Entreq Tellus grounding

I am in two minds linking this YouTube vid as some may take the context too far, but it does show one cannot assume anything regarding ground and signal quality.

Please note this is not specifically associated with audio.


It may not be specifically associated with audio, but it makes me wonder if those unshielded 1.65 meter Entreq grounding cables are reflecting something back into the signal ground producing a euphonic colouration.
It may not be specifically associated with audio, but it makes me wonder if those unshielded 1.65 meter Entreq grounding cables are reflecting something back into the signal ground producing a euphonic colouration.
Hmm, I had not thought of that. The original grounding cables for the Tripoint Troy were unshielded and the new Thor SEs are heavily shielded and are substantially better than the originals.
Hmm, I had not thought of that. The original grounding cables for the Tripoint Troy were unshielded and the new Thor SEs are heavily shielded and are substantially better than the originals.

For RCA unbalanced this is made more complicated by the fact of shield+signal ground sharing same point, in the past and actually still available from some pro cable manufacturers such as Van den Hul and a few others is where they connect the shield only at the source side to signal ground.
As a caveat I think AES though recommending it should be terminated both ends, there are pros/cons for both approaches and really one headache relating to RCA compared to balanced XLR.

Same can be said pros/cons of not using shield, but remember the Entreq solution is meant to only provide signal reference ground so how they implement this with their cable-to-RCA termination may help, although yeah this needs to be as clean as possible and unshielded can give headaches how cable is laid when there are also mains power cables close by (and of course separately RF interference).

Would be interesting if anyone can get a technical response back from Entreq why they use unshielded cables and their view on benefits over potential issues.
Late, Christmas here so sorry if mistakes in this post as not even got time to proof read before I get in serious trouble here at home lol :)
Merry Christmas to you all :)
it's been a busy couple of weeks being out of town and the Holidays and all so finally Monday night I had a chance to try the 2 Eartha Apollo 1.65m cables on the unused RCA outputs of my Playback Designs MPS-5 player/dac connected to the Silver Tellus along with the Eartha Atlantis cables on the dart pre.

I have been running the 2 Eartha Atlantis 1.65m cables from the Silver Tellus to 2 unused RCA inputs on my dart pre for 3-4 weeks now to good effect.....the process so far described in the thread posts referenced below.





after my negative experience inserting the single Eartha Atlantis cable on the digital I did not really know what I could expect.

when I inserted the 2 Apollos Monday night it seemed immediately subtly better. but I just kept listening that night, then yesterday morning and last night. now this morning I've pulled out my reference cuts and my perceptions are being re-inforced. it's clear that my digital is some better, and I've not noticed any reduction in performance on the vinyl or tape.

I'd simply say that so far the additive effect is a notch or notch and a half less than the effect of the Silver Tellus-Eartha Atlantis on the dart pre. So it's pretty subtle but I'm liking it a lot.

things are simply slightly more vivid and there is a bit more energy and dynamic and tonal intensity. the music seems a bit more real and less reproduced. voices that might have been borderline strident previously come a degree more clear and natural, more analog like. a small but noticeable benefit.

we'll see how I feel after another week or so. this is just a step down the path.

That all makes sense and accords with my experience but the Atlantis earth has worked well with my DCS Puccini/Uclock.
It does underline the need to experiment as different systems work better with different earth cables
I had to connect the S.T to a phono input because I have only 3 unoutd and 2 of them are for phono. The line is connected to the Computer Audio Design DAC. So I hope the effect will be also in the digital. Maybe Spirit has an experience on that ?

Hi cuntigh,

I have been curious about the results of the Entreq Tellus grounding with my 1543 DAC.

Any updates on how it is going?

Scott Berry
Very interesting thread and it took me over the holiday season to finish reading all 99 pages. I almost took the plunge until I saw the Olympus. Given that it is smaller but cost almost as much as a Silver TellUs, the Olympus is probably a new range with improved materials inside. I'd probably hold my horses until more details are available on the new Olympus. Entreq website still has no mention on it.

And here's a question to experienced Entreq users, is there any harm in grounding all equipment in one box? I read someone posted that it is recommended to separate the digital from analog. I also read that one user (Mike?) has had bad results when grounding them all together but later realized the culprits were actually the grounding cables.

I'm asking because I only want to ground my transport and DAC, and pre-amplifier and phono stage. I can buy a Silver TellUs and dump all 4 in one and an Atlantis supercharger at a later date if necessary; or I order 2 Olympus with the digital (transport/DAC) in one, and analog (pre- and phono amps) in the other.

I had the Silver Minimus on loan and it yields good result with just the pre-amp grounded. Thanks for the head-up guys.
Hi cuntigh,

I have been curious about the results of the Entreq Tellus grounding with my 1543 DAC.

Any updates on how it is going?

Scott Berry
Hello Scott,
I only connected the S.Tellus to the pre at that time. I am proceeding slowly. I would cross the steps one by one after being well accustomed to the listening. So my next step is to connect the Atlantis box. I am awaiting the cable for connecting it to the S.Tellus that Peter Olof forgot to include in the package.
He will ship it in a few days but maybe I can ask him to put an Apollo eartha to USB for connecting the CAT to his box. So the CAT will be in the liter :D (sorry I couldn't prevent myself).
Yesterday I came back home after 2 days out for Christmas in the family and things have changed exactly in the way described by some others on the forum.
As I said in the beginning I was not convinced so much. I rearranged the cabling and went out for 2 days. But now things are very different. Tone intensity, more natural interactions between musicians, naturalness (does that exist in English?). Lower noise floor so more to hear in the Recording. More music in the room. Hall informations more present.
At that time I only listened on the Digital (in fact, I listen more and more digital, could you believe that ?). CAD plus CAT is a winning combination, more than I should I thought.
So happy with Entreq and waiting a few more days expecting to continue to go better . After that may an Apollo on the digital and for crowing all that the Atlantis box.
I'll let you know. To be followed.
Very interesting thread and it took me over the holiday season to finish reading all 99 pages. I almost took the plunge until I saw the Olympus. Given that it is smaller but cost almost as much as a Silver TellUs, the Olympus is probably a new range with improved materials inside. I'd probably hold my horses until more details are available on the new Olympus. Entreq website still has no mention on it.

And here's a question to experienced Entreq users, is there any harm in grounding all equipment in one box? I read someone posted that it is recommended to separate the digital from analog. I also read that one user (Mike?) has had bad results when grounding them all together but later realized the culprits were actually the grounding cables.

I'm asking because I only want to ground my transport and DAC, and pre-amplifier and phono stage. I can buy a Silver TellUs and dump all 4 in one and an Atlantis supercharger at a later date if necessary; or I order 2 Olympus with the digital (transport/DAC) in one, and analog (pre- and phono amps) in the other.

I had the Silver Minimus on loan and it yields good result with just the pre-amp grounded. Thanks for the head-up guys.

Hi. I can only share with you my own experience since i have 14 connections to one Tripoint Troy Sig box!!! I am told by a few fellow owners that fewer connections is better...all the way to one per binding post. Unfortunately, i cannot do that. Nevertheless, what i HAVE found is that connecting the grounding cables to the binding posts in the back with different configurations DOES make a difference. Namely:

- if you use different kinds of cables, do not mix them on the back...separate them onto different binding posts.

- I have Entreq Atlantis cables on separate binding posts from the Tripoint Signature cables.

Otherwise, i am very happy and not looking for another grounding box or further grounding...too expensive as it is! ;) But it works and in my case, works well. I have disconnected the system 3 times, twice on purpose and 1 time by accident. The difference is significantly, and unsettlingly so. When i disconnected one by accident, i really thought something had gone wrong with the system (tubes, etc,)...until i figured out the grounding had come undone overnight by accident. Now i double check they are tightly on the binding posts every now and then.
Very interesting thread and it took me over the holiday season to finish reading all 99 pages. I almost took the plunge until I saw the Olympus. Given that it is smaller but cost almost as much as a Silver TellUs, the Olympus is probably a new range with improved materials inside. I'd probably hold my horses until more details are available on the new Olympus. Entreq website still has no mention on it.

And here's a question to experienced Entreq users, is there any harm in grounding all equipment in one box? I read someone posted that it is recommended to separate the digital from analog. I also read that one user (Mike?) has had bad results when grounding them all together but later realized the culprits were actually the grounding cables.

I'm asking because I only want to ground my transport and DAC, and pre-amplifier and phono stage. I can buy a Silver TellUs and dump all 4 in one and an Atlantis supercharger at a later date if necessary; or I order 2 Olympus with the digital (transport/DAC) in one, and analog (pre- and phono amps) in the other.

I had the Silver Minimus on loan and it yields good result with just the pre-amp grounded. Thanks for the head-up guys.

I started with a Tellus and a Minimus for the Entreq speaker cables and later upgraded to the Silvers, a second Silver Tellus and an Atlantis plus Entreq interconnects because they worked so well in my system. The improvements came through very quickly even with the original Tellus.
I suggest you start with the Silver Tellus and four Apollo earth cables or even the silver earth cables and connect all four components to it, It should work well and you can upgrade at a later stage. The Olympos for the preamp would probably be the next step if the Silver Tellus is only being used then for three components. An Atlantis or a Silver Tellus could be added at a later stage depending on whether there are any problems with the digital and analogue components. I didn't have any real problems myself, but as others have said it can make a difference.
Keep us posted!
Very interesting thread and it took me over the holiday season to finish reading all 99 pages. I almost took the plunge until I saw the Olympus. Given that it is smaller but cost almost as much as a Silver TellUs, the Olympus is probably a new range with improved materials inside. I'd probably hold my horses until more details are available on the new Olympus. Entreq website still has no mention on it.

And here's a question to experienced Entreq users, is there any harm in grounding all equipment in one box? I read someone posted that it is recommended to separate the digital from analog. I also read that one user (Mike?) has had bad results when grounding them all together but later realized the culprits were actually the grounding cables.

I'm asking because I only want to ground my transport and DAC, and pre-amplifier and phono stage. I can buy a Silver TellUs and dump all 4 in one and an Atlantis supercharger at a later date if necessary; or I order 2 Olympus with the digital (transport/DAC) in one, and analog (pre- and phono amps) in the other.

I had the Silver Minimus on loan and it yields good result with just the pre-amp grounded. Thanks for the head-up guys.

Tategoi, early in the New Year I'm going to be trialling an Olympos Minimus, second S. Tellus, and Cleanus. 8 components grounded plus mains transformer grounded via Cleanus (9 Apollos total). I will be trying 3 configurations. 1- all 9 Apollos into my current S. Tellus. 2 - dual mono line stage 2 Apollos into Olympos, remaining 7 Apollos into current S. Tellus. 3 - dual mono line stage 2 Apollos into Olympos, remaining 7 Apollos spread over two S. Tellus'.
I'm making an active decision not to go Atlantis Tellus add-on box/Apollos upgraded to Atlantis cables.
Tategoi, early in the New Year I'm going to be trialling an Olympos Minimus, second S. Tellus, and Cleanus. 8 components grounded plus mains transformer grounded via Cleanus (9 Apollos total). I will be trying 3 configurations. 1- all 9 Apollos into my current S. Tellus. 2 - dual mono line stage 2 Apollos into Olympos, remaining 7 Apollos into current S. Tellus. 3 - dual mono line stage 2 Apollos into Olympos, remaining 7 Apollos spread over two S. Tellus'.
I'm making an active decision not to go Atlantis Tellus add-on box/Apollos upgraded to Atlantis cables.

With so many things connected why don't you make another try with the Atlantis box ? As a booster it seems it could help.
In my opinion I wouldn't take that road before having explored all the possibilities of making things in the correct way without a priori, preconceived ideas. What is per's opinion about that ?
I know you are much more aknowledge than me about Entreq but for me I like to keep all the possibles open as long as possible.
Only my 2 cent
Mssr. C, Atlantis box/cables really didn't work in my system. The reason? I really don't know. Hoping to have better luck w/the configurations I have highlighted.
Please let us know the effect of the Cleanus. Very interested in that product and very few seem to have or heard it. It seems it works on ground the same way Alan Maher do ?
I borrowed a friend's Silver Minimus and connected it to my transport/DAC. The other Silver Minimus remains connected to the pre-amp. I find the music now had lost its dynamics and sounded soft and weak. Is there such a thing called "over-grounded"? I am using Eartha Silver throughout. Now I can probably imagine how my system will sound with all 4 equipment connected to the Silver TellUs.
Tategoi, I think it's interesting there are a few less-than-thrilled comments (like yours) amongst the general positives for Entreq grounding. At least this puts to bed the laughable notion that this is all expectation bias/placebo. FWIW, my most positive experiences have been grounding my original preamp (Hovland HP200) via a single Apollo to the S. Tellus, and subsequently grounding my dual mono linestage (Audion Quattro), via a pair of Apollos to unshared separate terminals on the S. Tellus. Positives, just not as marked, have been grounding my Soundsmith Straingauge SG200 cart energiser box, Eera cdp, and Audion SETs. Looking next at grounding Zu sub amps and the mains transformer via Cleanus.
BUT…I have had negative experiences - grounding my original Tom Evans Groove Plus SRX phono stage, and adding Atlantis Tellus box/replacing Atlantis cables in place of Apollos. Theses options all seemed to introduce a euphonic bloom/cloudiness/lack of focus that was most unwelcome.
YMMV indeed...
I borrowed a friend's Silver Minimus and connected it to my transport/DAC. The other Silver Minimus remains connected to the pre-amp. I find the music now had lost its dynamics and sounded soft and weak. Is there such a thing called "over-grounded"? I am using Eartha Silver throughout. Now I can probably imagine how my system will sound with all 4 equipment connected to the Silver TellUs.

The Distributor here definitely warned against 'over grounding'. So perhaps your experience is what he was referring to?
Lloyd, I really can't see how there can be too much grounding. It may be that one can overload the grounding capacity of a grounding box (e.g. potentially your 14!!! ground cables to 3-terminal Troy, or my potential 8-9 Apollos to my single S. Tellus), or a particular component may be sufficiently grounded w/out need for extra help.
Could it be that components sufficiently grounded already would suffer from additional grounding, or perhaps grounding can add a euphonic coloration that doesn't work in some systems?
I really don't know. All I know is that preamp grounding in my system is radically good, but going the next step to Atlantis has proved to be a no-no.
Tategoi, don't lose any sleep if Entreq proves to be a detour, not a solution. It might be interesting for you to audition the Olympos Minimus when it's launched, ground your preamp only, and if this hits your buttons, stick at this and go no further. From what I gather, Olympos is in the same ball park price as S. Tellus, and for those who get good results w/preamp grounding, but nothing else, maybe should consider this box the best solution.
Esp since from what I gather the S. Minimus is a fair way short of S. Tellus and Olympos when it comes to the grounding capacity offered.
Lloyd, I really can't see how there can be too much grounding. It may be that one can overload the grounding capacity of a grounding box (e.g. potentially your 14!!! ground cables to 3-terminal Troy, or my potential 8-9 Apollos to my single S. Tellus), or a particular component may be sufficiently grounded w/out need for extra help.
Could it be that components sufficiently grounded already would suffer from additional grounding, or perhaps grounding can add a euphonic coloration that doesn't work in some systems?
I really don't know. All I know is that preamp grounding in my system is radically good, but going the next step to Atlantis has proved to be a no-no.
Tategoi, don't lose any sleep if Entreq proves to be a detour, not a solution. It might be interesting for you to audition the Olympos Minimus when it's launched, ground your preamp only, and if this hits your buttons, stick at this and go no further. From what I gather, Olympos is in the same ball park price as S. Tellus, and for those who get good results w/preamp grounding, but nothing else, maybe should consider this box the best solution.
Esp since from what I gather the S. Minimus is a fair way short of S. Tellus and Olympos when it comes to the grounding capacity offered.

All i know is this is what Kog warned against when we first started trying the Atlantis. He had said very early on that one can apply too many.
I borrowed a friend's Silver Minimus and connected it to my transport/DAC. The other Silver Minimus remains connected to the pre-amp. I find the music now had lost its dynamics and sounded soft and weak. Is there such a thing called "over-grounded"? I am using Eartha Silver throughout. Now I can probably imagine how my system will sound with all 4 equipment connected to the Silver TellUs.

Hi tategoi.
I presume the transport/dac are two separate components which you have connected to the borrowed Silver Minimus single binding post. I suspect that is asking to much of the Silver Minimus and that you need the bigger Silver Tellus. I only use my Silver Minimus for the speaker cables. Have you tried connecting only the dac or the transport to the borrowed Silver Minimus?
If not try that and see how it sounds then after a day or so and let us know your experience.
Lloyd, I really can't see how there can be too much grounding. It may be that one can overload the grounding capacity of a grounding box (e.g. potentially your 14!!! ground cables to 3-terminal Troy, or my potential 8-9 Apollos to my single S. Tellus), or a particular component may be sufficiently grounded w/out need for extra help.
Could it be that components sufficiently grounded already would suffer from additional grounding, or perhaps grounding can add a euphonic coloration that doesn't work in some systems?
I really don't know. All I know is that preamp grounding in my system is radically good, but going the next step to Atlantis has proved to be a no-no.
Tategoi, don't lose any sleep if Entreq proves to be a detour, not a solution. It might be interesting for you to audition the Olympos Minimus when it's launched, ground your preamp only, and if this hits your buttons, stick at this and go no further. From what I gather, Olympos is in the same ball park price as S. Tellus, and for those who get good results w/preamp grounding, but nothing else, maybe should consider this box the best solution.
Esp since from what I gather the S. Minimus is a fair way short of S. Tellus and Olympos when it comes to the grounding capacity offered.

Spitit, you are assuming that it is "grounding," not some other effect.

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