Our Move From Sigma to Omega on the Shunyata Everest


Jan 18, 2019
FL Panhandle
I decided to see what would happen if I changed our Shunyata Sigma cable to an Omega XC on our Shunyata Everest.

The Everest is an outstanding power conditioner, an engineering marvel. It allows the premier components in our system to perform at their highest level. And since we have our Pre, DAC, Transport, Phono Pre, Aurender N30, ACS10, VAC Phono Pre, and Sikora TT connected to it, I thought that the effects of a single cable may make a difference in the overall performance of our system.

But do power cables really make that much of a difference? Honestly, I wasn’t expecting much of a change, as the Shunyata Sigma cable is already excellent in its own right.

Well I’m stunned. Cleaner purer power is king. You don’t know what’s there until it’s gone. Though not even fully broken in yet, the effect was immediate. The sound is more natural/organic, harmonically rich, and has a level of resolution and refinement which is exceptional. Dynamically unconstrained. The low-frequency performance has improved. Cleaner bass. Wow!!!

Dire Straits, Brothers in Arms never sounded so live. The Omega allows the beauty of live music to shine thru out your system.

Our entire system is playing at an entirely new level now. Omegas aren’t inexpensive, but IMO well worth the money invested. I see another rather expensive upgrade coming….
I appreciate your perspective. In addition to the Omega XC on my Denali 6000 S v2, I recently installed 2 Omega QR-s power cables, one on the DAC, the other on the digital transport. While I expected an improvement based on the audition at the dealer’s shop (as well as my experience with the XC) I was equally unprepared for what I experienced when I got them home. The QR/BB functionality they have really takes the performance of this cable to another level.

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I appreciate your perspective. In addition to the Omega XC on my Denali 6000 S v2, I recently installed 2 Omega QR-s power cables, one on the DAC, the other on the digital transport. While I expected an improvement based on the audition at the dealer’s shop (as well as my experience with the XC) I was equally unprepared for what I experienced when I got them home. The QR/BB functionality they have really takes the performance of this cable to another level.

Awesome report. Congrats!
Shunyata just released their Omega speaker and interconnect products. Last week they unveiled speaker cables at the FL Audio Expo and they look amazing. So I suspect they may elevate performance on a similar proportion to what you have experienced with the power cables.

I appreciate your perspective. In addition to the Omega XC on my Denali 6000 S v2, I recently installed 2 Omega QR-s power cables, one on the DAC, the other on the digital transport. While I expected an improvement based on the audition at the dealer’s shop (as well as my experience with the XC) I was equally unprepared for what I experienced when I got them home. The QR/BB functionality they have really takes the performance of this cable to another level.


What cables did these Omegas replace in each part of the system, and which do you think had the most impact?
What cables did these Omegas replace in each part of the system, and which do you think had the most impact?
I had the opportunity to compare the Omega QR-s to the Audioquest Dragon on the digital sources (Esoteric K-01XD and Aurender N20) as well as the Pass Labs XP-22 preamp. All of them were using Shunyata Alpha v2 NR power cords prior to the comparison. Ended up preferring the QR-2 for the digital sources and the AQ Dragon on the pre. Both the Omega and Dragon are exceptional with the Omega having a better synergy in my system on the digital side (lower noise floor uncovering a wider range of dynamics especially low level detail). The Dragon just sounded correct to me on the preamp. I think Pass + AQ Dragon is an excellent combination because they complement each other so nicely in our system.

Hard to say which had the most impact. I'd lean towards the AQ Dragon because it's on the preamp. On the other hand I only had 1 Dragon to play with so I was unable to "stack" them as I was able to with the Omega QR-s (since I had 2). But at the end of the day I wouldn't want to be without either. I think they ended up in the appropriate places and the combination has resulted in a very compelling musical experience.
Thanks for the share mxk116.

Has anyone moved from a Sigma NR v2 on a DAC to a QRS on a dac? Particularly MSB dac, I'm curious what the uplift is like
I finally installed an Omega XC into my system, replacing the Sigma XC feeding Typhon T2+Denali. Wow! I also have Omega XLR cables in my system, so part of the effect could be cumulative but the XC is the best upgrade I've done this year, and maybe last. It sounds fantastic, even out of the cold!

What I am really liking compared to the Sigma is much more relaxed feel, rich tone, and bigger, more 3D images. An all Sigma system can be a bit aggressive in comparison, but Omega is so rich and pleasant. It really sounds expensive, and not clinical at all. Incredible leap above Sigma that I really didn't anticipate, esp compared to what I experience going from Alpha NR to Sigma NR to Sigma NR v2.

Now I'm thinking how I can budget some QR-s for my components. Very impressive.
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Having given the XC a little more time, I think it's fair to say that with an Everest 8000 or Denali+Typhon T2 stack, go hard or go home. The sound is so much better. I'm hearing/feeling things I haven't since when I was last plugged into the wall. The Sigma had it a bit underpowered IMO, but at full capacity with Omega XC I don't think any speed or dynamics are sacrificed with the power distribution system. At least with the lower power system I have, zero drawback, all benefit.

I also noticed a lot of little textural things becoming apparent that I had not heard before, the rustle of clothing as a musician shifts position, the fine details of strings or drum heads. Paradoxically, everything also seems much smoother and more fluid. What an awesome cable, and absolutely critical part of the Everest system.
My other power cables are all Sigma NR v2, but now I'm seriously looking into replacing at least a couple with Omega QR-s. Digital interconnects are Sigma (until Omegas arrive), and analog interconnects are Omega.

I have an unconventionally small headphone based system, built around an EMM Labs DA2 and NS1. My amp is a Zähl HM1 which drives Hifiman Susvara. I can hear extremely minute details that get lost in large room-based systems. This way I was able to build what I consider a true high end system for much less than a fully scale two channel system, and with much greater portability.

I'm definitely not saying I know for a fact that 500 watt mono blocks will sound as good as the wall plugged into the Denali+Typhon+Omega, but for myself I've finally reached a point where I feel nothing is constrained at all and things are feeling more relaxed and analog. The Omega power cables give a much more relaxed feel than Sigma.
My other power cables are all Sigma NR v2, but now I'm seriously looking into replacing at least a couple with Omega QR-s. Digital interconnects are Sigma (until Omegas arrive), and analog interconnects are Omega.

I have an unconventionally small headphone based system, built around an EMM Labs DA2 and NS1. My amp is a Zähl HM1 which drives Hifiman Susvara. I can hear extremely minute details that get lost in large room-based systems. This way I was able to build what I consider a true high end system for much less than a fully scale two channel system, and with much greater portability.

I'm definitely not saying I know for a fact that 500 watt mono blocks will sound as good as the wall plugged into the Denali+Typhon+Omega, but for myself I've finally reached a point where I feel nothing is constrained at all and things are feeling more relaxed and analog. The Omega power cables give a much more relaxed feel than Sigma.

thanks! I actually purchased a Denali 6000Tv2 and Sigma XC for my headphone system which is a Pathos Inpol Ear, Denafrips Terminator II 12th, Lumin U2, Focal Utopias w Danacable Nirvana.
However, I’m using Nordost Valhalla 2 power (plugged into the Denali) and IC’s.

I actually enjoyed what it did to my system and tried it on my speaker based system, which has all Valhalla2 cabling and an Isotek Conditioner. Swapping the Denali and Sigma in changed the character somewhat. I feel like I lost the sparkle I had but also gained some better listenability, PRaT, organic sound and some dynamic drive.

I have an Everest and Omega XC inbound and want to see what that does for my speaker-based system.
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We loved the Omega line up, except for the speaker cables. Everything - the PCs, USBs, and the XLRs - worked flawlessly for us, however the speaker cables filtered too much IMO. I much preferred the Sigma Speaker cables. But different systems and different listeners may prefer the Omega!

This said, we continued with our tests and ended up with Albedo cables - were going for a complete loom. They are a significant upgrade!

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Oh, I also meant to say I called Shunyata yesterday for advice on power cables in an all Shunyata system. They said if you’re using an Everest with Omega XC, that using more Omega QR or QR-S cables downstream was not recommended because the filtering in those power cords were duplicative of what was already in the Everest. That the Omega QR were meant for amps plugged directly into dedicated 20a outlets and not into a conditioner at all, and the QR-s meant for source or other lower voltage plugged directly into a dedicated line. The rep said I should use the Sigma v2 NR cables downstream from the Everest/Omega XC combo.
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We loved the Omega line up, except for the speaker cables. Everything - the PCs, USBs, and the XLRs - worked flawlessly for us, however the speaker cables filtered too much IMO. I much preferred the Sigma Speaker cables. But different systems and different listeners may prefer the Omega!

This said, we continued with our tests and ended up with Albedo cables - were going for a complete loom. They are a significant upgrade!

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Full loom of Albedo signal cables or are you replacing the Shunyata power cables, too?
Full loom of Albedo signal cables or are you replacing the Shunyata power cables, too?

Absolutely, in time. They are expensive, so it will take me a while. But the mono amp power cables have already been replaced with top of the line Albedo. It is amazing … you‘ve got to try thm!
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thanks! I actually purchased a Denali 6000Tv2 and Sigma XC for my headphone system which is a Pathos Inpol Ear, Denafrips Terminator II 12th, Lumin U2, Focal Utopias w Danacable Nirvana.
However, I’m using Nordost Valhalla 2 power (plugged into the Denali) and IC’s.

I actually enjoyed what it did to my system and tried it on my speaker based system, which has all Valhalla2 cabling and an Isotek Conditioner. Swapping the Denali and Sigma in changed the character somewhat. I feel like I lost the sparkle I had but also gained some better listenability, PRaT, organic sound and some dynamic drive.

I have an Everest and Omega XC inbound and want to see what that does for my speaker-based system.
Nice system! I'm a sucker for tube/SS hybrid amps and always wanted to try the Pathos amp but my DAC output is too hot.

You will love the Everest+Omega. Paradoxically, the Omega is smoother more relaxed, but also opens up the high end more. Though, it's a different character from Nordost.

We loved the Omega line up, except for the speaker cables. Everything - the PCs, USBs, and the XLRs - worked flawlessly for us, however the speaker cables filtered too much IMO. I much preferred the Sigma Speaker cables.
I wonder about the Omega speaker cable burn-in. It actually took two months for my Omega interconnects to shift from lean and bright to rich and slightly dark, and it looks like there is way more filtering stuff in the speaker cables. I would imagine it would take even longer. I had that experience vis the Sigma XLRs, which seemed warmer and more full at first but over many weeks gradually reversed.

That said, I doubt it would have moved the needle much on the decision to go full loom Albedo.
hey said if you’re using an Everest with Omega XC, that using more Omega QR or QR-S cables downstream was not recommended because the filtering in those power cords were duplicative of what was already in the Everest.
Respect to Shunyata, but I've found they tend to be very conservative and undersell their products. From my point of view, even if the filtering in the QR-S is unnecessary (I doubt it would have no impact) the biggest improvement with Omega is in the overall tone and fluidity. For example, neither of the XC cables have any noise filtering, but they sound very different.
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Nice system! I'm a sucker for tube/SS hybrid amps and always wanted to try the Pathos amp but my DAC output is too hot.

You will love the Everest+Omega. Paradoxically, the Omega is smoother more relaxed, but also opens up the high end more. Though, it's a different character from Nordost.

I wonder about the Omega speaker cable burn-in. It actually took two months for my Omega interconnects to shift from lean and bright to rich and slightly dark, and it looks like there is way more filtering stuff in the speaker cables. I would imagine it would take even longer. I had that experience vis the Sigma XLRs, which seemed warmer and more full at first but over many weeks gradually reversed.

That said, I doubt it would have moved the needle much on the decision to go full loom Albedo.

Respect to Shunyata, but I've found they tend to be very conservative and undersell their products. From my point of view, even if the filtering in the QR-S is unnecessary (I doubt it would have no impact) the biggest improvement with Omega is in the overall tone and fluidity. For example, neither of the XC cables have any noise filtering, but they sound very different.
Our Omega speaker cables were already all burnt in. They already had hundred of hours on them.

They were no competition for even the mid-tier Albedos! The Mono- Crystal Sliver of the Albedos make all the difference! Contact Oz for a free demo! Our dealer is Tony @ Ellington HiFI. Once you hear Albedo - even they’re mid tier- they can‘t be unheard! Albedo is absolutely amazing!
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Our Omega speaker cables were already all burnt in. They already had hundred of hours on them.

They were no competition for even the mid-tier Albedos! The Mono- Crystal Sliver of the Albedos make all the difference! Contact Oz for a free demo! Our dealer is Tony @ Ellington HiFI. Once you hear Albedo - even they’re mid tier- they can‘t be unheard! Albedo is absolutely amazing!
Did you make a decision on the Altaria?
Is Tony providing you a demo or do you need mine?
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