Thanks to
@christoph and few of our dear friends a big tube rolling session was done yesterday with TRP. Their findings are nicely summed up and again may serve as a great manual for finding the perfect tube match for your needs with this particular DAC model.
“Here's a summary of the tube rolling session today at Chris' place with David, Chris and myself.
Setup: We tested a variety of output tubes to see which ones are working best in the TRP. We kept the setup simple with the SuperKomputer feeding the TRP DAC. Amp was the Ayon Crossfire. Speakers the hORNS Universum. So no pre-amp and no subwoofer was used.
The first round we did with the KR Ann Recti. Second round we compared our favorite tubes with the Takatsuki.
Music: Stevie Ray Vaughan - Tin Pal Alley (2.30 min. & 5:00 min.); Yosi Horikawa - Bubbles (from start 1-2 min); Jose Carrera - Misa Criolla (from start 1-2min); Keith Jarret - Köln Concert Part I (1-2 min from start & 6:00 min); Blues Company - Dark Day (1:30 min); Jon Hopkins - Abandon Window (start 1-2 min & 3:40 min)
KR / Tung Sol EL34: clear over full spectrum, well defined bass (one of the better we heard)
KR / Philips EL24 Blackburn Code (NOS): warmer than the Tung Sol, pronounced mid-range, lacks treble extension
KR / RFT EL 34 (NOS): most dynamic and defined of the EL 34, clean over the full specturm, more details, good flow, clearly the winner of the EL34s
KR / Brimar 6L6G (NOS): less dynamic than EL 34s, soundstage moves slightly further back, beautiful organic tonality, very smooth, less treble then the RFT but nothing to worry about, good bass quantity which is softer than with the EL 34s, most emotional and touching of the bunch
KR / TAD KT66: most bass quantity, missing snap, polished and glossed over, a clear pass from all of us
KR / Genalex KT 77 Gold Lion: massive soundstage, cleanest of the all, quite background, has the fullness of the EL 34s but is more precise and more transparent, good treble extension, tonality is spot on, involving and physical, fantastic intradynamics, most complete tube of the bunch and in all disciplines ahead except from emotionality where the Brimar is slightly better
Elextro Harmonix 6CA7 EH: a lot of details, most powerful, good punch and dynamics, missing body in the lower midrange/upper bass, does not transport the chest voice as the KT77 and the Brimar.
Our favorite tubes were the Genalex KT77 and the Brimar 6L6G. The Brimar is more emotional but the KT77 more involving. Tonality of the Brimar is beautiful but not as correct as with the KT77. We switched the rectifier to the Takatsuki to find out how these two favorites would do with the Japanese rectifier.
Takatsuki / Brimar 6L6G: Depth, focus and imaging improved a lot. Also the soundstage increased. The Takatsuki completes the Brimar. Very detailed but never losing the flow and the focus on the complete picture. The step up from the KR to the Takatsuki is impressive.
Takatsuki / KT 77: Also here, the soundstage increases slightly. There's more air and better separation than with the KR. But the difference to the KR is much smaller than with the Brimar. We all could very well live with the KR.
Overall, the Takatsuki and KT77 was the winner of the day. If you own a TRP it makes sense to own a Brimar and the KT77 as they are quite different in their presentation. The KR is doing a great job overall. If you got the spare money, go for the Takatsuki”