The Pro has a thicker base plate and black anodized counter weights otherwise it's the same tonearm.
so regardless of the paint job, one can switch to a thicker base on one 3012R and turn into a PRO. yes?
The Pro has a thicker base plate and black anodized counter weights otherwise it's the same tonearm.
The Pro has a thicker base plate and black anodized counter weights otherwise it's the same tonearm.
Chau, welcome. The great thing about audiophilia is one can be very comfortable in one’s shell as well.
Hi Chau,
welcome also from me,but i give you a suggestion,
please stop to read This beautiful forum,otherwise you will start to spend a lot of money
And also don’t get too close to the guy named Gian. You will spend even more when you keep in touch with him.
Kind regards,
Tang, I am fascinated by this thread. The title clearly sets up a comparison between two cartridges. Yet, as the discussion moves along and once we see/hear the three videos, we are told that the differences in sound are not because of the cartridges but more a result of the vintage turntable/arm combination being compared to the two modern turntable/arm combinations. David is confident that it is the turntable because he commented that he knows two of these three tables well and hears their sound come through.
There is also the arm: The Kronos/Opus and TechDAS/MSL combinations both have the contemporary SAT arm with silver platted copper wiring as a common element, and you are both saying that those combinations are more or less interchangeable, both sounding unnatural and hyped. Because the arm is the same, is it the cartridges or the turntables that are interchangeable, or both? How do you know the sonic difference is because of the EMT and not the modern SAT arm versus the vintage Ortofon arm?
I understand that you don't want to change cartridges, or arms because you are very happy with the EMT/Ortofon/Atlas but this exercise would confirm these opinions. Are you confident that the sonic differences are entirely the result of the EMT/Ortofon imparting a "natural" sound, regardless of cartridge, and that the differences are not the Ortofon arm versus the SAT arm? And if the EMT/Ortofon combination is what makes these recordings sound natural, is it adding a unifying natural sound over all recordings much like the modern gear makes everything sound hyped/analytical or what ever you want to call it?
Or, are you both saying that it is the silver wire which is hyping the sound of all of the modern gear by overlaying a unifying coloration and that the vintage table/arm sounds natural because it has copper tonearm wire?
From afar, without the ability to hear these specific combinations and not really knowing these components in the context of other systems, I am a bit confused about what is the cause of these particular sonic traits. You seem to be saying that it is not the cartridges, but rather the EMT/Ortofon/copper wire (regardless of modern cartridge) which is the only combination that sounds natural and that the modern gear all sounds hyped because it is either designed to sound analytical or overly detailed or because the SAT has silver platted copper wire.
Sorry for all of the questions. I'm just trying to make sense of your conclusions.
Hi Chau,
welcome also from me,but i give you a suggestion,
please stop to read This beautiful forum,otherwise you will start to spend a lot of money
What’s the difference between a SME 3009 S2 improved and SME 3009 R?
so regardless of the paint job, one can switch to a thicker base on one 3012R and turn into a PRO. yes?
What's the sonic difference between the pro and the normal one? Does the thicker base do anything.
What's the sonic difference between the pro and the normal one? Does the thicker base do anything.
Hey. It is in black so it will gives a blacker background.
...- The definition of natural sound can be different from one person to another. Most people use the word natural sound to mostly describe tone, texture, density, unedgyness. But David, to my own understanding, uses it to describe all that plus the overall “presentation”.
Chau, it’s great to have a distinctive female voice on the forums. I can think of you and...ahem, no others.
Male audiophiles have the ladies in their lives, silent behind the scenes, but I’m sure fully involved.
It’ll be good to have the female voice of reason up front here.
Kronos Pro sounds pretty reasonable to me LOL.
In Michael Fremer’s Analog Corner column in the April 2018 issue of Stereophile he reports that the TechDAS TDC01 cartridge is very similar to Yoshio Matsudaira’s cartridges for Air Tight and for Yoshio’s own My Sonic Lab cartridges. With small differences in magnets, windings, impedance and output among these cartridges how can any of us select a personal favorite?