Al, almost everyone on this forum knows and understands what you are saying. It's a no-brainer.Your political correctness joke is hilarious, but even among "size groups" not all speakers are equal, neither in quality nor actual size.
Also, not all rooms are equal. it is equally problematic to put too big speakers into a too small room as it is trying to fill a large room with too small speakers.
Many audiophiles have too large speakers for their rooms.
In addition, while a large speaker may have more potential, it also may take a lot of effort to have it play at its potential, or at least reasonably close to it. If it does not, it may actually sound worse, way worse, than a smaller speaker.
BUT there are hundreds, probably thousands of people on the planet, ESPECIALLY in Euro and Asia that have small rooms. NYC city as well. A lot of owners of homes with small rooms STILL want big speakers. I would say 95% of these people understand that it's NOT IDEAL. They get it as much as anyone gets it. They still want big speakers in their life and in their rooms. They don't want small speakers that would be more appropriately matched for their room. They don't care.
I can't count the rooms that I've been in that had two large of speakers for the room. NOW, if the speakers have bass humps, then it's a real issue. BUT if the speakers don't have bass interaction with the room issues, then with the owners with totall understanding that the speakers would sound better if their room was larger, but they still want them, they go for it. It happens all the time and these customers love it. UNLESS they might have bass issues.
The M9s mid-bass and bass is controlled IN THE ANALOG DOMAIN, with the MXO crossover. The MXO is a real factor in the overall beauty of the M9s AND is a major reason that some of the M9 prospective customers that I am talking to are interested in the M9s vs other large scale speakers.
I advise against certain ported speakers even if customers have larger rooms if they are limited with close to the wall placement. Another no-brainer.
With Magico and I have installed a LOT of them, with sealed cabinets, there is MUCH less of a chance of bass humps in the room vs ported speakers. But with the MXO crossover bass issues are much less or a worry.
Does it make sense for people to be driving around in Porches, Ferraris, Lambos, Hell-cats on 55 mph roads, no. But they like it, so they do it.
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