Question for the iFi representative, please help me out. I use your Zen Stream (Tidal connect) with Elite power supply together with a Chord 2Qute (Sboostered) dac. I bought a PrimaLuna Evo tube amp (very happy with it), but the volume control is way too agressive (fixed output 2Qute 3V). The only workaround I can think of is activating the volume control in the Zen Stream and lower the digital volume to 80-90% max. Then the PrimaLuna re-amplifies the signal in a more subtle way, but how much will this workaround degrade the Tidal 16/44 signal? The best way would be buying a Chord Qutest dac with adjustable output control (1V, 2V, 3V), but that’s an expensive workaround I am not eager to jump on. When the degradation is too severe I have to, otherwise my brain will keep reminding me.. Hope to hear from you soon, kind regards!