I've taken a little time responding to Barry's comments on the Entreq S. Minimus/Apollo grounding of pwr amp -ve spkr terminals, that I'm trialling myself right now. Partly because I wanted to take a break from extolling the virtues of Entreq grounding (which was a full time hobby at one time
), and also because my initial experiences were mixed to say the least, alongside other major changes I've made in the last 3-6 mnths. But now I'm ready to post the findings I believe to be accurate.
I have pretty much swapped out all my amps, changed a whole cable loom, and installed radical spkr upgrades, to whit Lundahl transformer Hypex Zu sub bass amps modules and Duelund caps to tweeters networks. So pretty radical changes, topped of w/a full suite of GIK acoustics panels just optimised.
I've actually gone thru a pretty stressful re-education process w/these changes, necessitating changing the Zu sub amps settings, moving the spkrs in the room, and experimenting w/placement of the GIKs.
When I first tried the Entreq amp -ve spkr terminals grounding, I found it all pretty underwhelming, adding too much unwanted warmth and slowness. 48 hrs in, I unplugged these Entreq amp changes.
Two weeks later, the last 48 hrs, after optimising all the strategic changes to the rest of my system, I reintroduced this new Entreq amp grounding...and proceeded to do a total 180 (tough at my age, and lack of hip mobility, I can tell you
Now, the cloying warmth that was so unwelcome has been transformed into really positive bass depth and extension, and since my Zu sub bass amps are driven directly by the system/pwr amps, I'm sure this is where the change is most being wrought.
This would make sense, since the recent changes have been most perceivable in the sub 30Hz region, esp via the new Lundahls. This Entreq amp grounding is maxxing this even further. My newly-Entreq'd Nat monoblocks are now driving the Lundahls more cleanly and w/even lower noise floor than ever, really allowing the Lundahls, and hence the Zu sub bass, to perform stupendously.
I have pretty much swapped out all my amps, changed a whole cable loom, and installed radical spkr upgrades, to whit Lundahl transformer Hypex Zu sub bass amps modules and Duelund caps to tweeters networks. So pretty radical changes, topped of w/a full suite of GIK acoustics panels just optimised.
I've actually gone thru a pretty stressful re-education process w/these changes, necessitating changing the Zu sub amps settings, moving the spkrs in the room, and experimenting w/placement of the GIKs.
When I first tried the Entreq amp -ve spkr terminals grounding, I found it all pretty underwhelming, adding too much unwanted warmth and slowness. 48 hrs in, I unplugged these Entreq amp changes.
Two weeks later, the last 48 hrs, after optimising all the strategic changes to the rest of my system, I reintroduced this new Entreq amp grounding...and proceeded to do a total 180 (tough at my age, and lack of hip mobility, I can tell you
Now, the cloying warmth that was so unwelcome has been transformed into really positive bass depth and extension, and since my Zu sub bass amps are driven directly by the system/pwr amps, I'm sure this is where the change is most being wrought.
This would make sense, since the recent changes have been most perceivable in the sub 30Hz region, esp via the new Lundahls. This Entreq amp grounding is maxxing this even further. My newly-Entreq'd Nat monoblocks are now driving the Lundahls more cleanly and w/even lower noise floor than ever, really allowing the Lundahls, and hence the Zu sub bass, to perform stupendously.