i've decided to move on from my Miyajima Labs Premium Be mono cartridge, sold it 2 weeks ago. i owned it and really enjoyed it for 6-7 years now, but recently found that my mono pressings sounded quite a bit better on my Etsuro Gold stereo cartridges when using the EMIA silver wound SUT's. after pondering what i should do, i decided to step up to a higher level mono cartridge (1) to spread the cartridge hours around, (2) i have the extra arm and phono channel, and (3) i do enjoy the low noise on vintage mono pressings from a true mono cartridge.
the two i considered seriously were the Ortofon A mono and the Miyajima Infinity Mono. looking around for feedback, honestly there was not much. the price was going to be close enough that that was not the issue. i've heard the Miyajima Zero mono a number of times at my friend jazdoc's place and it has seriously impressed me as quite a big step up over my Premium Be. so this data point maybe was decisive in tipping the scales. in the end i went for what i felt would offer the more involving musical experience..........the 1.0 mil Infinity Mono. i think i would have been happy with the A Mono too......
so today i ordered and paid for the 1.0 mil Infinity from Robin Wyatt. it should be here in 3-4 weeks. i will report back once i get it up and running.
in my search for answers, besides not really finding any......i did find others who were asking about this. so i figured i would start this thread.

the two i considered seriously were the Ortofon A mono and the Miyajima Infinity Mono. looking around for feedback, honestly there was not much. the price was going to be close enough that that was not the issue. i've heard the Miyajima Zero mono a number of times at my friend jazdoc's place and it has seriously impressed me as quite a big step up over my Premium Be. so this data point maybe was decisive in tipping the scales. in the end i went for what i felt would offer the more involving musical experience..........the 1.0 mil Infinity Mono. i think i would have been happy with the A Mono too......
so today i ordered and paid for the 1.0 mil Infinity from Robin Wyatt. it should be here in 3-4 weeks. i will report back once i get it up and running.
in my search for answers, besides not really finding any......i did find others who were asking about this. so i figured i would start this thread.

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