From having refined systems over many decades I have built up a repertoire of aspects of sound reproduction that I focus on, that tell me whether it's audibly flawed or not - and that's the only thing I worry about: what I "like the best" is the Ferrari that's OK, vs. the identical one that only differs by having one tyre very badly out of balance, meaning at speed the rear vision mirror is vibrating so hard it's ready to fall off. Strangely enough, I don't need measurements to tell me something's wrong, though some engineers might dispute such ...Unfortunately the point in question is about reducing system noise, not what sound you subjectively prefer. It is not a given that one follows the other. You simply don't know. The mo3 example is not relevant. With that You have a difinitive original to compare with. You don't with the noise issue in your system.
Sorry I am still lost with the PA system point you are trying to make.
So you are confirming that the best you can is purely a subjective opinion regarding what you like the best.
The audio industry has done a dreadful job of developing measurement techniques that detect these sort of things - it's trapped in the "which sound do you like best?" nonsense, rather than evolving "this is correct sound, and this is damaged sound - can you pick the difference?" procedures.
I like sound which fools me in the same way as the real thing; "damaged" sound just sounds like, well, an ordinary "hifi" setup, or typical PA - it's obviously fake, no matter where you listen to it. Of course, if these aspects don't matter then you might as well buy an Aldi boombox, and be content with that ...