as a 10 year owner of Transparent Opus MM speakers cables, even owning 2 pair of them for a year, i have a theory about why they were not an ideal match for the ML3's.
i used the Opus MM speaker cables with Wilson WP 6.0's, the Kharma Exquisite 1D, the Von Schweikert VR9SE, and the Evolution Acoustics MM3's. so across a wide variety of speaker systems. the Opus MM seemed to be very slightly dark on top, and bring an extra dollop of dimensional bass sexiness. it was always organic and cohesive sounding. loved those cables.
as those are also plainly attributes of the ML3's, it's just too much of a good thing.
we can love the character of gear, but sometimes it's better for the gear to not have any of it's own. ML3's need cables to just get out of the way.
I think mike is right here , this falls right in the lane of the cables being low pass filters .
A lot of comments i read have mentioned lamm sounding slightly dark, but that depends on the used speaker as well off course , most FR s of speakers are not a straight line/ neutral most roll of on top already, so to some the lamm may sound perfectly neutral to others not
Now if the transparent and lamm are combined it might be to much of a good thing , what most people then do in response is turn up the volume asking more of the lamm amplifier iow the amp has to work harder and there is to much bass in the sound, beacause the output balance/ frequency response has changed in favour of the bass , youre probably talking 1-2 db s shift from one end of the slope to the other
As said here already i think especially with lamm one has to be very carefull with those networked cables , give others(neutral cables

) at least a try
PS A low pass flilter is basically a coil in series ( or capacitator in parralel ) which allows low freqs to pass through and high freqs not ( very simply stated ) , they are also used in speaker X overs .
This is a gentle slope however not an abrupt phenomenon , depends also on the order , you have first order like mentioned here but you have 2nd 3 rd etc.
Where this cut off starts depends on the value of the coil if its a very low mH value , it stays out of the audible range altogether( blocks noise ???) but reading the comments im not so sure it does that