I´m the new guy in this neighbourhood so I will tread with light feet...Personally I don´t see an insult anywhere on Blizzard´s post and some of you are making a meal or more likely a banquet out of a simple suggestion to improve a product that has been nothing but constantly improved since its inception. Lukasz himself started out modding or "Lampizing" gear and there is nothing offensive in what Blizzard is proposing which is exactly to lampize a Lampizator DAC, he is not pointing a gun at anyone to force them to do the mod, merely suggesting an easy (for him) and inexpensive way to improve sound quality which is what we´re all pursuing in the end. Yes, it´s not easy on the ear to be told your expensive, state of the art, best in the world, can´t imagine sounding better, boutique parts galore DAC has a cheap Amanero implementation that can be easily bettered, but the reality is it will be bettered because that is the Lampizator spirit.
I want to state that I´m a huge fan of Lukasz and his work and do not intend to offend anyone, I´d love to own a Golden Gate and if I did, I would welcome Blizzard´s suggestions and surely run them past Lukasz.