New Album & The Beginning of Basketball Season

OKC showing tight defense and causing turnovers. Fast and furious game.
I have said all along that OKC can beat the Heat. They are up by 11 at the half

KD clearly outplayed LBJ

I agree with you, Steve, and that OKC has all the materials to match MIA player to player and more. This guy Harden is great to watch too, he's a very strong guard who can penetrate and has a soft touch inside like Z Randolph. This matchup if it happens in the Finals is gonna like a SuperBowl. :)
Wade shut down Westbrook, not surprising. Durant's D on LBJ is surprising. Harden's D on LBJ even more surprising.
if they were to meet in the Finals .. A big IF .. ... When they play game after game I am not sure anyone but LBJ can stop LBJ .. Westbrook is too prone to turnover and with an offense llike the Heat and their defense that doesn't bode well for OKC in a long best of severn series .. We will see ... This season has proven more exciting than anyone could have anticipated ... The West will provide us with some surprises, i can guarantee you
BTW the talk of the Clippers owning the LA Market seem to have been premature ... Lots of cracks are being revealed right now... The Lakers with Sessions no longer can be dismissed as old and slow. I loved Fisher and all but Sessions brings a different Lakers to the floor and once he becomes more accustomed to the other players spots, idiosyncrasies, and the team set plays and defense ... it could be an interesting playoff with the Lakers playing, for once, spoilers ... How could Cleveland let this kid go?

I love this game :)
if they were to meet in the FInals .. Abifg IF .. THe West will provide us with tsome surprise, i can giarantee you ... When they play game after game I am not sure anyone but LBJ can stop LBJ .. Westbrook is too prone to turnover and with an offense like the Heat's and their defense that doesn't bode well for OKC .. We will see ... This season has proven more exciting than anyone could have anticipated ...
BTW the talk of the Clippers owning the LA Market seem to have been premature ... Lots of cracks are being revealed right now... The Lakers with Sessions no longer can be dismissed as old and slow. I loved Fisher and all but Sessions brings a different Lakers to the floor and once he becomes more accustomed to the other players spots, idiosyncrasies, and the team set plays and defense ... it could be an interesting playoff with the Lakers playing, for once, spoilers ... How could Cleveland let this kid go?

I love this game :)
if they were to meet in the FInals .. Abifg IF .. THe West will provide us with tsome surprise, i can giarantee you ... When they play game after game I am not sure anyone but LBJ can stop LBJ .. Westbrook is too prone to turnover and with an offense llike the HEat and their defense that doesn't bode well to OKC .. We will see ... This season has proven more exciting than anyone could have anticipated ...
Home court advantage will determine the winner.

I love this game :)
Me too.:D
Fisher is a HUGE pick up for OKC, not for what he provides on the court but for what he provides off. You can't coach finals' experience, you have to earn it.

I remember a few months ago you said you would easily trade Bynum for Howard. Watching Andrew now, I find that not only is he finally maturing (24:)) but he is blossoming into a superstar. I'm glad that they kept Andrew Two years ago I would never have said that. He won me over last year and this year he is truly a star
OKC, MIA, CHI are the few teams that can sustain 4 quarters of high energy basketball and are the envy of the league this season. OKC really looked good today and look pretty much a championship team. The 'older' teams with aging veterans can still give a good fight but in the end, their energy might be lacking. D Rose has a full month to recover from his groin injury in time for the playoffs. Hope this injury does not nag him.
I'd trade him in a heartbeat, and I'd even throw Gasol in if necessary.

me too, don't trust his sustaining energy or health. Howard's the far and away monster in the middle of the league
OKC, MIA, CHI are the few teams that can sustain 4 quarters of high energy basketball and are the envy of the league this season. OKC really looked good today and look pretty much a championship team. The 'older' teams with aging veterans can still give a good fight but in the end, their energy might be lacking. D Rose has a full month to recover from his groin injury in time for the playoffs. Hope this injury does not nag him.

winning without Rose is hopefully giving other Bulls more confidence so should be a good thing. Hamilton needs to get bac on the court too.
don't know the details, but that's something he never had the guts to do w/LBJ

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