Not exactly. I am saying a nice performance and recording can help you quickly filter out the bad ones. That is what 95% are. This is not possible with audiophile amplified recordings was my point, they will often mislead you into thinking this sounds nice, or rather, tough to tell. Auditory template for that will be the guy's system at home which if it is based on audiophile amplified recordings, well...
When it comes to the good stuff, that can take a process of then trying in different systems and finding contexts it does well/badly in, and then after that if you cannot eliminate further you just go with the best deal or some non-sonic reason or buy them all if you have the capacity.
Yeah I have some audiophile recordings both amplified and non-amplified. Back when I first started writing about equipment I might have used some in reviews - maybe Melody Gardot or Nora Jones. They certainly can sound quite nice and the songwriting is often interesting or clever. Many buying-oriented readers expect product comparisons and you can do that with audiophile recordings, but wrt auditioning for myself, no.