Hi WBFs - What's Best Fellows. I have an Octave Jubilee Pre. The comparison between using the Horizon's VC directly and my preamp wasn't dramatic but certainly noticeable. The added benefits from the Octave linestage included a bigger sound (e.g. bigger and deeper soundstage), improved clarity and darkness, a bit more correctness in rhythm and pace and a slightly more relaxed sound while still retaining inner details and sonic nuances.
I do have a special NOS valve in one of the tube seats of the Jubilee, which helps impart some of those virtues, but even with the Telefunken ECC802s it was still dishing it up nicely.
I do have a special NOS valve in one of the tube seats of the Jubilee, which helps impart some of those virtues, but even with the Telefunken ECC802s it was still dishing it up nicely.