You nailed it about the I happened to have a B7 and GG at the same time to test with.I would say 101d for the large scale classical stuff I like as long as it is balanced with a smooth recti. 101d + fast / detailed recti is too much in my system thus needs balancing. For jazz, I like the eml 45 mesh as it has terrific bloom on sax and is smooth as. The 242 were not compatible with my GG as they over drove the output stage but they worked terrifically in Ked's big 7 - in fact they made the big 7 come closer to GG. I have ordered the eml 45 globe mesh anniversary too. I need to get the Elrogs also...
You are getting all the top notch tubes there, Bill.
I have the EML mesh 45, vintage NU 45, replica 101d, vintage REAL WE 101d (ST shape) and EML 300b. I love the EML 300b and all the 45s. I just got a set of VT52s that I will try when I get back home as well. The rectis you pair them with do matter.