New Album & The Beginning of Basketball Season

Lot of people gave LeBron all the credit for the Cavs championship.

At this point it does appear thst Ty Lue can coach.
I agree. You know I’m not his biggest fan. Perhaps he is and it is obscured by KL. So two things to say. If Lue can pull this off he will get honors in my book. Second thing it would show they can win without KL and if I were Ballmer, all the more reason to trade him
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Lot of people gave LeBron all the credit for the Cavs championship.

At this point it does appear thst Ty Lue can coach.
He can, if he's allowed to and not be under the shadow of the coach buster and schemer par excellence. :D
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I think if Trae doesn't play today the Hawks can kiss this one goodbye as yet one more injury can determine a series
That's how the cookie crumbles, Steve. The next man up mentality should be written all over the GM's book these days. Can't rely on 1 golden goose.
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well this golden goose is what carries the team
For a good 40 points a game.

I really Steph Curry came from a leg injury and he was not the same in one finals series and they lost it.
I feel bad for Ben Simmons.

as a professional athlete with above average talents I can only imagine what Ben Simmons is going through. He truly looked like a fish out of water whenever he had the ball and a sure basket

I feel bad for Ben Simmons.

as a professional athlete with above average talents I can only imagine what Ben Simmons is going through. He truly looked like a fish out of water whenever he had the ball and a sure basket

Hard to feel sorry for a guy that's getting paid $177,000,000 in his current contract.

He's hasn't done the work required to improve his skills. Sounds like he's going to start now but...

Hate to be so harsh but seems his problems seem to me to be self-imposed.
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i agree with everything you said where i feel different is that this isn’t due to a loss of skills but rather a loss of confidence which is a psychological problem and for some people is difficult to overcome. He needs to get down and dirty and in your face type of player. He needs to do some trash talking However being from Australia he’s just a down to earth nice guy. But as the saying goes “ nice guys finish last”. So he’s being given the chance to improve his skills but they know his contract and he could be traded so the thought of him in a Warrriors uniform with Steph and Klay plus Draymond intrigues me.
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Watching this game and I can honestly say that whichever of them will win the East , either will bring an exciting but different game in the Finals. Same could be said for whichever team wins the West.
The Hawks and Suns are the youth and the speed from both conferences and that’s why I’d love to see a Hawks Suns final with Young vs Booker. Both are great to watch. I admire them as the players of the future, here now. Their skills are exceptional However if I had the choice of Booker or Young I would take Young.
I also feel the Hawks could beat the Suns but what do I know. I’m the best arm chair quarterback
It’s good to see Trae in the sideline cheering his team on. It is a team morale booster IMHO. KL in a private box doesn’t serve to endear him with his team mates or enhance the team morale
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Yes. And they count Fast
And that’s why they do it because Giannis goes through a slower count in his head. What they do is almost impossible to tune out. It upsets his rhythm
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Giannis gies down with a hyperextended left knee. I’m betting he’s gone for this game . There is another injury determining a derived. This looks to be serious injury
Injury bug rules this season.
Shot of the night, Capella shot from the baseline and from the back of the backboard and hits the shot, ala Larry Bird, which at that time, was illegal. Reggie Millier on the replay "this was not a shooter, this was Clint Capella!" Almost reminded me of "what is a Mahinmi" of Jack many years ago. LOL
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