The main system is settled for a while. I am considering acquiring new loudspeakers. This is a project for next year as it will involve some traveling to confirm my initial choice following some preliminary listening sessions. I also expect having the chance to listen to the loudspeakers in my system before acquiring them.
My little den system has evolved in parallel to the main system.
The Thorens TD 124/II turntable has been replaced by a fully restored and upgraded one sourced from Jaap Pees/Hanze HiFi (the previous one got fully overhauled by Jaap as well and now sits in my office system).
The upgrades are as follows:
- Audio Silente idlerwheel
- Swissonor non-magnetic main platter
- Retrotone upper-platter
- Woodsong upper-platter adapter hub
- Levin Design mat
- Sapphire thrustbearing kit from Woodsong
- Improved mushrooms and grommets
- Motor decoupler springs
- Separate power supply from Jaap Pees/HAT
The turntable rests on a custom made plinth from Artisan Fidelity fitted with Stillpoint Ultra SS feet. I mounted a Schroeder silver CB9 Carbon tonearm fitted with a Lyra Etna cartridge which feeds into a Sculpture A Silver SUT via a pair of Sculpture A silver phono cables.
A Symposium Svelte platform further isolates the turntable which is sitting on a wall mounted shelf.
The Krell EVO 202 Preamp, the Weiss DAC 501 and the Allnic H3000V phono stage that were previously sitting in the main system have moved in. I now use the Line Magnetic amp as a power amp controlled by the Krell preamp. The Krell preamp allows reducing the gain of each input. By doing so, I have a better control on the power output of the Line Magnetic.

The Nagra tape deck has been fully overhauled with new potentiometers, new switches and a new pinch roller. I added a second power supply so the QGB module and the tape deck have their respective power supply. An HRS platform further isolates the tape deck from the main rack.
The Weiss DAC 501 is used as a Roon endpoint so I can play my music library stored on a SSD connected to the NADAC combo (high rez files) and on a separate server (cd rips).
The full range Cube Audio Bliss C loudspeakers have been upgraded to the top of the line Nenuphar Mini Evo2 by replacing the drivers (I kept the former drivers for a DIY project).
Cabling has also been improved with a loom of Elpispandora loudspeakers and interconnect cables among others a bespoke pair with banana plugs for the Nagra tape deck.
Finally and just for the fun and the nostalgy, a Nakamichi RX-202 cassette deck is hooked to the system. To my surprise, I recently discovered that my son is listening to some obscure indie rock groups who are issuing their music on cassettes. His cassette deck went south. I have two RX-202 and gave him the spare one. Mine is mainly used to make copies for my son. I did some copies from the Nagra tape deck to the Nakamichi cassette deck and I was quite surprised by the sound quality.
All components are connected to Entreq ground boxes.
This little den system is mainly used during the week. I just need to fire it up and after 15 minutes, it is up and running whereas the main system requires much more time to settle and is primarily used during the weekends and holidays for long and intensive listening sessions.