Fremer says 9" arms are inherently superior?

I agree, Christian.

But I think we could have been a little more circumspect and posted with a lighter touch in return for the participation of someone of Michael's experience. I, for one, and Steve, for two, and PeterA, for three, would have greatly appreciated and valued having Michael weigh in on something from time to time as the spirit moved him.

agreed !
. . .

From there, people started making all sorts of assumptions about MF's views on the subject. . . . So we are left wondering.

I agree that people started making up all sorts of assumptions. We are left wondering. Now we will never know.
It seems perfectly straightforward to me.

Mike auditioned the SAT, and by a fair margin it beat any other arm he’s auditioned, whether 9”, 10.5”, 12”, 14”, or air bearing.

It so happens it’s one of the few, if only arms, where the designer overtly declares 9” preferable to any other length. And that attention to engineering and material science provides advantages that longer arms can’t provide, so having more advantages than the ones purported for longer arms over 9” ones.

And indeed Mike hears these advantages, and goes further to demonstrate plainly via his digital rips that tracking errors with it are so minimal as to be passable, all the while the 9” arm having all the advantages inherent in a 9” arm.

And concludes that SAT is his favourite arm and the choices the designer has made in deciding not to go longer are compelling.

And that’s about it, what is exactly so hard for the skeptical and confused out there to understand?
Based on all that you've posted, it's clear that you are a dishonest fool.

You make **** up at every turn.

NEVER did I claim that 9" arms are "inherently superior". That's **** you made up.

You posted something about me tapping on turntables (which I do) and then YOU made up crap about why I do so.

Now you are questioning how reputable a company is to offer various length arms? And you go on to hallucinate the motives of the companies, followed by your conclusion that they are "disreputable" because of more **** you've made about the motivation.

Wow. You brought me here and guess what? I'm done!

Michael, you really need to read the various threads more carefully.
Unfortunately, you are confusing me with another member and his posts on another thread. That’s ok, but I think you have severely overreacted on this thread.
BTW, I never brought you here, but if you like to believe that... I guess that’s ok.
Like Rockitman stated above, I think you really didn’t have much intention of participating anyhow.:(
Call me a simple idiot if you must, but has anyone considered the possibility that certain arms are better in one length variant than another and therefore the length question is arm specific? Can I just give a disclaimer that I am not convinced one way or the other, and by default normally have mostly 9 inch arms, 2 10.5's and one 12 inch arm - but they are all different. It's not a case of saying that 1 teaspoon of salt is ideal for any dish that you serve?

with all due respect, I highly doubt he had any intention of participating in this forum on a regular basis.

You might be right but it is kind of a bummer we will never know.
I agree, Christian.

But I think we could have been a little more circumspect and posted with a lighter touch in return for the participation of someone of Michael's experience. I, for one, and Steve, for two, and PeterA, for three, would have greatly appreciated and valued having Michael weigh in on something from time to time as the spirit moved him.

Ron although I would agree it would be great to have him contribute I really enjoy his articles

By the same token can we accept someone who swears at people on this thread, I know there was lively debate , but he is a big boy and has a wealth of information, which he can use to defend his views, without swearing at people ?
. . . has anyone considered the possibility that certain arms are better in one length variant than another and therefore the length question is arm specific? . . .

Not stupid at all . . . I think that is an interesting theory.
Based on all that you've posted, it's clear that you are a dishonest fool.

You make **** up at every turn.

NEVER did I claim that 9" arms are "inherently superior". That's **** you made up.

You posted something about me tapping on turntables (which I do) and then YOU made up crap about why I do so.

Now you are questioning how reputable a company is to offer various length arms? And you go on to hallucinate the motives of the companies, followed by your conclusion that they are "disreputable" because of more **** you've made about the motivation.

Wow. You brought me here and guess what? I'm done!

Michael, DaveyF is speaking for his own himself with his own words; he is not speaking for anyone else, not for me, not for WBF, for no one but him.

If I was a designer of audio products I would accommodate all my customers of their desires, and I would do my best to do so with the highest set of ethics, quality products, ...all that jazz.
Audio is fun because of all the variables in personal taste.

Don't go because one individual has a weakness, it would be weak to follow that trend. You are not the weak type, to the contrary, you are the force, one of a positive kind.

Ron although I would agree it would be great to have him contribute I really enjoy his articles

By the same token can we accept someone who swears at people on this thread, I know there was lively debate , but he is a big boy and has a wealth of information, which he can use to defend his views, without swearing at people ?

I agree also and think that this will actually happen. This seems to be what MF wrote in that review nine years ago: that we will essential have arms with the advantages of lower tracking error and none of the disadvantages that longer length implies. It will be interesting to read how people describe the differences they hear when comparing Marc Gomez' new generation of 9" and 12" arms. I would be very surprised if the new SAT 12" arm costs more but sounds worse than his new 9" arm. However, it may simply sound different, cost more to produce, and therefore cost more in the end. Some listeners may end up preferring it and be willing to pay more for it, and others may prefer the sound of the shorter arm and be happy to save some money.

I suspect that the longer arms will not just have longer arm tubes like some of the recent designs. They will be more developed designs that deal effectively with the challenges of less rigidity and higher inertia. In other words, "all things will not be equal". The best arms will be different designs. Perhaps new, easier to use and more precise protractors will also be developed to increase the likelihood of proper alignment with the longer arms. I think Mr. Gomez knows what the challenges are and how to address them. The evidence will be judged by those lucky enough to listen to both arms in a direct comparison. I hope Mr. Fremer will be one of those lucky listeners.

Call me a simple idiot if you must, but has anyone considered the possibility that certain arms are better in one length variant than another and therefore the length question is arm specific? Can I just give a disclaimer that I am not convinced one way or the other, and by default normally have mostly 9 inch arms, 2 10.5's and one 12 inch arm - but they are all different. It's not a case of saying that 1 teaspoon of salt is ideal for any dish that you serve?

I agree with both of the above observations. It really is about materials, manufacturing technique, and design which are all dynamic in nature. Observations about length's correlation to performance are certainly not static in this regard. Variation does exist from approach to approach even with a particular manufacturer. A lot of people consider Frank Kuzma's 14' his best work. I chose the 12 inch TA-9000 after I asked JV if I should put the Graham Elite or Kuzma 4 Pt on my new Ascona. He said neither and told me to get Frank's new TA-9000 arm. I asked Frank which length and I have the 12 inch, but he is doing some unique things to address the negative effects of length. I was not in a position to compare all these permutations on my system but I am one happy camper nonetheless.

Ron although I would agree it would be great to have him contribute I really enjoy his articles

By the same token can we accept someone who swears at people on this thread, I know there was lively debate , but he is a big boy and has a wealth of information, which he can use to defend his views, without swearing at people ?

Ya Mike did seem a tad grumpy today but its the fact that he has great passion about his job and this hobby that makes him so special IMO. Just sayin......
DaveyF: Michael has withdrawn from the forum. Great work, guys! You sure showed him a thing or two! I hope you are proud of yourselves! :mad:

Don't lecture me on how unreasonable or impatient you think Michael was, and how magnanimous and fair-minded you all were. I won't be listening.


Michael came here from his own free will and some of the comments I've read here were totally out-of-bounce, sounding like a drug addict from another planet of his own imagination.

I've read very attentively every single post. There wasn't a friendly/smart field offered by Davey to Michael.
It wasn't fair @ all. It was wrong, plain wrong.
I feel great sadness for the right reason, and I am 100% with Michael.
I hope he reconsider because I have much more positive learning to get from Michael than Davey's negative attitude.

I don't usually say stuff like this but here I had to. Words matter, a lot.

Davey, realise the impact of your ideas of inferior products, what you've said, and it adds zero benefit to anyone. This is ultra high end audio with ultra high end people's class. This is a world you know, this is the world you live in, this is the people you build friendships with, creating bonds.
I agree, Christian.

But I think we could have been a little more circumspect and posted with a lighter touch in return for the participation of someone of Michael's experience. I, for one, and Steve, for two, and PeterA, for three, would have greatly appreciated and valued having Michael weigh in on something from time to time as the spirit moved him.

Count me in too Ron.
Call me a simple idiot if you must, but has anyone considered the possibility that certain arms are better in one length variant than another and therefore the length question is arm specific? Can I just give a disclaimer that I am not convinced one way or the other, and by default normally have mostly 9 inch arms, 2 10.5's and one 12 inch arm - but they are all different. It's not a case of saying that 1 teaspoon of salt is ideal for any dish that you serve?

That's a smart post. +1
Ron although I would agree it would be great to have him contribute I really enjoy his articles

By the same token can we accept someone who swears at people on this thread, I know there was lively debate , but he is a big boy and has a wealth of information, which he can use to defend his views, without swearing at people ?

I swear, I'm seeing unfriendly stars sometimes. And I believe that I'm not the only one. I put myself in Michael's shoes and I just don't need the aggravation.

He'll be back; he has a big human heart, bigger than the stratosphere.
You can tell in a man, woman and child, by their sense of humor rising above everything else. ...The true power of good living @ its very best.

We don't downsize people, we elevate them from their positive contribution to the society. ...Something encouraging like that...for the better peace of living together than talk words of animosity.

Words truly matter, big time baby. ...Hell yeah.
Ya Mike did seem a tad grumpy today but its the fact that he has great passion about his job and this hobby that makes him so special IMO. Just sayin......

You sure got that right Paul. You don't mess with someone's passion and dedication and life. You learn to take the time in advancing your knowledge from them.

This is no Hollywood movie, this is real life.
What a mess... all because a reviewer said he preferred a 9" arm over anything else extant

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  • What’s Best Forum is THE forum for high end audio, product reviews, advice and sharing experiences on the best of everything else. This is THE place where audiophiles and audio companies discuss vintage, contemporary and new audio products, music servers, music streamers, computer audio, digital-to-analog converters, turntables, phono stages, cartridges, reel-to-reel tape machines, speakers, headphones and tube and solid-state amplification. Founded in 2010 What’s Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates.

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