It was a bit of a frustration for me because it’s shooting in the dark to a large extent and I wouldn’t even know where to start had it not been for the pointers that I took from the Horizon Tube Rolling Thread - so thanks to all contributors there. But then it becomes a blessing when you do get it right. I was using 4 KT77 which I preferred over the TS-KT170 and then, when I put in the TAK 274B, it really took everything up a level. Yesterday, out of curiosity, I put the TS-KT170 back in to find that they are actually a much better match with the TAK and I have found my perfect combination. The 2 Triodes are PSVane 6SN7 Grey Globes which I prefer over the TS 6SN7GTB, so it’s all the big chunky tubes and it certainly looks heavy laden. More to the point, it sounds better than I could have hoped for from my first hearing and decision to purchase. I guess Freddy Mercury was right when he celebrated Fat Bottled Girls.
Actually, I should say that when I first heard the Horizon, Greg at G-Point (UK Distributor) brought it round to my house and set it up. I normally don’t like this as I prefer to set items up and try them out on my own undisturbed, but it was extremely helpful in fact because he explained the different tubes used and the differences that they can make and then ran through some different combinations which was very informative and extremely interesting to hear. He left me a few tubes to try out and, in addition, was a really nice guy. I can definitely recommend him to anyone in the UK who is interested in Lampizator gear.