This is pretty cool. In the box the text is patent information. And also in the box was this cartoon. My German is a little rusty but if someone who does read German can translate I would appreciate it. Its a little hard to make out...
from what Understand, as I have not done the comparison, there is a sonic difference between the TFKN AZ12 silver mesh and the Valvo AZ12 black mesh, but as I said before these tubes are so close it likely matters not
You're half right Goran! Yes that is a skull, I can't divulge the "gentleman's" name or I will incriminate myself. The only thing I can say is he "was" in the audio business. That other object is a small level. If it was a hammer I could understand you're concerns! Hammer/Skull together! Not a good combo! LOL!!!! Now that I look at the level it could be mistaken for a primitive hammer!
Those are some weights I made. I wanted something a little different and aesthetically pleasing. TBH I'm not sure how much it helps. I do steel sculpture so I always have different metals laying around. I cut these from some stock I had...
Those are some weights I made. I wanted something a little different and aesthetically pleasing. TBH I'm not sure how much it helps. I do steel sculpture so I always have different metals laying around. I cut these from some stock I had...