Entreq Tellus grounding

hi spiritofmusic,

thanks so much for your time in sharing your experience.

have further clarifications__ if pre-amp is not a dual mono, do you still recommend connecting two pieces of apollo earth cables to the silver tellus ?

also, can you mix and match earth cables ? for example, pre-amp to silver tellus use the apollo, cd player to silver tellus use the silver ertha cable and dac use konstantin ertha cable ?

i also read that for analog components best to use a separate tellus from the digital components ?

I'm thinking; instead of buying one silver tellus, how about two silver minimus ? 1st silver minimus connect the cd player and dac, 2nd silver minimus connect the pre-amp and phono stage ?

or do you recommend 1 silver tellus connecting the cd, dac, pre-amp and phono stage ?

** have anyone here also used the Entreq grounding with the Shunyata Typhoon and Triton ? wouldnt it become redundant ? or overkill ?

Thanks again for the replies..

Yes, I have and that is exactly what happened in my system. The only success I've had with Entreq after having installed Shunyata's Hydra A/V, Typhon, and PCs is using a XLR cable from a Olympus to my Vitus CD player. A Silver Tellus connected to the preamp closed down dynamics and compressed the soundstage. I tested off and on for about 2 months straight and could never progress any further trying to integrate both solutions at once, except for that one application with the CD player.

I don't believe the Olympus is expandable. Its construction is just like that of a Silver Tellus or any of their other grounding boxes. I am not aware that any of them are setup to be expandable to more posts.

The current Silver Tellus will take up to two earth leads per terminal.
My two are used that way but are boosted by both being connected to an Atlantis ground box. I don't know whether that will be the case with the new 6 peg Olympos referred to in Cuntighs recent post and info from Per Oloff, but no doubt we will find out before too long. My understanding is that the one peg Olympos for pre amps is best used in that single configuration as you say
Yes, I have and that is exactly what happened in my system. The only success I've had with Entreq after having installed Shunyata's Hydra A/V, Typhon, and PCs is using a XLR cable from a Olympus to my Vitus CD player. A Silver Tellus connected to the preamp closed down dynamics and compressed the soundstage. I tested off and on for about 2 months straight and could never progress any further trying to integrate both solutions at once, except for that one application with the CD player.


hi John,

thanks for chiming in. after you connected the xlr cable from Olympus to the cd player & had sucess, what did you connect your pre-amp with ?

is this case same w/ just using the older Shunyata Hydras ?

Yes, I have and that is exactly what happened in my system. The only success I've had with Entreq after having installed Shunyata's Hydra A/V, Typhon, and PCs is using a XLR cable from a Olympus to my Vitus CD player. A Silver Tellus connected to the preamp closed down dynamics and compressed the soundstage. I tested off and on for about 2 months straight and could never progress any further trying to integrate both solutions at once, except for that one application with the CD player.


Now THIS, i admire and respect!! The distributor of a product giving a straight, honest appraisal of products he sells, where he says they work in many occasions...but NOT all. RESPECT.
Now THIS, i admire and respect!! The distributor of a product giving a straight, honest appraisal of products he sells, where he says they work in many occasions...but NOT all. RESPECT.

working in my system....two ST stacked with 4 cables into the pre and two into the phono. When I had the other tellus connected to the amps, the sound was hampered.
anyone here using Silver Cleanus ?

How is it compared to the Shunyatas ?

Also, is it best to connect silver cleanus to the silver minimus or silver tellus ?
From that silver tellus, can we still connect the other 3 remaining post to say the pre-amp, digital gear and dac ?

how many outlets does silver cleanus have ? how is this different from the Powerus units ?

Thanks in advance.
Slim, at this point do not worry about doubling up on S. Tellus boxes. The issue is whether to go for a single S. Tellus or S. Minimus. The advice from the UK rep is that if funds allow, ALWAYS go for the S. Tellus over S. Minimus. There is a 5x weight advantage of Tellus, and this is essentially more grounding material, and hence more grounding potential. Even if you only ever plan to ground one component e.g. preamp, still go for S. Tellus. And if you wish to go on to ground multiple components, the S. Tellus choice is a no brainer. The interesting issue is for those who will only plan to ground one component, or only find e.g. preamp benefits from grounding and further component grounding is not decisive, whether to go for S. Tellus or Olympos Mini. They in the UK will retail for a similar price. I'll get a better idea on Fri when I try the Olympos Mini.
I believe there will in time be an Olympos Tellus, w/5 terminals, plus 1 terminal just dedicated to connecting to an Atlantis Tellus box, so in effect able to ground up to 10 components. No idea on price.
Re Powerus and Cleanus. Powerus is in effect a v.high quality distribution block w/Entreq grounding tech incorporated and ability to ground back to S. Tellus. It comes in varying levels and prices esp related to the quality of captured power cord it utilises. Cleanus is a passive high frequency filter which plugs into the mains/distribution block close to the system (in my case I'll plug it into my balanced power transformer), and acts I believe as a de grunger to power getting to the system, and again can be grounded back too S. Tellus. Again it comes in varying levels of tech/prices.
So Slim, the Cleanus is just a filter box w/a plug that plugs into whatever mains configuration you use, and can be grounded back to S. Tellus.
Hope this helps.
Hi Spirit of Music,

As always big thank you.

the Silver Tellus is very popular and silver Minimus. How about the Tellus only ? is this worth also considering or is the silver minimus a better choice than the Tellus only ?

Also, is eartha atlantis cable double in configuration with 2 spades ? how would you connect it in that configuration ? is this cable also overkill for the Silver Tellus ?

Pix is here for the eartha atlantis:


Many many thanks!
Will cleanus also work with other mains/distribution block like the ones from Acoustic Revive RTP4 or the ShunyataHydra 8 or the Triton ? Thanks
Slim, there's no doubt it's all a bit confusing w/the different levels of boxes/ground leads available from Entreq.
I'm 50 yrs of age, and I can remember the days when you were lucky to be offered THREE! brands of toothpaste at the supermarket, now you get a headache trying to choose from THREE DOZEN!!! "Tyranny Of Choice", indeed!
I've only had experience of S. Tellus, so I don't know how the comparison of boxes down the line would compare. My guess would be that S. Tellus is closer to Tellus, than Tellus is to Minimus. And so S. Tellus well above Minimus.
Re Cleanus, yes I believe it can be incorporated into any mains configuration. From what I gather there are some common approaches to power/noise management btwn Entreq and Shunyata, so maybe Cleanus in a Shunyata treated system might be overkill. But nothing to stop you. As long as you have a mains-/mains product-socket to be able to plug Cleanus into.
In my case I'm going to try the Silver Cleanus (middle of the Cleanus line, btwn base Cleanus and Atlantis Cleanus), and try it into the spare wall socket next to the socket that my balanced power transformer BPT comes off, into the BPT itself, and into my Burmester 948 power conditioner.
Re double spades on Atlantis leads, no comment. Tbh, Barry and LL21 are your go to guys for this info.
All I can say is start off slowly and make patient decisions w/out going too crazy re options.
Will update over the wkend re Olympos Mini/S. Cleanus.
Thanks a lot spiritofmusic..... much appreciated.

Also, is eartha atlantis cable double in configuration with 2 spades ? how would you connect it in that configuration ? is this cable also overkill for the Silver Tellus ?

Pix is here for the eartha atlantis:

http://www.stillpoints.us/entreqcables.html (at bottom of the page).

Thanks for clarifications
Slim, can't comment on Atlantis double spade ended leads re sq. This option enables you to ground a single component to 2 terminals on the S. Tellus which increases the grounding capacity o/all for a component, but down side is it leaves you w/half the total number of components you can ground. If you run a S. Tellus, you can ground up to 8 components w/single spade end Apollo leads (7 if you use an Atlantis Tellus), but only 4 w/double spade end Atlantis leads.
I guess if you don't plan to go more than 3-4 components, Atlantis leads would be fine.
But this should a all be based on the caveat of YMMV. The US and UK reps are frank enough to say the priciest combinations are not always guaranteed to be the best in any given rig. Eg in my case Atlantis leads and Atlantis Tellus add-on box were a little bit of a damp squib, I've stuck w/S. Tellus/Apollos.
Slim, can't comment on Atlantis double spade ended leads re sq. This option enables you to ground a single component to 2 terminals on the S. Tellus which increases the grounding capacity o/all for a component, but down side is it leaves you w/half the total number of components you can ground. If you run a S. Tellus, you can ground up to 8 components w/single spade end Apollo leads (7 if you use an Atlantis Tellus), but only 4 w/double spade end Atlantis leads.
I guess if you don't plan to go more than 3-4 components, Atlantis leads would be fine.
But this should a all be based on the caveat of YMMV. The US and UK reps are frank enough to say the priciest combinations are not always guaranteed to be the best in any given rig. Eg in my case Atlantis leads and Atlantis Tellus add-on box were a little bit of a damp squib, I've stuck w/S. Tellus/Apollos.

Thanks spiritofmusic.... my concern is, does the Atlantis come with a double spade as standard or single spade as standard ?

are these double spade then an option to all of the eartha ground ?

also, from the copper eartha, silver eartha, apollo and atlantis, what differences do these earth cables make the higher you go ?

does the higher models give you a fuller sound or more detailed sound ?

Thanks again for the patience.
Atlantis leads as standard double spade, Apollos single spade. Can't comment on sq diffs. I know Lloyd has gone Apollo to Atlantis, as has Barry, you need opinions on sq from them.
I'm actually pretty much ok to settle at S. Tellus/Apollos, based on my "interesting" experience w/Atlantis. My only real area of curiosity is the Olympos Mini box just for the preamp since this component has so far given me the best bang-for-buck of all my grounded components. And the Cleanus, to see if mains filtering, but only in parallel w/the components (unlike powered conditioners/filters which run in series), will bring something new to the party.
I've PMd LL21 and Barry2013 to provide further opinions on sq Apollo single spade v Atlantis double spade.
Atlantis Leads are a definite step up over the Apollo . Regarding the loss of grounding capacity , due to it's two pronged config ..... The Silver Tellus can accept 3 spades max per binding post .Any more and they cannot be clamped down . However do keep in mind that the copper binding posts that the S Tellus uses can accept a single banana plug . That gives you 4 additional connections. So it's overall grounding capacity is not hampered, while using Atlantis leads,keeping in ming 3 spades per post plus 1 banana. However the newly machined Silver Binding posts on the Olympus range are solid with no hollow and will not accept a banana plug .
Atlantis Leads are a definite step up over the Apollo . Regarding the loss of grounding capacity , due to it's two pronged config ..... The Silver Tellus can accept 3 spades max per binding post .Any more and they cannot be clamped down . However do keep in mind that the copper binding posts that the S Tellus uses can accept a single banana plug . That gives you 4 additional connections. So it's overall grounding capacity is not hampered, while using Atlantis leads,keeping in ming 3 spades per post plus 1 banana. However the newly machined Silver Binding posts on the Olympus range are solid with no hollow and will not accept a banana plug .

thanks for chiming in jazzhead, in what way or sound quality difference atlantis to apollo ?

can these be ordered to banana plugs (goes to entreq box) to spade ? bananas for me are actually preferable over sapdes.
thanks for chiming in jazzhead, in what way or sound quality difference atlantis to apollo ?

can these be ordered to banana plugs (goes to entreq box) to spade ? bananas for me are actually preferable over sapdes.

I have 2 Eartha Apollo and 2 Eartha Atlantis cables on my Silver Tellus. the Atlantis improved the effect about 1/3rd more over the effect of the Apollo.

as far as using banana plugs, it would be the last choice in this type use. all banana plugs are elegant to use, and the cables dress easier and look better. however; every comparison I've seen with speaker cable connections favor the spade and over time bananas get worse as the spring mechanism weakens. particularly with a ground connection you are desiring the most positive possible interface......and the positive Entreq effect improves over time connected......there is no benefit of easy plug and unplug as that is the last thing you want to do.

just my 2 cents based on experience.
Entreq and Shunyata

hi John,

thanks for chiming in. after you connected the xlr cable from Olympus to the cd player & had sucess, what did you connect your pre-amp with ?

is this case same w/ just using the older Shunyata Hydras ?


Since I own the Shunyata and it works famously in my system, any evals were done with it in the system in an effort to have the 2 solutions integrate. I did not have success with the preamp. If you read further back in the thread, you'll note where I write about the Berning preamp and amp I am using not being constructed with insulated RCA jacks. This effectually ties the chassis ground and signal plane ground together. Therefore, my Shunyata components and cords already address the signal plane. Adding the Entreq did not produce a positive effect. Prior to purchasing the Shunyata, I tested the Entreq solution a year or more ago. Though it had a positive effect, it wasn't even close to what the Shunyata components provide in my system. I don't have a clue as to why this is the case. Sure, I'd like to understand more about why I am experiencing those results, but in the end I always let my ears guide me and don't lose sleep over those things no one seems able to explain.

Those connectors on the end of your Eartha grounding cables are not "spades." With a spade, the electrical contact is made by a flat surface.

The connectors on the end of the Eartha cables don't have a flat surface. It just a loop of bare wire bent into the shape of a spade.

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