I did not attend the Munich Audio Show, so I cannot judge the Jadis + Alsyvox combination.
But the Aries Cerat + Alsyvox match in the Netherlands was the best sound of the show in my opinion (here)
(There were no Aries Cerat horn speaker at that Dutch show, though; this gives room to competitors... ;-)
The Alsyvox Botticelli X are stellar 94dB (or even 96dB ?!!) ribbon panels, with flat 4 Ohms impedance, so easy to drive. They go down to 22 Hz (!). They drove the air in the room nearly like horn speakers, with whack, speed and attack. And body & "materiality", too.
It'a joke if anyone is questioning the bass on the Alsvyox speakers. Yes, maybe with the JA30 tube amps it the bass is not riveting, but with any either tube or SS amp with 100+ watts of power the bass on the Alsyvox can be jaw dropping and down into the low 20s.
Many people aren't into riveting bass and that's one of the fine attributes of the Alsyvox speakers. You can drive them with low power and get a refined sound but without the slam that you get with more power. Or if you want BIG SOUND WITH SLAM and also refined with high resolution sonics, feed them a bit more power.
Conversely - normal music lovers would utterly despair at the moronic drivel played 99% of the time at audiophile shows. Mutton dressed as kebab female elevator jazz vocalists trowelled in blue eye liner, weird boom boom sound effects out the Breuningner playlist, and a smattering of audiofool favourites from Dire Straits and Pink Floyd.
It'a joke if anyone is questioning the bass on the Alsvyox speakers. Yes, maybe with the JA30 tube amps it the bass is not riveting, but with any either tube or SS amp with 100+ watts of power the bass on the Alsyvox can be jaw dropping and down into the low 20s.
Many people aren't into riveting bass and that's one of the fine attributes of the Alsyvox speakers. You can drive them with low power and get a refined sound but without the slam that you get with more power. Or if you want BIG SOUND WITH SLAM and also refined with high resolution sonics, feed them a bit more power.
I liked the looks and the sound in the Alsyvox room That said, I felt that the sonic result was truncated at both ends and I attributed this to the noise / room and the amplification.
Nothing against Jadis, and I had Jadis (jadis : i.e. erstwhile )
What a negativity some people display here over the music choice in munchen who werent even there .
Many demonstrators did not play the usual audiophile ding ding , but did a lot of effort to make it interesting for everybody
To many to mention , but for example:
Dart/ Stenheim room
FM acoustics
KROMA room
CH / Rockport at the end
Wadax / wilson benesch and many more
Listening to my system at home ...... the only thing i miss is ...... a WADAX
It is - for me - entertainment and - for others - business.
3 Audiophiles ... 3 opinions ... as usual .. each his own ..as long they don't charge me for leaving the room below 2 minutes ... i am fine
Some impressions from 2 + minutes
That show was something we have missed for a long time. It was great to see all our friends again. Hopefully, we are back on track with shows. Also, it's always good to see newcomers. Any fresh brands that have caught your attention at the show?
The Alsyvox in Munich had 97dB sensitivity. I am above critical and love speakers which can play loud, have attack, slam and excel in PRAT. The Raffaellos at Sunday afternoon were very satisfying regarding these criteria.
Did anyone get to the Triangle Art Audio room? They specialize in turntables but also have very nice amplifiers and now a new Horn speaker called Metis. I am curious if anyone has any thoughts on the speakers?
First Munchen vid , Wadax room
Unfortunately some people walked in hence the background noise.
Further vids that will follow are VIVA amps / horns , CH /Rockport and Kharma wadax R koda ,
FM acoustics ( Stevie ray Vaughn Tin pan alley ) , Kroma The gryphon, wadax room
First Munchen vid , Wadax room
Unfortunately some people walked in hence the background noise.
Further vids that will follow are VIVA amps / horns , CH /Rockport and Kharma wadax R koda ,
FM acoustics ( Stevie ray Vaughn Tin pan alley ) , Kroma The gryphon, wadax room