Kuzma 4 point

In Europe we have sales tax which is from 15- 25% while in USA is if I am correct between 0-10%. Therefore you can not compare prices and just lately happened that EUR lost value against USD for about 10%.
I'm sorry, but is that a secret ? It has always been my understanding, that retail prices of hi-fi gear are public.

I do not want to buy the TT, not to mention import one from the US - I'm a digital guy to the core. I just wanted to learn the price. That is all. Is that a crime ?
I'm sorry, but is that a secret ? It has always been my understanding, that retail prices of hi-fi gear are public.

I do not want to buy the TT, not to mention import one from the US - I'm a digital guy to the core. I just wanted to learn the price. That is all. Is that a crime ?

I gave you a range, which is sufficient, especially in your case.

Oscar Wilde wrote, "What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing."
Kuzma - the only Hi-End company that made their pricelist a secret, LOL.
Thank you !
Did someone make direct comparisons between Airline and 4Point with the same turntable and cartridge?
Did someone make direct comparisons between Airline and 4Point with the same turntable and cartridge?

Yes, I did.
I did own the Airline and know it very well. One of my friends had it also and a 4P, both on same table, same Phono Stage etc. In both Arms we did use the same cartridge (I think it was Lyra Titan i but it is some time ago and I can't find a pic from it right now).
We thought, the Airline showed a much better presentation, a better flow and a kind of speed with ballet music which was right, the 4P was slow and anemic in comparison. There wasn't one sonic area where we thought, it can show something new.
I never looked back and my friend sold it a few weeks later. But others may think different.
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More power to those who run the air line arm... Running air compressors for a tonearm isn't in the cards for me.

One question for 4P owners regarding damping oil. I haven't experimented with damping oil in either of the 4P troughs thus far, and am wondering how others think about it. The calculated resonance frequency of my arm/cart combo is right where it "should" be and for this reason I haven't thought to try further damping. But I'm curious if others have tried it - what were you trying to accomplish? Was it purely subjective? What did you find the audible affect of damping oil in the top vs bottom troughs to be? (Sure I could just "try it and see" but I'm curious to read some feedback before bothering... Thanks!
I'm also interested in this question, having just acquired the 4 Point. I used it briefly without damping oil and it sounded very good. I then added damping oil and adjusted the paddles to be only minimally immersed in the oil - perhaps 1mm or slightly less. This sounded marginally better, without sounding slow or over-damped. It sounded excellent, so I did not bother experimenting further. I would be curious to know what others have found.
Bazelio, I believe some day to day issues the Airline has is down to needing high PSI, 60-70.
My air bearing Terminator linear tracker is only 2-3 PSI, and I’m sure this contributes to a fuss-free day to day experience.
I keep my air pump outside the listening room.
But yes I agree, running an air arm requires more “commitment” from the user.
I'm also interested in this question, having just acquired the 4 Point. I used it briefly without damping oil and it sounded very good. I then added damping oil and adjusted the paddles to be only minimally immersed in the oil - perhaps 1mm or slightly less. This sounded marginally better, without sounding slow or over-damped. It sounded excellent, so I did not bother experimenting further. I would be curious to know what others have found.

Well that's somewhat encouraging. What does "better" mean in your case? Which cartridge are you using?

I'll have to order some oil, but may as well give it a shot.
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Well that's somewhat encouraging. What does "better" mean in your case? Which cartridge are you using?

I'll have to order some oil, but may as well give it a shot.

The Oil paddle /damping conundrum one that is mixed blessing I've found --SME touted it as a near must do--

but frankly never felt it was a go 90% anyway over the years I used the Arms trying oil/in/out-- also I found the viscosity changed with Humidity/Cold in the room--

I had the K 4Point with a Madake MC and never needed the "bath" as my test "torture" Lps all played superbly with no quirks--so stayed as is.YVMV.

But hey try some Goo it may work for you :)

Well that's somewhat encouraging. What does "better" mean in your case? Which cartridge are you using?

This was with a Van den Hul Black Beauty. I took the view that Franc Kuzma put it there for a reason so it was worth trying. I didn't do any critical comparisons before and after. I have a slight sense of better tracking with the damping, but it could just be placebo. Whether or not it is doing anything, it sounds great, so I am happy.

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