Lampizator Valve / Tube Rolling Review Thread

Any available comparisons of the Ideon to the Mutec Ref 10 or Cybershafts?

Or is it just a reclocker like the Innuos Phoenix or Mutec MC3+? Anyway, I need to not be lazy and do my own research.
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Got me a pair of Marconi Osram PX25 balloons unused.

And an RCA solid state rectifier.

Will put the PX25s against the Tesla RDs at some stage.
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Got me a pair of Marconi Osram PX25 balloons unused.

And an RCA solid state rectifier.

Will put the PX25s against the Tesla RDs at some stage.
Fantastic! Looking fw to this! :cool:
Game never ends and that is important...btw might have RDs at 100% for you;)
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I sniffed a crazy pentode for TRP which got approved as such by Yoda, but lets see...
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Here's one of the PX25s. The other is marked Osram. But internally it is identical for all intents and purposes.

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I own the small one and will be buying the big version mate
Mate its Friday night...where’s your pint of beer? I hope you started your mini brewery there;)
BTW - change that shitty xyz years old Mac feeding poor Ideon :cool::p...let him catch some breath
Mate its Friday night...where’s your pint of beer? I hope you started your mini brewery there;)
BTW - change that shitty xyz years old Mac feeding poor Ideon :cool::p...let him catch some breath

Have you not heard mate the pubs are closed in the U.K.

As for the Mac it will be changed at some point all depends if we have to go on the government Furlough scheme when I have to close the factory temporary or indefinitely
You look as someone who can overcome these small imposed measures and hence question about home brewed stuff;).
For the point no.2 - :mad: hope the worst option does not happen...f. virus
You look as someone who can overcome these small imposed measures and hence question about home brewed stuff;).
For the point no.2 - :mad: hope the worst option does not happen...f. virus

Improvisation in place mate plenty of beer in the fridge including Guinness on drought :)

Hope we can get through the situation at work but I do feel for most across the world and not just the U.K.
How much are those SR Orange fuses? Do you use them in all your gear?
Do they also need some 27 thousand hours to burn-in?
Yes, please report in the fuses thread :cool:
Oh, can you link to that thread, please? :oops:

The SR Orange is $159 in the States. SR had a 3-for-2 special around Xmas, so kickstarted things in a way I could break even if they didn't work. Then I've picked up a couple more with a WTB ad (am still looking for a couple of 10-12.5A for subs). They have specials regularly, so that may come around again later in the year (watch the Cable Co). I found they really kicked in about 250-300 (continuously powered) hours, like it wasn't bad but then all of a sudden the sound leaped. I started years ago with the HiFi Tuning Supreme fuses and they were fine, but then found with some experimentation that there were better (and more expensive) ones out there. This and the rest of my answer is posted in the Fuses thread:

(update: I've now also posted on the fuse thread about my bad experience with an Audio Magic Ultimate Premier beeswax fuse).

Back to tube rolling.... For the regulator pair in the Supratek Chardonnay I just ordered a pair of Tung-Sol 7581A to replace the stock 6N3C (actually 6PS3, as I read that 'N' is Cryllic for P). It's often said the regulators don't affect the sound much, but I found with the PrimaLuna that the contribution was noticeable. And I expect the loser of my KR RK 5U4G Anniv Ed. vs. Psvane WE274B replica war in the TRP will go in the preamp's PSU.
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BTW the Joint Army and Navy RCA Screenshot_20200404-131916.jpgsolid state rectifier was £9 including free postage.

Gotta be worth a try.
Loving the 242s, these are very transparent and uncoloured. Need to look at the rectifier next, I have a PSVane ACME on order which will take months.
For the fuses you guys are talking about what rating / size is required for the GG2? Is it easy to change?

Cheers, Tim
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Loving the 242s, these are very transparent and uncoloured. Need to look at the rectifier next, I have a PSVane ACME on order which will take months.
For the fuses you guys are talking about what rating / size is required for the GG2? Is it easy to change?

Cheers, Tim
Great if you like them! Which recti currently? I love ACME and is my day to day recti...WE274b is better but price delta is just crazy...same goes for Takatsuki which might be even tad better then WE274b.
Can't remember the value for fuse...will dig it out somewhere or ping @Lee Henley - he knows ;)
Didn't realise the Takatsuki was all that good :)

I have a Westinghouse Radiotron - 5u4g at the moment, a recommendation from a friend. It's one that was made in Canada and has red writing. Looks to be pre 1944 but not certain. These are cheap-ish to buy, but was a lot better than the much more expensive Philips 5R4GYS that I also have.

Cheers, Tim
Loving the 242s, these are very transparent and uncoloured. Need to look at the rectifier next, I have a PSVane ACME on order which will take months.
For the fuses you guys are talking about what rating / size is required for the GG2? Is it easy to change?

Cheers, Tim

Tim, if you happen to go for an SR fuse, and I like the Orange, add 25% to the amperage spec (or go up to the next value). Experience has been since the Blue that the SRs are more prone to blow at spec, and I've been told SR is privately suggesting to go up with tube gear. That presumably has something to due with the rectifier tube, as some have a heavier heater current and/or start up faster than others (even the same type will differ by manufacturer). It would also be worth double checking with Lampi in your country. When I got a TRP, the official spec was 2A, but the NA group suggested going with 3.15A because there had been some failures in the States. Maybe that's related to which rectis are used. As for changing, if it's like the TRP the fuse holder is located underneath the power cord inlet and can be opened with a small flat blade screwdriver. Be gentle in removing and installing.
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