How Good a CD Transport is Required to Sound Better than Streaming?

There seems to be a fairly solid consensus (Lucasz Ficus, LL21, Al M, etc.) that CD playback or computer file playback, or perhaps both, sound better than streaming (assuming, of course, that all other variables, including the DAC, are held constant).

But I assume that one cannot assume that any device that can spin a CD necessarily will achieve better sound quality than will streaming.

So how good a CD transport does one need to achieve CD playback which sounds better than streaming? Where do the lines (rising sound quality of better transport and streaming sound quality) cross?
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Just sharing that i will be auditioning this week three CD transports: Jay's Audio CD-T 3 MKIII ($5K), Accustic Arts Drive IV ($22K), and MBL 1621A ($33K). All three are well built top loaders from what i read. Jay's Audio and MBL use Philips' CDPro2 mechanism, while Accustic Arts use the newer CDPro8 mechanism from another company..
They will be in different setups so it will not be apple to apple comparisons but i will share what i hear..

How are you going to distinguish what the transport brings to the table in these auditions? And, how are you going to evaluate them against one another since there are three completely different setups?
How are you going to distinguish what the transport brings to the table in these auditions? And, how are you going to evaluate them against one another since there are three completely different setups?
The only thing common is I bring my CDs. Other than that I don’t have an answer :). Any suggestions?
Of course I hope Jay’s Audio will perform as well as the other two .. it would be great for my pocket :)
The only thing common is I bring my CDs. Other than that I don’t have an answer :). Any suggestions?
Of course I hope Jay’s Audio will perform as well as the other two .. it would be great for my pocket :)

Do you presently have a cd transport or cd players that can be used as a transport that you can bring along and swap in for a compare at least against each individual one? Or does whoever you are auditioning with have other transports for comparisons? One other thing, those comparisons can be made I'd suggest doing two comparisons one using the same transport output type connection , the other using the outputs connection type that the specific transport may be optimized for.

Otherwise, nope no help. I'm pulling for your pocketbook :). Good luck, I will be interested in your assessments
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