My magnifier is 30x, and I use a powerful Mini Maglite to have a clear bright view.
The Magic Eraser usually suffices for clean albums, plus I use a stylus brush, similar to the ones most vinyphiles showed and used here (Ortofon brush).
For a really gooey stylus I use inoffensive stylus fluid, showed previously in some of the videos.
The cleaner my albums the easier to clean my stylus; I reserve my best stylus for them.
And I change cartridges (different stylus) for second-hand albums. It is amazing what stick to a stylus from less than pristine albums...but you all know that already.
Because music and movies matter.
The Magic Eraser usually suffices for clean albums, plus I use a stylus brush, similar to the ones most vinyphiles showed and used here (Ortofon brush).
For a really gooey stylus I use inoffensive stylus fluid, showed previously in some of the videos.
The cleaner my albums the easier to clean my stylus; I reserve my best stylus for them.
And I change cartridges (different stylus) for second-hand albums. It is amazing what stick to a stylus from less than pristine albums...but you all know that already.
Because music and movies matter.