grounding four components I would expect that to be more cost effective.
I can't guarantee that but four components are well within the capacity of a Silver Tellus and most people as you have read from other members have all experienced improvements from using the Apollo earth leads. The only way to tell, because systems do vary, is to try both and hopefully your dealer will enable you to do that.
What I don't know is how compatible your Shunyata is with Entreq grounding and again the only way to find out is to try it. If the two don't work well together then you would need to get the Silver Cleanus but cross that bridge if you need to.
The info I'm getting is that it's not ideal to "daisy chain" the S. Minimus and S. Tellus in the same way that S. Tellus and Atlantis Tellus can be tied together. This may in part be due to the fact that the Atlantis box has an umbilical cable hard wired into the box to link to the S. Tellus. As Barry says, if you're stretching to S. Tellus, no need to add S. Minimus, the S. Tellus is good for up to 8 components. Roy in the Audiobeat trial may have inadvertently installed things sub maximally (is that really a word?!)
Getting phenomenal results running the S. Cleanus from my balanced transformer esp now I'm grounding it via an Apollo to the Olympus Mini. It seems that in my case extra grounding to components via either Atlantis Tellus or Olympus Mini is not beneficial in my rig, enhancing unwanted warmth in my sound. But dedicated grounding to the S. Cleanus is a game changer in my system, and is pushing me to look at Powerus Challenger 3V passive filtered distribution block, and in due course a second S. Cleanus just for the Powerus.
Running two S. Cleanus' and Powerus will necessitate me having to run three Apollos from these into a second S. Tellus. This will effectively mean I segregate component grounding (from my phono/cdp/dual mono linestage/SET monos/Zu sub amps via 8 Apollos to my existing S. Tellus) away from mains grounding (two S. Cleanus' and Powerus via 3 Apollos).
Sooo...S. Cleanus grounded to dedicated Olympus Mini via Apollo. Transformational. The verve and high frequency separation imparted by the S. Cleanus unit alone is now fleshed out by a more rounded presentation which makes the sound a little more balanced, a little less tipped up. The effect on harsh, glassy overly digital sounding cd's that have been eq'd to death, and have been really hard to listen to before are so stripped of hash and distortions, that many are not just listenable for the first time, but genuinely enjoyable. I'm stoked for what expanding the Cleanus effect further w/a second unit and Entreq distribution block will bring to the table. All after I absorb the latest chapter in the fascinating story of Entreq helping reveal more truth in the music.
I am sure what he means is connecting the Silver Minimus to the Silver Tellus with a spade to spade lead to improve the earthing capacity of the Silver Minimus rather as the Tellus Atlantis box is used to turbocharge one or two Silver Tellus. That configuration would not be my priority and I would give priority to Silver Tellus and Apollos. If you are grounding four components I would expect that to be more cost effective.
I can't guarantee that but four components are well within the capacity of a Silver Tellus and most people as you have read from other members have all experienced improvements from using the Apollo earth leads. The only way to tell, because systems do vary, is to try both and hopefully your dealer will enable you to do that.
What I don't know is how compatible your Shunyata is with Entreq grounding and again the only way to find out is to try it. If the two don't work well together then you would need to get the Silver Cleanus but cross that bridge if you need to.

Thanks barry!!
My concern is and from what i read, its best to separate the analog from the digital components hence the silver minimus for the digital components and silver tellus for the analog components.
Some even dont recommend plugging the amps into the ground boxes. Can someone validate this ?

Thanks again -SLIM
Slim, I'd still advise one S. Tellus, but if you're determined to try separate ground boxes, the trick is to get a couple of boxes and see how you go. Guys like Barry are separating their component grounding from ic/pc/spkr cbl grounding to separate S. Tellus'/Atlantis. Others like Guillaume are separating their multiple digital components from non digital components to separate S. Tellus'/Atlantis. And in my case the overwhelming positives of S. Cleanus mean that I'll be separating my components as a whole from mains grounding (potentially 2 S. Cleanus' and Powerus Challenger 3V) to separate S. Tellus' (not Atlantis Tellus in my case).
But these concerns should be twds the middle/end of your journey. To begin with, you just need to get max bang for your buck by trialling a single S. Tellus and a handful of Apollos to ground preamp, sources, power amps in time.
If at a later date you want to see how separating aspects of your system wks to different S. Tellus' go ahead. But not now.
Re grounding power amps - in my case it's not as compelling as grounding the preamp, but still v. worthwhile. The only issue is you may not have spare rca/xlr jacks to fit an Apollo to. In my case I use Apollo spade ends to ground at spare "spkr cbl out" terminals. If you don't have spare rca/xlr/spkr cbl out jacks, you may be stuck not able to ground the power amps.
On my Zu sub amps, I've custom ordered new sub amp modules w/phono stage style ground posts so I can run spade end Apollos from. If I couldn't get the ground posts fitted, I would have to settle on not grounding them.
Thanks barry!!
My concern is and from what i read, its best to separate the analog from the digital components hence the silver minimus for the digital components and silver tellus for the analog components.
Some even dont recommend plugging the amps into the ground boxes. Can someone validate this ?

Thanks again -SLIM

I won't share digital into my boxes. The vary fact the dig is plugged into the grounded pre makes a big diff. If I listened to more dig, I would get a separate box. I had a ST dedicated to my amps. Sounds better not connected to the amps Ime.
I've had the 2 Eartha Apollos attached from my Playback Designs digital to the Silver Tellus for about a month now, in addition to the 2 Eartha Atlantis attached to the dart pre I had used previously.

tonight I've been really enjoying some wonderful digital dsd Channel Classic files off my server;


I have had 35-40 of these Channel Classic files for the last 2 years and am very familiar with them. they are as fine sounding digital as I have yet heard. I set these three files to play as a playlist, dimmed the lights, and enjoyed.

I've listened to these same specific files in the past and they have never quite come alive to the same degree as they do now with the Entreq. such life and energy and flow. it seems the music pulses with some sort of magical sparkle.

I'm sure it's all in my head. which is where it should be.


back to the tunes.....
I've had the 2 Eartha Apollos attached from my Playback Designs digital to the Silver Tellus for about a month now, in addition to the 2 Eartha Atlantis attached to the dart pre I had used previously.

hi Mike-- 1 silver tellus, attached by two apollos per component (digital) and the pre ? Thanks
I've had the 2 Eartha Apollos attached from my Playback Designs digital to the Silver Tellus for about a month now, in addition to the 2 Eartha Atlantis attached to the dart pre I had used previously.

hi Mike-- 1 silver tellus, attached by two apollos per component (digital) and the pre ? Thanks

1 Silver Tellus -> -2- Eartha Apollo -> Playback Designs MPS-5 one Apollo onto each right and left channels unused rca output. (I use the darTZeel 'zeel' BNC interface for connection between the Playback Designs and the dart pre.)

the same Silver Tellus -> 2 Eartha Atlantis -> darTZeel NHB-18NS preamp one Atlantis onto each right and left channels unused rca input.

both components are dual mono designs (as much as a dac can be dual mono).

so two pair of Entreq cables onto 2 components from one Silver Tellus.

I do not know whether using an additional Silver Tellus (or separate Olympus) for one box for each component might take things further. I have no plans to try that.
in the end, just have to experiment and see which works best... Barry, spirit, and others--many thanks for the help!

Thanks Slim.
Glad we were able to help, but as you say you have to try it and see what works best for you.
Hope it goes well and look forward to "the next thrilling instalment"
1 Silver Tellus -> -2- Eartha Apollo -> Playback Designs MPS-5 one Apollo onto each right and left channels unused rca output. (I use the darTZeel 'zeel' BNC interface for connection between the Playback Designs and the dart pre.)

the same Silver Tellus -> 2 Eartha Atlantis -> darTZeel NHB-18NS preamp one Atlantis onto each right and left channels unused rca input.

both components are dual mono designs (as much as a dac can be dual mono).

so two pair of Entreq cables onto 2 components from one Silver Tellus.

I do not know whether using an additional Silver Tellus (or separate Olympus) for one box for each component might take things further. I have no plans to try that.


is there a difference with using 1 eartha apollo and 2 eartha apollo on a single component ?

With these two cables going to one component do you use 1 single post of the silver tellus ? or 1 cable per binding post of the s.tellus ?

thanks again !!!!

is there a difference with using 1 eartha apollo and 2 eartha apollo on a single component ?

here is an example of only using one Eartha Atlantis cable on a dual mono product. read the link and draw your own conclusions.

my first efforts with Entreq were with 2 Apollo cables from the Silver Tellus into unused rca inputs on my dart pre. i only had 1 Atlantis cable to begin with which i did try as described in the link above. then later i did receive the second Atlantis cable which allowed me to switch the 2 Apollo for the 2 Atlantis to positive effect.

then later i tried the 2 Apollo cables onto my digital here leaving my 2 Atlantis cables connected between the Silver Tellus and the dart pre.

With these two cables going to one component do you use 1 single post of the silver tellus ? or 1 cable per binding post of the s.tellus ?

thanks again !!!!

i have the 2 Atlantis cables which 'Y' into 2 spades one spade per post. so each of the -4- posts on the Silver Tellus have one of those spades. then the single spade Apollos are each on one of the posts so 2 of the 4 posts have 2 spades and 2 have one spade.

i hope that makes sense. i can take a picture when i'm home if i'm not clear enough.

honestly there are a number (likely almost infinite) of different combinations of cables and positions to try. with Entreq i'm going slow and steady and making sure i'm getting better not just different. i think getting 'too cute' with short time listening options is not the way to go. if your gear is dual mono in design i'd would expect that using two identical cables, one to each channel, will likely yield the most predictable positive results.
here is an example of only using one Eartha Atlantis cable on a dual mono product. read the link and draw your own conclusions.

my first efforts with Entreq were with 2 Apollo cables from the Silver Tellus into unused rca inputs on my dart pre. i only had 1 Atlantis cable to begin with which i did try as described in the link above. then later i did receive the second Atlantis cable which allowed me to switch the 2 Apollo for the 2 Atlantis to positive effect.

then later i tried the 2 Apollo cables onto my digital here leaving my 2 Atlantis cables connected between the Silver Tellus and the dart pre.

i have the 2 Atlantis cables which 'Y' into 2 spades one spade per post. so each of the -4- posts on the Silver Tellus have one of those spades. then the single spade Apollos are each on one of the posts so 2 of the 4 posts have 2 spades and 2 have one spade.

i hope that makes sense. i can take a picture when i'm home if i'm not clear enough.

honestly there are a number (likely almost infinite) of different combinations of cables and positions to try. with Entreq i'm going slow and steady and making sure i'm getting better not just different. i think getting 'too cute' with short time listening options is not the way to go. if your gear is dual mono in design i'd would expect that using two identical cables, one to each channel, will likely yield the most predictable positive results.

** Thanks for the tips!! i think these have to settle hence the need to be a little patience with it.
I received my 2 Receivus Apollo spade cables today. It seems they can work on different places. On amps or whatever including the Silver Tellus. I would like tu use them with my mono amps because they are not grounded yet. As the amps run pretty hot I asked myself if I could place them under instead of ON the amps. It would be safer I think.
Does anybody on the Forum has e perience with that ?
I am using one on top of my amp which can also run pretty hot in class A.
The advice I have is to use them in that way. I would think the EMI coming from an amp, particularly if running hot, would rise with the heat and putting them underneath would therefore be less effective,
I am using one on top of my amp which can also run pretty hot in class A.
The advice I have is to use them in that way. I would think the EMI coming from an amp, particularly if running hot, would rise with the heat and putting them underneath would therefore be less effective,

My amps are tubed and protected with a cage so I'm afraid they can not breathe enough and overheat... I'd be happy if they work as well under than on the top. I asked PO his advice and waiting the answer. As I had to dsconnect the S.T for connecting the new cables (have not enough room for doing it without disconnecting) I have to wait another settle time before judging.
Hello Spirit does the Cleanus continues to better with time ?

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