i doubt many retailers get into the 'no soup for you' mode. i think that is a myth. at the top of the food chain people buy stuff for all kinds of reasons, including how it might look in their 3rd house, their friend said it's cool, or the interior designer spec'd it.
the approach is 'will that be cash, check, or credit card?'.
In the UK there is a total cretin of an importer of high-end gear, and a shop he sells stuff through who really is 'no soup' in fact I think there was debate on HiPlus that the then editor Roy Gregory had to respond to in defence of the individual. A total shame as he had the ears of a bat, and had superb taste - his systems did that very rare thing - make great sound at audio shows. I recall a very tetchy exchange when I enquired about a product - many years later I spoke to him again and he was all polite knowing the system I had (modest compared to your Mike...) at which point I calmly said that 'I would have bought from if you were not such a rude, patronising man who spoke to me like I was an imbecile when I first got into buying audio' (I was having my Pretty Woman moment).