New Album & The Beginning of Basketball Season

I got curious about the biggest spender in the NBA, majority owner Joe Lacob of the Warriors, and what I found out is a connection to the Celtics. o_O

"In January 2006 he became part-owner of the Celtics, where he became a co-investor with H. Irving Grousbeck (the current part-owner of the Celtics.

On July 15, 2010, Lacob and the group of investors he headed agreed to buy the Golden State Warriors of the NBA from Chris Cohan for $450 million, requiring him to sell his minority interest in the Celtics."

So he just beat his former team. :D
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And for the record, Lacob has a ring with the Garnett/Pierce Celtics championship team of 2008.
Say what you will about GSW’s lux tax, it’s mostly based on the Big 3 career Warriors. They haven’t tried to buy a series of hired guns (other than KD during a unique period for the cap). What are they supposed to do - trade Klay for picks in order to lower their payroll?
KD voluntarily relinquished on some of his possible salary to make room for some more acquisitions of other players to strengthen the team :cool:

This is extremely honorable and I have never heard of another player to do this :eek:
KD voluntarily relinquished on some of his possible salary to make room for some more acquisitions of other players to strengthen the team :cool:

This is extremely honorable and I have never heard of another player to do this :eek:
The Spurs did that. TD at least.
I think Lebron and Bosh (maybe Wade) did it in Miami?
I think Lebron and Bosh (maybe Wade) did it in Miami?

Yes. They did it to retain Haslem, who is still retained until today.
No, not to trade the big 3. They were able to sign Curry and Klay are super max contracts because the owners were willing to pay whatever amount it took to hold on to them. Which is the problem of small market teams like OKC when they let Harden go because they could not afford to pay the luxury tax to keep KD, Westbrook and Harden, that was in the new reports then. Suppose the Warrior could not afford to pay the lux tax and repeat offenders tax, Klay or Curry would have been let go to some other teams with cap space that does not make them pay luxury and repeaters tax. That was how the cap was supposed to create parity in the league.
It was a shame the Thunder felt like they had to choose between Ibaka and Harden in order to stay solvent. There should be lux cap exceptions for home grown talent. Memphis will probably have a hard time keeping their core together the next few years, which means more free agents for the big markets to snap up … once again defeating the purpose.

But I’ll say again, injuries from overlong seasons are the biggest obstacle to parity. Winning a series/ championship seems more and more to devolve to health.
KD voluntarily relinquished on some of his possible salary to make room for some more acquisitions of other players to strengthen the team :cool:

This is extremely honorable and I have never heard of another player to do this :eek:

You know what would be seriously cool?
The biggest action ever towards building a contender.

If Lebron relinquished next year's salary, and re-signed at $25-$30 million.
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Interesting that both the Lakers and Knicks have former agents as GMs. Perhaps in that light it’s not surprising it’s all about signing FAs, basically buying rather than building a team.

To your point above, yeah, don’t think I’ll hold my breath on Lebron taking a pay cut.
GSW seem to have a great plan to keep their legacy going....your morning read

4 keys to Warriors' offseason approach after winning 4th NBA championship in 8 years​

The addition of young NBA prospects, potential contract extensions and more key decisions for Golden State as it looks to ensure another championship run.
Mark Medina

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Report: Plot thickens in Brooklyn's Kyrie Irving saga

Rehab Kyrie's image. That's a good one. Probably a PR firm has to charge Kyrie his entire salary and just scratch the surface. The guy has issues wherever he went, it's not going to be easy, unless someone is willing to erase his image just like that and trade for him.
And interesting what KD will do if Kyrie goes to another team. He is left with Ben Simmons. Another rehab project, an even bigger project than Kyrie.
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And interesting what KD will do if Kyrie goes to another team. He is left with Ben Simmons. Another rehab project, an even bigger project than Kyrie.
Therein lies the bigger issue as KD will likely leave if he feels the team cannot win
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Therein lies the bigger issue as KD will likely leave if he feels the team cannot win
Longshot, back to that Warriors? They can pay. $55M on the fourth year. Or, the Celtics, one of the teams he allowed to recruit him at the Hamptons before joining the Warriors. But they can't pay. :(
Of course, the analyst is being biased, Brian Scalabrine, a former Celtic. :)

now that would change things dramatically in the East but what would the Celtics have to give up besides money. How many players and/or draft choices would it cost the Celts
now that would change things dramatically in the East but what would the Celtics have to give up besides money. How many players and/or draft choices would it cost the Celts
They're saying Jaylen Brown plus a starter (maybe Smart) plus a lot of picks.
And I think they have to get rid of Horford's 1 year salary. There was a time when the Celtics carried big salaries of Irving, Gordon Hayward and Horford. Tatum's salary is not exactly huge.
Gosh...I wish this story were true and the Lakers will finally rid themselves of James whose only interest is his legacy and overtaking Karim as Leading NBA Scorer

Windhorst's 'conspiracy theory' to watch about LeBron's future

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