New Album & The Beginning of Basketball Season

Boston has no 1st round pick either. And OKC has THREE first rounds picks - 2, 12, and 30. Pretty good positions,
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In other news, Bradley Beal has a player option, so he can opt out. Many interested parties.
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The circumstances might be a repeat of history, like good friends joining forces together, and a 'big name unrestricted free agent chooses to play for the loser of the previous finals.' Déjà vu.

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Who else would give Kyrie a multiyear contract but the Knicks, Lakers or Clips? It takes a team that is perennially unwilling to rebuild and feels it has to have huge star power to be legit: this = biggest markets, with owners for whom the luxury tax isn’t an impediment (which as others have pointed out has made leveling the playing field for small market teams a joke).

Steve, lack of draft assets, etc aside, do you think LA fans have the patience for a true rebuild?

Here in NY, I think probably not on that. This impatience along with incompetent ownership and management — the Knicks ‘plan’ over the last several years seems all based on ‘ the biggest FAs will want to play in NY’. Who was the last drafted and developed star for the Knicks, or the Lakers for that matter?
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Pelinka has made way too many bad decisions imho
If Jeannie had been smart she would have fired Pelinka. I felt bad for Vogel as he was nothing more than a scapegoat for Pelinka's crappy decisions

@rob......I would rather see a blow up of the team and start over. I've said for 2 years that there only assets are LeBron and Davis and I would get rid of them and begin again. Anything but another year like last one
And speaking of teams futures, here is your morning read.......

The 10 questions that will dominate the NBA offseason, including how the draft and free agency could play out

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Surely Pelinka wouldn’t be that stupid. But heck this is LaLa Land
I think Pelinka showed several times that he is either unbelievably dumb or - what is maybe more probable - that he doesn't have absolutely anything at all to say in LaLaLand :rolleyes:
Who else would give Kyrie a multiyear contract but the Knicks, Lakers or Clips? It takes a team that is perennially unwilling to rebuild and feels it has to have huge star power to be legit: this = biggest markets, with owners for whom the luxury tax isn’t an impediment (which as others have pointed out has made leveling the playing field for small market teams a joke).

Steve, lack of draft assets, etc aside, do you think LA fans have the patience for a true rebuild?

Here in NY, I think probably not on that. This impatience along with incompetent ownership and management — the Knicks ‘plan’ over the last several years seems all based on ‘ the biggest FAs will want to play in NY’. Who was the last drafted and developed star for the Knicks, or the Lakers for that matter?
Wise words
I think Pelinka showed several times that he is either unbelievably dumb or - what is maybe more probable - that he doesn't have absolutely anything at all to say in LaLaLand :rolleyes:
Pelinka's claim to game which got him the job was that he was Kobe's agent and when Kobe retired he put the word in with Jeanne and Magic. Then to have Pelinka completely blind side Magic tot eh point that Magic resigned his position and Pelinka suddenly rose through the upper echelons. To me he's a first class moron who with one (AD) and then a 2nd (Westbrook) trade gave up every asset in the farm for a chance at a ring now. To see former Lakers playing for a multitude of different teams is heartbreaking to say the least. Brandon Ingram has become the leader of the Pels in the absence of the forever absent Zion. Or how about the White Mamba going to the Bulls because the Lakers wouldn't match the offer etc and then to fall off the cliff and give up everything to get over the hill Westbrook was just to much to bear. Pelnka is a moron who never seems to own a problem that he created. Hence the firing of Vogel. I wonder how long the new coach will last in this crazy organization. There was a time when I really thought Jeannie was doing a great job to preserve the Legacy her father created but lately she has proved to be just as dumb as her ousted brother Jim who tried to assume authority and she threw him out which has been the only smart thing she as done
Pelinka's claim to game which got him the job was that he was Kobe's agent and when Kobe retired he put the word in with Jeanne and Magic. Then to have Pelinka completely blind side Magic tot eh point that Magic resigned his position and Pelinka suddenly rose through the upper echelons. To me he's a first class moron who with one (AD) and then a 2nd (Westbrook) trade gave up every asset in the farm for a chance at a ring now. To see former Lakers playing for a multitude of different teams is heartbreaking to say the least. Brandon Ingram has become the leader of the Pels in the absence of the forever absent Zion. Or how about the White Mamba going to the Bulls because the Lakers wouldn't match the offer etc and then to fall off the cliff and give up everything to get over the hill Westbrook was just to much to bear. Pelnka is a moron who never seems to own a problem that he created. Hence the firing of Vogel. I wonder how long the new coach will last in this crazy organization. There was a time when I really thought Jeannie was doing a great job to preserve the Legacy her father created but lately she has proved to be just as dumb as her ousted brother Jim who tried to assume authority and she threw him out which has been the only smart thing she as done
Even better :rolleyes:
A combination of dumb and nothing to say because LeGM pulls the strings :p

Pelinka just stumbled up the career ladder but he will be the scapegoat for LeGm like Vogel was the scapegoat for Pelinka ;)
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I've never seen the CBA, so don't understand lots of its complexity.

Considering players like Wall and Westbrook, who would be better suited suiting up elsewhere.

Waivered. Teams have to pay the player their full outstanding contract, then get back what the player gets paid when picked up off waivers?

Would love to see a franchise being able to do this.
Wall at $47million.
Houston pays him say $22million for the year, and you can then trade him at $25million.

Some scenario like that.
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Say what you will about GSW’s lux tax, it’s mostly based on the Big 3 career Warriors. They haven’t tried to buy a series of hired guns (other than KD during a unique period for the cap). What are they supposed to do - trade Klay for picks in order to lower their payroll?
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Say what you will about GSW’s lux tax, it’s mostly based on the Big 3 career Warriors. They haven’t tried to buy a series of hired guns (other than KD during a unique period for the cap). What are they supposed to do - trade Klay for picks in order to lower their payroll?
No, not to trade the big 3. They were able to sign Curry and Klay are super max contracts because the owners were willing to pay whatever amount it took to hold on to them. Which is the problem of small market teams like OKC when they let Harden go because they could not afford to pay the luxury tax to keep KD, Westbrook and Harden, that was in the new reports then. Suppose the Warrior could not afford to pay the lux tax and repeat offenders tax, Klay or Curry would have been let go to some other teams with cap space that does not make them pay luxury and repeaters tax. That was how the cap was supposed to create parity in the league.
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I've never seen the CBA, so don't understand lots of its complexity.

Considering players like Wall and Westbrook, who would be better suited suiting up elsewhere.

Waivered. Teams have to pay the player their full outstanding contract, then get back what the player gets paid when picked up off waivers?

Would love to see a franchise being able to do this.
Wall at $47million.
Houston pays him say $22million for the year, and you can then trade him at $25million.

Some scenario like that.
Here's what I got from a net source. It seems that on waivers, Wall has to be paid the full $47m first. A great plus for him.

What does it mean to be placed on waivers?​

The NBA waiver rules state that the claiming team should be willing to pick up the waived player’s current contract and fulfil whatever amount of money is involved in the contract. Of course, they still have to abide by the NBA salary cap rules.

This is different from a buyout since buying out means that the two parties mutually agreed to negotiate a lower amount of money than owed and release the player from his contract. After a buyout, the player can immediately sign with any team he wishes—usually with a contender.
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