Is It Possible for a Manufacturer to Create a Design that Minimizes the Effects of Cables?
Obviously, one way to do it is to reduce the number of boxes and provide proprietary connections as dCS has done with Varese. One of their sales pitches is : upgrade cost is not as high , as you need less cables.
But is there anything that a Manufacturer can do in terms of the design itself?
Sure do what electronic test manufacturer's do. I have walked through test labs with millions of dollars of test equipment and not seen a single one using anything other than the manufacturer supplied power cable/cords. If they can do it certainly audio companies can.
Many times equipment is rack mounted so when they are taken for calibration the stock cords are left in place and a standard computer cord is used to power them when being calibrated. Never had a failure linked directly to a power cord or power cord substitution while being calibrated.
Good power supply design counts.