My experience with Lampizator Pacific echoes this issue. Like many, I went nuts initially with tube rolling and quickly ran into a series of bad tubes that kept blowing. I learned my lesson. I stick to trusted tubes only now. I am using KR RK 242s with the KR 5UG rectifier. I had many problems with reissued Western Electric 300Bs and eventually stopped using them in my Lampi. That said, the tube rolling lust bit me again and I’m waiting to receive a quartet of NOS Western Electric 101Ds. Fingers crossed. If you want peace of mind, stick to trusted tubes. Or get a great tube tester. I use the Amplitrex. Before I insert any tube in my Pacific I test it extensively with my Amplitrex. If you don’t use a good tube tester with Lampi DACs, you’re playing Russian roulette. They are insanely great DACs but it’s not like you can stick anything into it. It’s plug and pray if you don’t use a great tube tester.