Tic tac time is over and here it goes as always great review from my dear friend
Update on Tesla EL51.
“After having made great experiences with Tesla E88CC Gold Grid tubes in my Einstein Pre (my reference tube) I ordered two pairs of EL51‘s from a trusted dealer in the Czech Republic. The tubes are not fully burnt in yet but after testing them on my headphone setup and the main rig today, I feel I can provide a reliable first assessment. So far I have tested these with the Philco and the Shuguang GZ480 recti. Will also pull out Taka, RK and ACME in the next fee days to try.
Maybe I start with some useful information
1. these tubes need an adapter
2. the height including adapter is 22cm - you need a lot of space in your rack
3. the anode is on top so the adapter with the anode cap on top may visually not be to your liking
In terms of sound they need to compete against my favorite tube the PSVane 6CA7 which has become the reference for me in the TRP. I have tested quite a few more tubes in the TRP the last couple of months. If I don’t write anything you can assume it is inferior by quite a margin and thus not worth reporting.
The first things that came to my mind when hearing the EL51 first is timbre, detail and midrange beauty. This tube sounds so organic and real as I have not heard it yet in the TRP. The coulours and details of acoustic instruments is to die for.
The noise floor is very low so you can hear literally everything that is on a recording. These tubes get the silence right: background is pitch black and notes emerge from it in the most natural way.
The midrange is powerful but open and clean. Voices are carved out in a lovely way: rich but not dark, pulpable with all the facettes and colours. Contrast and rendering of individual elements is phenomenal. I immediately realized that the sound is much more alive at low listening levels.
Treble is open with good presence and attack but without being harsh or having any issues with sibliants. Bass is fast and controlled with good attack and short decay. But bass quantity is clearly less compared to the PSVane 6CA7 or the Gold Lion KT77. For a system that lacks in the lower department or if room filling bass is a key objective this may not be your tube. I haven’t moved the speakers closer to the backwall yet (as I’m perfectly happy with the sound) but I‘ll try out new positioning in the coming days to see whether eveb more is possible.
In terms of soundstage they do well. Compared to the PSVanes the focus shifts to the upper mids and treble. It might sound s bit less massive and room filling with certain recodings but I think that has mostly to do with the leaner bass.
One thing which impressed me is that despite the high level of detail the sound is the opposite of being analytical. Often details in studio recordings detract from the music. Here it is somehow the opposite. It really pulls you deeply into the music, removing all barriers such as microphones and recording gear, creating this intimacy between you and the artists. Because of this intimacy I listened mostly to singer songwriter stuff today. I‘ll have to check with more genres in the next few days.
But I‘m seriously impressed and happy that I was convinced to buy these.”