The point of what I'm trying to do is to convince people that there definitely is a higher order of performance available; after all, this is What's Best; how people choose to pursue it then is up to them. But first of all you need to believe it exists ...
Frank, with all due respect, we are simple human mortals, and as such imperfect animals of nature.
We use money to elevate our power and all the best there is in everything! Including Audio.
But only few have access to life's excesses ... And those come from all venues and all means ...
Not a single person on our planet knows all the mysteries of our world, and not a single person can abduct, or convey, or convince, or dictate, or rule, or govern, or temper, or alter, or decipher, or transmit, or absolve, or absolute (verb), or define what is and what's not!
And even more so in Audio!
Frank, I luv you, and both you, I & them, we all know that what we know is only what we ourselves experimented in real life experiences. And we simply don't know all the other good & bad stuff out there; or because of geography, language, money, social positions, etc.
We can only speculate about the unknown ... And some of us know more than others ...
It don't truly matter, what does is the Love for the Music. And that, is
Absolute! :b
...And the Music comes in all forms and from all places; sounds of nature, birds, wind, rain, fire, earthquakes, ocean tremors, running elephants, running antelopes, running jaguars, roaring panthers, crying babies, nails getting hit by hammers, sand from the Sahara flying into the air, violins in a concert hall, piano at home, Dad singing in the shower, Mom mumbling in the kitchen, ... you name it ...