Jeff, this was precisely the way I read your post and suggestion. There are lots of OT posts which frankly belong in other WBF threads. There is no deed to bring up digital or amp/speaker pairings that don't work. I appreciate your effort to get us back between the rails.
Your suggestion about a super tweeter did produce some great responses. When I was in Utah, I spent some time listening to David's JBL M9500? in his small room. The achievement was getting those large speakers to sound good in that extremely challenging room, all without the standard audiophile room acoustic treatments. David achieved this, and I was very impressed with the result. However, I heard a slightly different sound than I did from the Vitavox or the big Seimanns. The sound was more "modern". I did not immediately put my finger on it, but after some discussion with David, it was clear that these modern horns sounded different because they had more extension, particularly in the highs, and the bass was somewhat different too. Thinking back on it now, I think they simply went out further in response, and were perhaps designed more from the measurement perspective than from listening, though I am not sure.
Regardless of the design goals, what I heard was a more modern sound which was very slightly less natural than the two other iconic speakers David has set up. The JBLs were really good, but they did not have quite the same MAGIC of the Vitavox and Bionors. David also did an experiment where he added a sense of "air" riding on each recording. I think he switched cables or something, but I can't remember. He said many people love that and seek it out through gear or accessories. After I few minutes, I heard exactly what he meant. It was a coloration added to everything, and it quickly became tiresome. It was certainly not what I would consider "natural", but I understand why some like it and are drawn to that type of sound.