Forgive me, this is humor:
Looking @ few alternatives on how to clean our stylus...brushes, erasers, lubricants, etc., and other turntable's and cartidge's maintenance and adjustment screwdrivers, various lubricants for different parts, precision tools and levels and microscopes (magnifying glass), ...we need a garage for all the precision tools required, oil changes, filter removals, mini harnesses, jumper cables, diaphrams, diagrams, rubbers (belts), stroboscope lights, ion guns, demagnetizer guns, screws, washers, set of various drivers ... hexnut, Philips, Allen keys, ...
The Art of rotating albums on a properly set and oiled and clean lubricated TT does indeed require a romantic garage nearby for all the tools, and it's a dedication to maintain that art like it is to maintain a car, a home, a relationship, a ship.
Analog people are better lovers...romance & Romeo and Juliet.
Keep them stylus clean for every play (per side) and don't let gum residues (never) to accumulate or the cleaning job won't be so easy anymore. Anyone who bought second-hand albums know best. You might get lucky and they are pretty clean, or look quite clean until you play them.
But then, even brand new they will let residues on your stylus. And it's impossible to live in a dust-free environment unless in a hospital quarantine room with a state-of-the-art air filtration system.
That's all, it made me think that TT maintenance (stylus, cartridge, speed, all the important small adjusts and tools and liquids ...) is a true art form in this magnificent hobby ... vinyl music spinning and listening.
Some people transfer all their LPs to music servers; I cannot blame them, particularly in the retirement age when time is in short supply and travelling the world is getting more and more open and safer. You still have to do some research, as not all corners come recommended.
* How many hours per week do you spend on spinning albums and related around your turntable (garage tools and all that stylus style jazz)? It's also very good for the physical exercise...feet, hands and fingers...every 22 minutes or so.
And nothing else in the world can take that away from all the love that is in it ... rotational album (analog vinyl) music listening, and the garage of precise tools that comes with it.
Try to be that romantic with digital streaming and spinning. No way, it is antiseptic, it smells Javex to clean hospital's green walls and floors and toilet rooms. ...Mental hospitals.
Like I said, forgive me for the humor.