The reason those of us that go with big systems is not to play loud but rather to get the advantage of being able to play with less stress on the individual transducers to reach normal sound pressure levels...Add a room where you have full wave development at 20 Hz ... and you get that over the full spectrum...
...Unmentioned by anybody is the heroic efforts that have gone into the power for the room. Not just audiophile stuff but the back room. The AC power supply uses filtration normally used for industrial security printing machines and other devices that require extreme stability at overkill KVA.
...The difference is that Jim's pressure wave is so large and enveloping that they extend past field of view. Think I-Max. This is what live music is like that most systems fail at. ... As Jerry puts it there are peaks in some material where we've been conditioned to anticipate the inevitable cringe but here and if I may be allowed to brag a bitand at home, when those moment come, there is no break up
There is no magic going on here. It's care for the small signals, consistency throughout the spectrum and low distortion through good basic design and the provision of more than sufficient headroom. Those are the baseline performance parameters. ...either system can be set up accordingly as Steve witnessed in a mater of a couple of minutes to get in the ballpark. This flexibility is what drew us to these speakers. In the early years our purists friends said we were cheating LOL. These days where powered subs and even DSP are now very much accepted we no longer get accused of that!![]()
Great post, JackD201...articulate and knowledgeable as ever....and particularly can relate to/understand/appreciate from some level of personal experience your quotes from above. I know XV1, fas42 and Jadis have already posted their concurrence, but its SUCH a good post, i thought i would repeat it as well, since it bears reading or re-reading for some of us (me, anyway).