I think that we are still alive. ...For now us here, but not everywhere on the planet.
We are still driving vehicles propelled by gas...the majority of us.
We heat our homes with various methods, in North America with electricity, natural gas, oil, wood, solar panels, ... but electricity is big.
The temperature changes with the seasons, volcano eruptions, natural hurricanes, smoking chemnys, CO2 in the ozone layer, in the buzy cities with buzy highways, the polar caps, ice, glaciers, etc. ...many natural elements and also others man-made...big factories releasing all sort of stuff in the air, in the rivers, in the lakes, in the oceans...plastics, chemicals, smoke, hot toxic stuff, etc.
We are into oil exploration everywhere because we can find it everywhere by shaking the ground under our feet, under the ocean floor, under the artic ice, ...
We all love money, making it, spending it, buying toys, all sort of toys and commodities. We love fast cars and Italian designs, great sounding audio rigs, HBO, Netflix and Tidal.
Women love shoes, Italian dresses, French umbrellas, Spanish purses, diamonds and lingerie.
We eat well...fresh fish, lettuce, carrots, watermelons, avocados, filet mignon, tomatoes, mashed potatoes, Swiss cheese, chicken, cereals, pineapple juice, ...
We have doctors, hospitals, dentists, washing machines repairmen, we have lawyers, financial advisers, we have insurances, security, privacy and pensions. We have universities, degrees and good paying jobs.
The Earth still rotates and is in orbit, the other planets follow the course.
We still see the moon and the sun and the billions of stars.
We have water, clean water, drinking water, irrigation water, swimming pool water with chlorine to keep it bug-free.
The grass is green mainly in our neighbor's yards...slightly greener depending.
Some are yellower and brownish depending of the area, time of the year, dryer seasons.
We have gardens, flowers, birds, cats, dogs, horses, zoos.
Brief we live free, drug lords-free, war-free, stress-free and we are moderate in alcohol consumption and prescription medicine.
We see good if wearing glasses or not and we hear good if our ears are young and healthy.
We still walk without a cane or rolling golf cart.
We still research to cure cancer. We work hard to stay healthy, we exercise on the trampoline and go to the gym and yoga classes. We skate on ice in Winter and paddle in the Summer.
Seems the same world as it was when we were born; the main difference being our physical shape and looks; mustaches, grey hair, larger biceps, dryer skin, puffed eyes, smaller belly buttons.
All in all it's not too bad in our own backyards but can't say the same for all backyards, depending on the conditions.
We maintain our parks relatively well, visitors like to visit.
Underneath it all we are more concern about us than about them.
What's new in this? We live more for now should we live less for tomorrow?
Who's right who's wrong what difference does it make?
How do we fix what's coming up before we can get out?
It seems all nice and peaceful should we be worry about climate change, fires, earthquakes, ice melting, oceans rising, water drying, pollution in the air, in the big cities, in the soil, in the oceans?
Who's cities, who's oceans...people living in them and nearby and around or others (from other planets)?
I just had a talk with someone, about everything, about changes, about living older, about new arrivals (babies), about winter coming up, about cold, snow, about colder temperatures, about the North, about the Eskimos and the penguins, about shorter daylight, about grey skies, about the sun being covered, about life, The Irishman, first man on the moon, Jimmy Hoffa, about the Big Bang and the Last Bang.