Well, here's a picture of my two year old Kiseki Purpleheart cantilever and stylus. I have used Onzow - and nothing else - to keep it "clean". I have used Onzow before and after each record consistently.
Not a good showing. I've just now tried ME dips to see if the gunk build up around the base of the stylus would come off, but no dice. It looks like I'm going to need to get some cleaning solution and a brush, as well as then find a better consistent cleaning method.
Interestingly, in my other system, my Transfiguration Proteus looks squeaky clean. It seems to have some cantilever discoloration down towards the stylus, but doesn't have the gunk build up.
The proof is in the "pudding".
? https://www.amazon.ca/EnTeck-Illumi...ocphy=9001612&hvtargid=pla-392666317888&psc=1