Magico M6 and Tube Amp?

It is. You can get good speakers both ways, the electronics will ruin the signal. The simpler the circuit, the better the sound. The simplest circuits, closest you will get to straight wire, are 2ish watt amps. Of course, there are hardly any full range speakers they can drive. But you add a few more watts, you can get to full range pretty easily.

With digital or poor recordings there is not much difference. With good analog recordings there is a ton of difference between the two approaches

So Amp for desired load or were you too confused with such a long prose.

Playback levels , speakers sensitivity , listening distance , impedance mag/phase will determine amplifier for the load..

Selecting the amplfier before knowing , is cart before the horse . As to amplfier circuits , too simple is as bad as too complex, stop parroting and try to learn by actually doing something more than videos and pics ..

BTW analog reproduction requires more power than Digital same level playback ..
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It is. You can get good speakers both ways, the electronics will ruin the signal. The simpler the circuit, the better the sound. The simplest circuits, closest you will get to straight wire, are 2ish watt amps. Of course, there are hardly any full range speakers they can drive. But you add a few more watts, you can get to full range pretty easily.

With digital or poor recordings there is not much difference. With good analog recordings there is a ton of difference between the two approaches

You are describing your standards, values, and expectations, and I tend to agree with them, but others have different ones. It is a very diverse hobby with multiple approaches. We each listen, judge, and make our choices.
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It is. You can get good speakers both ways, the electronics will ruin the signal. The simpler the circuit, the better the sound. The simplest circuits, closest you will get to straight wire, are 2ish watt amps. Of course, there are hardly any full range speakers they can drive. But you add a few more watts, you can get to full range pretty easily.

With digital or poor recordings there is not much difference. With good analog recordings there is a ton of difference between the two approaches
You are overselling the “digital there is not much difference “. The relative difference is still large…if not as absolutely different as good analog with excellent recordings.
Put VTL and ARC in the mix please thank you .
You will need the new ARC (model 330? 380?), which are excellent by all accounts. REF 750s can't rock hard to drive speakers. And newish 160s run out of steam on hard to drive speakers like wilson - which is why they released the new models.
As if anything new is taking place...same play being replayed, same actors, much like modern era BBC TV :D

I seriously doubt if there are more than 10 people in the world who directly compared latest top vac and cat. big, expensive stuff and hard to arrange an audition... people will just acquire not on full information but based on gut feeling and trust and faith
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I recall you tried the Lamm M1.1 hybrids with your Magicos and liked those better than the Pass amps you had. Then the world turned upside down.

Its deeper than this , Peter still has the lamms and not the original speakers the lamm could not drive ..

David already knew the amp for the load ..
Not in this lifetime…mate.

Your thinking is the definition of noob.

Bonzo agreed , think about that, lack of understand match ..

By definition what was said is academic, or you can go ahead and try your favorite effects box 3 watter on your favorite apogee , while listening to recordings of your Ex at 60db , listening levels necessary to avoid the usual clipping ..
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Bonzo agreed , think about that, lack of understand match ..

By definition what was said is academic, or you can go ahead and try your favorite effects box 3 watter on your favorite apogee , while listening to recordings of your Ex at 60db , listening levels necessary to avoid the usual clipping ..
Typical response from someone who has no idea the point being made…
Its deeper than this , Peter still has the lamms and not the original speakers the lamm could not drive ..

David already knew the amp for the load ..
Yes, he chose the amp and then fit the speakers…the opposite of what you propose…
Yes, he chose the amp and then fit the speakers…the opposite of what you propose…

Thats full Strawman , none of it was in isolation , Peter was running on Davids vast experience, it was not a shot in the dark, he already did all the vetting ...!
I seriously doubt if there are more than 10 people in the world who directly compared latest top vac and cat. big, expensive stuff and hard to arrange an audition... people will just acquire not on full information but based on gut feeling and trust and faith

Would make for a great compare .....
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