My visit to CH Precision in beautiful Switzerland

Elliot G.

Industry Expert
Jul 22, 2010
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
We visited the CH Precision factory after the Munich show. We flew from Munich to Geneva and then took a very expensive cab ride to Lausanne . This was being an tourist mistake it is much faster and cheaper to take the excellent train system.
We met Raphael, Florian and some other visitors from Korea and took a nice train ride for about an hour to Le Locle where the CH company has all their metal work done. It was amazing to see all this high tech machinery , robots and skilled artisans take raw metal and turn it into the beautiful perfectly finished CH finished metal faceplates, sides and rear panels as well the chassis. They do everything in house there including the finish and accessories. These are incredibly skilled people and produce a prefect result. This is truly extreme precision craftsmanship fitting the product and the company philosophy. I took a lot of pictures and I will see if I have the time to post them and scale them down to be uploaded from my iPhone.
The products finished but having nothing inside them and them boxed and shipped back to the CH factory to be assembled , populated and tested before they are ready for sale.
The Ch factory is impeccable! You can literally eat off the floor. It is a pristine environment where the products are organized for production. All the parts and separated and labeled and tested before the assembly is done and they are checked and tested all along the process. Each step is documented and signed off by the technician that is doing the work. After completion each unit is measured and finally they listen to 100 percent of the product before shipping it out to its happy owner.
We did not have a chance to listen in their sound room since all the product was out at the Munich show and did not return until the afternoon we left. I have visited my share of audio companies and I would have to say this is really impressive and incredibly organized and prisitne.
There is some news from the company that was released today about having new digital HD boards for the C1 and D1 and a small price increase on the M1 and M1 mono power amplifiers. These updated boards are available to past owners and you can check with your dealer as to the pricing.

I am truly happy that I made the trip. I want to thank our gracious hosts and I learned a lot about the products and how they are produced. This is a world class product produced by true professionals.
I was proud to represent them before but now I know I made a terrific choice.
We visited the CH Precision factory after the Munich show. We flew from Munich to Geneva and then took a very expensive cab ride to Lausanne . This was being an tourist mistake it is much faster and cheaper to take the excellent train system.
We met Raphael, Florian and some other visitors from Korea and took a nice train ride for about an hour to Le Locle where the CH company has all their metal work done. It was amazing to see all this high tech machinery , robots and skilled artisans take raw metal and turn it into the beautiful perfectly finished CH finished metal faceplates, sides and rear panels as well the chassis. They do everything in house there including the finish and accessories. These are incredibly skilled people and produce a prefect result. This is truly extreme precision craftsmanship fitting the product and the company philosophy. I took a lot of pictures and I will see if I have the time to post them and scale them down to be uploaded from my iPhone.
The products finished but having nothing inside them and them boxed and shipped back to the CH factory to be assembled , populated and tested before they are ready for sale.
The Ch factory is impeccable! You can literally eat off the floor. It is a pristine environment where the products are organized for production. All the parts and separated and labeled and tested before the assembly is done and they are checked and tested all along the process. Each step is documented and signed off by the technician that is doing the work. After completion each unit is measured and finally they listen to 100 percent of the product before shipping it out to its happy owner.
We did not have a chance to listen in their sound room since all the product was out at the Munich show and did not return until the afternoon we left. I have visited my share of audio companies and I would have to say this is really impressive and incredibly organized and prisitne.
There is some news from the company that was released today about having new digital HD boards for the C1 and D1 and a small price increase on the M1 and M1 mono power amplifiers. These updated boards are available to past owners and you can check with your dealer as to the pricing.

I am truly happy that I made the trip. I want to thank our gracious hosts and I learned a lot about the products and how they are produced. This is a world class product produced by true professionals.
I was proud to represent them before but now I know I made a terrific choice.

M1 price increase is June 1 and cost is 3000 additional . SO if your on the fence.......
Any more detail on the new HD board? Is that why the new CH Link HD was introduced in Munich?
That sounds like an extremely impressive machining and production facility, Elliot!
I have over 100 pictures however this site wont take files that over a certain size and I don't know how to shrink them to post them. Maybe after the holiday I can see if someone can help me do that.
The HD boards are going to be available in July I am told and just ordered for my C-1.
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A cab to Lausanne from GVA? You are asking for trouble. You should have taken the train from the airport to Lausanne downtown and then catch a cab (or another train from there). That could be a $500 cab ride. LoL


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