New Album & The Beginning of Basketball Season

Actually Lin through the pecularities of how the Knicks obtained him, can become a free agent at the end of the season--and the Knicks are hamstrung by the salary cap and the elimination of certain cap exemptions. So Lin could be playing elsewhere next year.

BTW, I assume you're talking about the Giants, not the Knicks, center. Chandler is perfect for the Knicks IMHO.

Agree too, about Chandler, the guy helped Dallas won a ring last season. The thing about the Knicks is D'Antoni. Wherever he goes, well, at least with Phoenix, the style of play seems to be run and gun, not much on calculated and set offense or a choking tight defense. On this point, the Heat have got it, and credit Spoelstra for that. If the Knicks can transform its play to the style of Miami, I feel they can give the Heat a good series if they meet, as the Knicks have great material up front, and now they've found a jackpot PG for a song, they've got good times ahead of them. And it's about time. 40 years is too long for a wait for a banner.
And I must say I get a kick out of seeing Lin emote like Barkley or KG after a conversion. Man, if he trash talks like KG, then that would be eating the cake too. :D
Agree too, about Chandler, the guy helped Dallas won a ring last season. The thing about the Knicks is D'Antoni. Wherever he goes, well, at least with Phoenix, the style of play seems to be run and gun, not much on calculated and set offense or a choking tight defense. On this point, the Heat have got it, and credit Spoelstra for that. If the Knicks can transform its play to the style of Miami, I feel they can give the Heat a good series if they meet, as the Knicks have great material up front, and now they've found a jackpot PG for a song, they've got good times ahead of them. And it's about time. 40 years is too long for a wait for a banner.

I think the Knicks have the best front ling with Anthony, Stoudelmaire, and Chandler. But you can't win w/o a PG :)
I think the Knicks have the best front ling with Anthony, Stoudelmaire, and Chandler. But you can't win w/o a PG :)

Agreed, Myles. And with Lin starting, the rest of the guards like Shumpert, Bibby, Tony Douglas and Baron Davis (if he gets healthy) could be their 'bench'. Now, how they love to have an 'Odom' kind of player too off the bench.
Agreed, Myles. And with Lin starting, the rest of the guards like Shumpert, Bibby, Tony Douglas and Baron Davis (if he gets healthy) could be their 'bench'. Now, how they love to have an 'Odom' kind of player too off the bench.

I think they're going to have to clear two spots on the roster so Bibby and Blackman may be history. Supposedly Davis will now play the "2" guard.

No they don't have any Odom but Shumpert is nice off the bench; probably the unsung, lunch pail type player on the Knicks is Jeffries though. Just does his job and doesn't get a lot of attention. Plays tight D, rebounds well, not much of shot past 4 ft.
And 7 straight wins by NY since Lin came in. 13 assists and 10 points today. Strange to see that the addition of Amare, Melo and Chandler one by one did not result in such phenomenal success, and one waived player and ex-D-league player does. If NY can compete with the Heat and the Bulls in the playoffs, it would really be exciting.
And 7 straight wins by NY since Lin came in. 13 assists and 10 points today. Strange to see that the addition of Amare, Melo and Chandler one by one did not result in such phenomenal success, and one waived player and ex-D-league player does. If NY can compete with the Heat and the Bulls in the playoffs, it would really be exciting.

Basic basketball :) Get the ball up the court and to the right person in the right spot on the court to be successful :) Look at Ewing until Jackson arrived :) Plus this kid can really break down a defense to help the player in isolation.
Another guy that needs double teaming. Just what Knicks opponents need.
Lin gets 26 but not enough to stop NOH. Winning streak comes to an end but the kid looks really good

BTW what were the Hornets thinking in the design of their new away from home uniforms. looks like Lakers from the front and green and yellow at the back. I'm told it's Mardis gras colors
Lin gets 26 but not enough to stop NOH. Winning streak comes to an end but the kid looks really good

BTW what were the Hornets thinking in the design of their new away from home uniforms. looks like Lakers from the front and green and yellow at the back. I'm told it's Mardis gras colors

Still way too many TOs though :(
And the ball tends to stay in his possession for too would he compare to Tony Parker in his freshman year?

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